New England Public Service List 10/14/04

Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.

The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as
**** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****

Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email

Oct 22 Cambridge MA Head of the Charles Regatta Jeff N1FWV 978-536-2842
Oct 23 Cambridge MA Head of the Charles Regatta Jeff N1FWV 978-536-2842
Oct 24 Cambridge MA Head of the Charles Regatta Jeff N1FWV 978-536-2842

This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists, and on the World Wide Web. If other mailing list owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the URL below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:

(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.

We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the information is from another published source. We very much appreciate the assistance we have been receiving from our ‘scouts’; everyone is welcome to send us postings.
Refer to for the most recent version of the PSLIST.

“ARRL Night” at Framingham ARA 11/04/04

FARA logoGordy Bello, K1GB writes:

“We will be having ‘ARRL Night’ on November 4. Our featured guest speaker will be Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, who is the ARRL Affiliated Club and Mentoring Manager. Norm will be showing a power point presentation dealing with the future of ham radio and growing clubs through Elmering as well as developing new hams. I have been told that Norm is a dynamic speaker, so you should not want to miss this meeting! Please spread the word of this meeting outside of FARA, as we would like to have a super turn out for Norm!”

FRS Course in Wellesley

FRS radiosThe Wellesley Recreation & Continuing Education Department is offering a Family Radio Service (FRS) two-way radio course on November 9, 2004 from 7-9 PM.

“License-free FRS, which is not telephone system-dependent and is free to use, is a good way for senior citizens to stay in touch with neighbors, family groups and friends. It is a short range alternative to cell phones, especially when there are communications outages due to storms, etc.

“The one-night workshop is also good two-way radio training for community volunteer work, e.g., Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Citizen Corps, Neighborhood Watch; and can provide a useful foundation for becoming a licensed GMRS radio operator, or even a licensed Amateur Radio operator (ham).

“Contact Wellesley Recreation at (781) 235-2370 or email, or contact the instructor, Robert McGuane at (781) 235-2055 or email”

—Wellesley Amateur Radio Society The Sparkgap, Volume 29, No. 8, October 2004

Algonquin ARC Active For JOTA 2004

JOTA 2004 logoAlgonquin Amateur Radio Club members will be active in this weekend’s Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) operations. AARC’s Eric Williams, K1VJ will lead the operation at Jericho Hill on Saturday from 3PM until 5PM. He invites interested club members to contact him if they’d like to participate.

—Algonquin ARC QRZ, October 2004

EMA Staff Meets In Burlington

EMA ARRL logoThe Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Staff met on October 14 in Burlington for a semi-annual cabinet meeting. Those attending the dinner-meeting were: Bob Salow WA1IDA (ASM), Jim Duarte, N1IV (PIC), Frank Murphy, N1DHW (ACC), Mike Ardai, N1IST (BM), Jim Ward, N1LKJ (STM), Ed Parish, K1EP (TC), Rob Macedo, KD1CY (Asst. SEC), Mike Neilsen, W1MPN (SEC) and Phil Temples, K9HI (SM). Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI (SGL) was unable to attend; instead, Shawn prepared a written report.

The group discussed a wide range of topics, including the state of the section’s traffic nets, club activities, recent technical inquiries, and a comprehensive wrap-up of ARES and emergency communications activities.

W1MPN, who will assume SM duties in January, 2005, addressed the group about his future plans for section leadership.

JOTA “QRV” In Bridgewater

JOTA logoTom Kinahan, N1CPE writes:

“I’m working with a Boy Scout troop in Bridgewater, led by my brother-in-law, including my nephew, for JOTA this weekend. We plan on spending a few hours with the 14 scouts at the Bridgewater EOC, by arrangement with Carl Aveni (N1FY). I understand a some Bridgewater locals will stop by as well.

…Our main goal is to get each scout on the radio to talk to someone. I’ve coordiated with a few other JOTA groups, and we may talk on VHF if HF is bad. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get everyone on.

We’re also going to point them in the direction of the Radio Merit Badge.

I’m going to arrange a tour of the State EOC for these scouts coming up.”

Algonquin ARC Flea Receives ARRL Approval

Scene from past AARC flea marketARRL Headquarters has given the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club its blessing for AARC’s February, 2005 flea market.

In a letter dated October 14, 2004 to AARC’s Ann Weldon, KA1PON, ARRL Convention Program Manager Gail Iannone wrote, “We’re pleased to tell you that Director Frenaye has approved the application of the Framingham Amateur Radio Association to hold an ARRL approved hamfest in Marlborough, MA on February 19, 2005.”

Boston ARC Sponsors Ham Radio “Elevator Speech” Contest

Boston ARC logoThe Boston Amateur Radio Club is holding an innovative, fun contest for its members, billed as an “elevator speech” contest. Club president Eric Falkof, K1NUN posed this question to the membership: “Suppose you are holding your HT in hand while going down an elevator, and someone gets in and sees you and it. They say, ‘What’s that?’ Do you get flustered and say you’re not authorized to give out that kind of information, or do you say it is a ham radio?”

Falkof is encouraging BARC members to write a short explanation that can be given in under 30 seconds so that that “inquisitive [person] will leave with a newfound respect and admiration for ham Radio.” K1NUN adds that the average person might speak between 100 and 150 words in a 30-second period of time.

Boston ARC members are asked to submit their entries by November 25. The entries will be published in the December issue of the BARC’s newsletter, The SPARC after which they will be voted on at the Club’s December Holiday Party.

“The talk should not too long, and not too short, but just right,” adds Falkof. “If that person wants to know more, you’ve accomplished your purpose.”

The SPARC, October 2004

New England Flea Markets 10/11/04

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2004 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~
2004 Contact Source
8,9 Oct Lake Placid NY NNYARA $5@2PM inc 1sp Tom WB2KLD 518 827 4800 W

9 Oct Nashua NH NE Antique RC $15/T@7 $2@9 @StStan's Marty 603 938 5051 F

9 Oct Orange MA MARC @Elks $10/S@6 $2@8 John AE1B 978 355 0019 F+

10 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv Sell@6 Buy$7@9 Andrew N1XXU 203 235 8440 W

10 Oct Queens NY HoSARC $5@9A $10/S@7:30 Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

16 Oct Greenwood NS GARC @CommCtr $3@10 Sell@8 Guy VE1NC 902 825 6151 R

17 Oct Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F
Third Sunday April thru October

23,24 Oct Waltham MA Photographica @HS ~photo~ Ed Shaw 617 965 0807 F

24 Oct Lindenhurst NY ToBARES Walter KA2RGI 631 957 0218 A

30 Oct Waterford CT TriCityARC Auction @10 Tom WA@RYV 860 464 6555
5 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @7:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228 F

7 Nov Framingham MA FARA @WalshMS $5@9 $15/T@7:30 Bev N1LOO 508 626 2012 W+

13 Nov E Falmouth MA FARA @KoC $3@9 $9/S@7 Jim WA1GPO 508 840 3021 F

4 Dec Windsor CT VintgeR Museum @33MechanicsSt $12/T@8AM John 860 673 0518
LAST UPDATE 10-11-04 de W1GSL P 1 of 2
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2005 Contact Source
LAST UPDATE 10-11-04 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2004 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

This list has been posted... as a service of the individual home page
owners, to the following WWW sites.

List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham - Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2004 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders

Amherst MA Mt. Tom ARC

Adams MA N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv

Framingham MA FARA

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Whately MA FranklinCARC

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf

Southington CT SARA

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus

Lewiston ME AARC

Portland ME PAWA

Henniker NH CVRC

Bergen NJ BARA

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES

Long Island NY LIMARC

Massapequa NY GSB ARA

Queens NY Hall of Science

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA

Rochester NY AWA

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC

Essex Junction VT Burlington ARC

Milton VT RANV VT Conv

Montreal PQ MARC

Montreal PQ WIARC

Montreal PQ MS-SARC

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T

St Therese PQ CRALL

Halafax NS HARC

Canada RAC List

Phila. Area VARA List


BCRA Kids Net Starting Up

FRARC/BCRA logoRoland Daigault, N1JOY writes:

George, KB1CNA & Skip, KB1CNB will be starting up a new net designed just for kids. The [Bristol County Repeater Association] has been supporting three schools with Amateur Radio in the classroom (Kuss, New Testament, and Third Baptist), so we already have a great start on getting students on the air. If you know any kid who may be interested, or especially know of a local school that has radio gear in the classroom, please join in and help us get more kids excited about Amateur Radio!

The idea behind the net was for George and Skip to get some kids on the air and used to operating. If the kids are not licensed, get them on the air anyway with a control operator in the room. The planned time for the net will be on Thursdays from 2:45 PM until 3:15 PM, or so. They are planning a kids’ ham news session that would give them something to talk about. The news need not be strictly ham-related, but something that would be interesting. Once the net has been established, each school can take turns being nt control and each group can add in their own way every week.

The 145.150 repeater has a “minus” offset, and a PL of 123.0 Hz.

I hope to hear all sorts of new young voices on the net!

JOTA Query

Jamboree On The Air logoDick Bean, K1HC writes on

“Any hams in the Brookline, Dedham, Needham, Westwood, or Dover area (Towns in the Boy Scout Noanet District) interested in helping Boy Scouts participate in the Jamboree on the Air October 16-17? I am a ham and a scout leader, but I will be with my troop (Troop 3 Westwood) on Cape Cod operating JOTA from Nickerson State Park (and I’m hoping for no rain!).

If you are in another town and are interested in JOTA, I will pass your information to the Boston Minuteman Council Boy Scout officials to see if they have other scouts interested in other areas in Eastern Massachusetts.

Please e-mail me at or call me at home at 781-461-0101.

Thank you,
Dick Bean, K1HC

Falmouth ARA To Tour ARRL Headquarters Oct. 26

Falmouth ARAFalmouth ARA members are planning an excursion to ARRL Headquarters. FARA will charter a bus that will depart from Falmouth Town Hall at 7:00 AM, October 26. The bus can accomodate up to 25 individuals. FARA has also extended an invitation to members of the Southeastern MA ARA to join FARA on the Newington tour.

“It should be a fun trip and anyone who wants to operate at W1AW may do so for a limited time,” remarked Falmouth ARA president Bob Courtemanche, N1WAT.

The trip cost is $40 per person; payment must be received by October 18.

USS Salem Scouting Demo Volunteers Needed Oct.-Nov. 2004

USS Salem RC QSL cardJ.C. Cunningham, W1AI writes:

“I still need volunteers for:

* Saturday, October 16, 2004 (~102 scouts)
* Saturday, November 6, 2004 (~246 scouts!)
* Saturday, November 13, 2004 (~135 scouts)
* Saturday, November 20, 2004 (~100 scouts)

All activities are from 3pm to 6pm on Saturday afternoon. (Volunteers should plan on being on the ship from 2:30pm till 6:15pm to help with setup, activities, and cleanup.)

Send me an email at to let me know which date(s) you will help.


USS Salem K1USN Radio Club scouting program volunteer coordinator

Mystic Valley ARG To Assist in Boston Fire Department Road Race On 10/17

MVARG logoPriscilla Richardson, N1VQY writes:

“This Sunday, Oct 17th, the Mystic Valley Amateur Radio Group will doing our annual emergency communications public safety event with the Boston Fire Dept. Local 718 on Hallet Street in Dorchester for their road race. This is will be in leiu of our monthly meeting. We will be meeting at 9am at Florian Hall on Hallet Street. The race will start at 10AM and we should be over by noon time. Please let me know if you’re interested in helping out with communications. Our next regular club meeting will be held in November back in Medford.

Braintree EMA “CQ Jamboree!”

JOTA logoRobert F. James writes:

The Braintree Emergency Management Agency will hold a “CQ Jamboree” for all Boy and Girl Scouts on October 16-17, 2004 from 9 AM until 7 PM. All are welcome to attend. Amateur Radio equipment will be set up at the Braintree EMA Annex on Safford Street (Sunset Lake) just off Rt. 37 Franklin Street in Braintree.

JOTA is an annual event in which approximately 500,000 Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other using Amateur Radio. Scouts can earn their radio merit badge by making contacts with other Amateur Radio operators.

For more information, call BEMA at (781) 794-8188 or e-Mail Deputy Bob James at if you would like to attend or for more information.

N1ZZN Sited “Outstanding Amateur” By Whitman ARC

Jeff Lehmann, N1ZZNPhil Temples, K9HI & Jeff Lehmann, N1ZZNMembers and friends of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club honored Jeffery J. Lehmann, N1ZZN with their “Outstanding Amateur Radio Operator” award at a special club meeting on October 6. Club officials presented the plaque to Lehmann, along with a check for $1500.

Attendees at the award ceremony included the local media, members of Lehmann’s family and Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI, who presented N1ZZN with an ARRL Certificate of Merit.

Lehmann, a licensed Amateur since the age of 13, was nominated last year for the prestigious Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award. He’s been a key player in local ham activities, including the Plimoth Plantation Special Event station and the 100th anniversary Marconi Special Event operation. N1ZZN is a regular participant in the local traffic nets, SKYWARN, and numerous other public service events.

Marshfield Fair Special Edition Newsletter

The Whitman ARC has produced a very special eight-page special edition of their newsletter highlighting their special event operations (NN1MF) at the 2004 Marshfield Fair.

The September, 2004 issue of the Spectrum is unique in its depth of coverage and the abundance of high quality photographs. Club officers accumulated the material over the entire course of the highly successful week-long event.

A PDF version of this special edition newsletter can be viewed on the club’s website at

Harvard Wireless Club To Resume Activities With Tobin School Girls

HWC logoRadio activities will soon resume at the John Tobin Elementary School, according to Harvard Wireless Club Station Manager Tim McBride, N1QZY. McBride reports that he’s been in contact with Peg LeGendre, Science Mentor Teacher for the Cambridge Public Schools and advisor for the After-school Science Club.

“She says that they are ready to unpack the gear and begin,” says McBride, who adds that the group has an additional parent as a volunteer. “She can use additional help, especially female undergrad role models,” McBride adds.

Last year, LeGendre was awarded a Project Grant under the ARRL’s Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program (a.k.a. “Big Project”). The grant application, authored by LeGendre, was billed as a collaboration of Dr. LeGendre and the Harvard Wireless Club.

“Yankee Steam-Up” at New England Wireless & Steam Museum, 10/2/04

Steam Up photo, 2003“The Original Yankee Steam-Up” will be held on Saturday, October 2 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the New England Wireless & Steam Museum, 1300 Frenchtown Road, East Greenwich, RI.

The event is a delight for model makers, machinists, engineers & historians—and, radio buffs. Admission is $10.00; children under 12 are admitted for half-price. There is free parking, and food available.

For more information, visit

—photograph courtesy Michael Thompson, Copyright © 2003 NEWSM