Volunteers Sought for Baystate Marathon Games, Oct. 16

Terry Stader, KA8SCP writes:

The Lowell CERT Communications Team has been asked to support once again the Baystate Marathon and Half Marathon. This year the event is on Sunday, October 16th. Our operational time period is from approximately 0700 until event completion (estimated 1400). Our assistance has been requested by Lowell Office of Emergency Management and Lowell Fire Department. The communications team will be employing Amateur Radio to provide this communications asset. Amateur Radio will be used for two functions:

* Medical operations: the purpose of this net is to provide a communications link for medical requests/status to the incident command post.
* Accountability net: the purpose of this net is to coordinate with a race public information booth the status of runners who are unable to complete the race for any issue to any one is seeking this information.

Race info may be found at http://baystatemarathon.com/raceinfo.

Please contact Terry M. Stader at ka8scp@wb1gof.org if you are able to assist or would like more information.

Volunteers Sought for Boxboro Convention, Sept. 9-11, 2016

Boxboro logo

Boxboro Convention Volunteer Chair Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes:

Please forward this information to the members of your club.

The ARRL New England Convention will be held in Boxboro, MA on September 9, 10, and 11, 2016. We are looking for a large number of volunteers and are asking for your help.

Volunteers are asked to work a 2-hour shift, and will receive a voucher for a free lunch (maximum: $10 value). Jobs involve a minimum of physical activity, mostly long periods of sitting. Some jobs are outdoors, while others are indoors.

These are the times where volunteers are needed:

  • Friday: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Saturday: 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM, and also 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Sunday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM

If you can help, please indicate the times that you are available, and if you are available to work for more than one shift.

Please reply directly to Andy (KB1OIQ): kb1oiq@arrl.net or kb1oiq@mval.net.

Thanks, and 73,


BAA 10K Seeks Volunteers, June 26, 2016

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:

Volunteer registration is open for the BAA 10K on Sunday, June 26. The BAA is asking volunteers to register ASAP so event planning and logistics can go smoothly. Please feel free to spread the word with your own clubs and ham friends.

Expect this event to run from approximately 6:00 AM to noon. All you need to help out is a dual band (2m and 70cm) handheld, preferably with a gain antenna. To volunteer for the 10K, sign up with the BAA directly following the instructions below.

  1. Go to the BAA 10K volunteer site and press the “Volunteer Now” button.
  2. There are separate buttons for “Returning” and “First Time” Volunteers. If you’ve volunteered at a BAA event before, select “Returning Volunteer.” If you don’t know your BAA Volunteer Loyalty Number, use the button labeled “Retrieve Your Volunteer Loyalty Number” to look it up. If it returns a Volunteer Loyalty Number for you, fill that in where prompted.

    If the system does not provide you with a Volunteer Loyalty Number, or if you have not volunteered at a BAA event before, go through the “First Time Volunteers” button on the first page.

  3. Complete the personal information.
  4. Group status: Ham volunteers don’t need to join any group. You can answer “No” to both questions.
  5. Assignment request: Select “Ham Radio” from the top pulldown menu on the page. You are not required to make any selections on the lower menus.
  6. Complete the remainder of the application and make note of your application acknowledgment number. Seeing a acknowledgment number on the page is your indication that you have successfully completed the online application.

If you have any questions about the event or the sign-up procedure, feel free to get in touch with me at ab1rl@brettcsmith.org or (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Run of The Charles Volunteers Sought, April 24, 2016

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:

The Run of the Charles is one of the most unique public service events for hams each year. It’s a suite of canoe and kayak races for all different group sizes and course lengths. The variety draws all kinds of participants, and they all rely on us to help keep the event running safely and smoothly.

This year’s Run of the Charles is on Sunday, April 24. The full 26-mile course runs from Riverdale Park in Dedham down to Artesani Park in Brighton. Assignment check-in times vary by location, from 7:30 AM at far start points to 11:00 AM at portages near the finish. Since the CRWA relies on hams for all kinds of logistics, from on-site check-ins to rules infractions, there’s a position for volunteers at any experience level. For more information, visit the race Web site.

Volunteers for this event must have a dual-band (2m and 70cm) handheld radio and an antenna with improved gain over the stock rubber duck. These are necessary because many volunteer sites are low-lying areas where it can be a challenge to reach repeaters. If you can help, please write back with the following information:

  • Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
  • Phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
  • Your preferred e-mail address
  • The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring. Start sites that accept new registrations could benefit from a larger setup—think 10W+ and an antenna like a magmount or better. If you’re able and willing to bring that extra equipment, please let me know.
  • Your shirt size
  • Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?

If you have questions about the run, please get in touch by e-mail or phone (859) 466 5915.

Thank you, and 73,

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

Additional Call for Boston Marathon Volunteers

The Boston Athletic Association still needs Amateur Radio volunteers for the 120th Boston Marathon on April 18, 2016.

Radio team members provide communications linking the Hopkinton-based locations, net control, various course locations, including: first aid and water stations, observation points, supply vehicles, MEMA, sweep buses, and medical operations.

If interested, visit http://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/event-information/volunteer-information.aspx to signup.

Cape Cod Marathon Volunteers Needed

Henry Brown, K1WCC writes on Facebook:

Barry, KB1TLR still needs more operators to assist at the Cape Cod Marathon on October 25. Contact him at: timefliestoo@verizon.net.

Barry has stepped up to the plate to organize the race this year since Gene, KX1C will be away.

FARA provides primary communications for this event and your participation is important. To find out more about the race, check out the race website, http://www.capecodmarathon.com/marathon/.

Remember that participation is staggered, you do not always have to be at your station for the entire race, depending on your assignment.

Amended: Limited Volunteer Positions Still Available for Boston Marathon, April 20, 2015

Mark Richards, K1MGY writes on PART list:

The Boston Marathon is one of the most visible events for Amateur Radio in New England, and perhaps the country. As of today there are 276 of your fellow Amateur Radio licensees volunteering their time and skills to keep the medical logistics and reporting operations working at top efficiency to support the 30,000 runners expected in 2015.

However, 276 radio operators is just barely sufficient — we’d like a few more. If you are interested and available for a full day of high-value public service, please let me know. If you are possibly interested but have some questions before deciding, please ask me those questions; I’ll do my best to get you answers.

The official BAA volunteer registration deadline has long passed. The BAA is working with us to get a few more hams into the system. This window won’t be open for long, so please do not hesitate too long if you are going to consider this request.



The BAA Boston Marathon needs three (3) additional Amateur Radio communications volunteers for the COURSE segment of the event.  These openings are at the Net Control Operations Centre, and in one or more Medical Stations.

The Boston Marathon is one of the most visible events for Amateur Radio in New England, and perhaps the country.  As of today there are 273 of your fellow Amateur Radio licensees volunteering their time and skills to keep the medical logistics and reporting operations working at top efficiency to support the 30,000 runners expected in 2015.

However, 273 radio operators is just barely sufficient to staff our comprehensive communications plan — we’d like a few more.  If you are interested and available for a full day of high-value public service, please let me know.  If you are possibly
interested but have some questions before deciding, please ask me those questions; I’ll do my best to get you answers.

The official BAA volunteer registration deadline has long passed.  The BAA is working with us to get a few more Hams into the system.  This window won’t be open for long, so please do not hesitate too long if you are going to consider this request.

/Mark Richards

Mark Richards
29 Juniper
Littleton, MA 01460
617 592 4392

MS Walk Boston Volunteers Sought

Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:

Throughout the year, the National MS Society organizes walks to raise funds for multiple sclerosis research and patient advocacy. The Boston-area walks have long relied on hams to help ensure everyone’s safety. This year’s MS Walk Boston is on Sunday, April 12th. It starts at Boston University’s Nickerson Field, Harry Agganis Way in Boston, and runs along the Charles River. Volunteers will check in at 8:00 AM, and stay until the early afternoon.

Rick Savage, KB1LYJ, is organizing the hams for this event. To volunteer, please write him with the following information:

  • Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
  • Contact information: your e-mail address, postal address, and phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
  • Your shirt size
  • The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring
  • Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?

Rick can also answer any questions you have about the event.

Thanks for volunteering, and 73, ​

Brett Smith, AB1RL
Public Service Coordinator, Boston Amateur Radio Club

CERT Class at the Winthrop EOC

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and ARES Members Kathy Savage (KB1LPW) & Rick Savage (KB1LYJ) will be running a CERT ( Citizens Emergency Response Training) January 31st, plus 4 evenings ( February 11th & 25th, & March 4th & 18th) at Winthrop’s EOC. Guest lecturers for the training include Brittany Collins (KB1ZPS) and Jim Palmer (KB1KQW). More information can be found on the website – http://www.region4bvolunteer.org and click the upcoming events button and look for the CERT class registration information under Upcoming Events.

Kathy Savage

WRTC2014 Volunteer Training Session, May 31

WRTC2014 logo The WRTC2014 Organizing Committee and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club will conduct a joint meeting on May 31, 2014 beginning at 8:30 AM at Milara, Inc., 49 Maple Street, Milford. The purpose of the meeting is to recruit and provide training for volunteers who will be involved in the WRTC2014 event. Everyone is invited. The main door prize will be a TX38 tribander.

Registration for the training will begin around 7:30am (everyone will be asked to sign a release form if they have not already). Coffee and donuts will be available for breakfast.

The training starts promptly at 8:30am with a short indoor classroom-style review of the station setup process, including changes from last year. Two (possibly three) complete WRTC2014 stations will be constructed outside. The session is expected to conclude by 3 PM. Lunch will be served.

This is a “rain or shine” event. If it is raining, bring rain gear!

PART of Westford Halloween Pumpkin Patrol

PART of Westford logo

Alan Martin, W1AHM writes on PART-L:

Halloween and PART Pumpkin Patrol
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

As we have done for many years, PART will once again conduct Pumpkin Patrol in Westford on Halloween. Many of you are veterans and others may be volunteering for the first time… whichever you are… thank you in advance for your help!

Pumpkin Patrol is Amateur Radio volunteers providing additional eyes and ears to the Town of Westford during Trick or Treating. Our purpose is to observe and report any potential safety concerns back to the PART Pumpkin Patrol Net Control Station located at the Westford Police station. Reports from our patrollers are handed off to the Westford PD dispatcher and addressed by the Town’s public safety services. Our role is ONLY to report what we see and provide input to our Town’s public safety departments.

We like to have at least 6 mobile radio operators to patrol all the neighborhoods in the town, plus one net control operator at the police station. We can still use at least three more volunteers, including the distinguished role of Net Control.

Maps and a checklist of locations to watch will be provided when you check-in for your assignment. Check-in occurs at the Westford Police station where we record your call sign, vehicle and cell phone information. You do NOT need to be a resident of the Town of Westford to volunteer; by the time we’re done, you’ll have a real feel for the town’s geography!

The town specifies that Trick-or-Treating run from 6 PM until 8 PM. We normally run the operation from 5:30 PM until 10:00 – 11:00 PM. If the weather is lousy or the streets are quiet, the net closure time will be adjusted accordingly. We try and accommodate every individual’s schedule, we have run with 2 shifts in the past… an early and a late shift. We will accept your offer to assist at any time throughout the course of the evening. If there is interest, we will unwind at the British Beer Company after the event.

We plan to use the WB1GOF 2 meter repeater, 146.955MHz (P/L 74.4), for the entire event. So all a volunteer will need is a 2m radio. If you want to ride shotgun with another ham, that can be accommodated as well.

Feel free to drop me a note with any questions and/or if you would like to volunteer. Pass this along to others who may be interested.

North Attleboro Santa Parade Seeks Volunteers

The Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC will again provide communications support for the annual North Attleboro Santa Parade on November 25, 2012.

“First, let me thank those who have already signed up for the Santa Parade. If you would like to participate, but haven’t signed up as yet, there is still plenty of time,” writes SMHARC’s Bruce Alexander, KA1IG.

This year, KA1IG intends to introduce a new twist: tracking capabilities using several of the volunteers’ Kenwood D7 handhelds and other GPRS-capable radios. “This is an idea, hopefully, which will enable the parade committee to better know where gaps are happening.”

To volunteer, contact Bruce at ka1ig at verizon dot net, or phone at (508) 643-0008. KA1IG can also be found on the air on 447-975 or 147-195.

South Shore Hospital ARC Seeks Volunteers For Run to the Rock Road Race

John O’Neill, KB1QEM writes:

We are looking for Amateur Radio Volunteers for the annual “Run To The Rock” Road Race in Plymouth. This is an exciting event as we cover 3 separate race courses that converge on the Finish Line at Plymouth Rock.

Amateur Radio public service is interesting and offers a fun experience. The communication load for this event is fairly light, but safety and support for the participants and staff are always our primary concern. It is an excellent event for hams new to public service that want to gain experience.

A 2-meter hand-held portable is needed at most assignments however we do have a few locations that can be covered by a mobile unit. An antenna better than the “rubber duck” that came with your portable radio should be used for all public service events. Be sure you charge your radio’s battery before the event. An extra battery pack is sometimes helpful.

If you can help with this event on Saturday, September 8, 2012 please reply with all of the following information as soon as possible. If you have already volunteered, bear with me and reply to this message, also.

Full name

Call sign

Postal mailing address (including 9-digit ZIP code)

Home phone

Cell phone

Email address

Does your 2-meter radio have CTCSS (PL)?

Do you have a mobile 2 meter radio?

T-shirt size ( I believe we will be given one)

Please let us know if you have volunteered for this event before and would like the same assignment. While we cannot guarantee requested assignments, we will try our best to meet your preference. Please respond soon. If you know other hams who would like to volunteer, please pass along this email.


John O’Neill, KB1QEM
South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH

Run of the Charles Volunteers Needed, April 29, 2012

The 2012 Run of the Charles races canoes and kayaks from Needham to Allston. Once again, we have been asked to provide safety and administrative communications for the 30th running of this exciting event on Sunday, 29 April.

There are nine dams that require portaging by the paddlers and other hazards to be monitored. All races finish at Artisani Park (across from the WBZ studio) on Soldiers Field Road in Allston. Our assignment start times vary from 0700 to 1100 and should complete from 1000 to 1500, depending on location.

Safety and support for the participants is our primary concern, but a good dose of wet excitement is built in (for the racers, usually not the hams). Your ham communication help is essential.

A 2-meter, 5 watt hand-held is satisfactory but a dual-band radio is preferred. An antenna better than the “rubber duck” that came with your radio is essential. Be sure to charge your radio’s battery and have enough battery backup to last the day.

If you are new to ham public service or have limited experience and want to support this event don’t be concerned. Assignment difficulties vary and they can be based on experience. All hams, regardless of experience, are encouraged to volunteer for this event. For those who have done this before, your help is needed more than ever.

Ham public service is interesting and offers fun experiences, but the safety and support for the participants are always our primary concern. If you can help with the 2012 Run of the Charles on Sunday, 29 April, please reply with all of the following information as soon as possible. Email is the best method.

Full name

On-air name

Call sign

Postal mailing address (including 9-digit ZIP code)

Evening phone

Day phone

Cell phone

Email address

Does your 2-meter radio have CTCSS (PL)?

Do you have a dual-band radio?

Do you have a magnetic mount antenna?

T-shirt size

Let me know if you have volunteered for this event before and would like the same assignment. While I cannot guarantee it, I will try to give you the assignment you want. If you know other hams who would like to volunteer, ask them to send the above information to me. If you are new and want to get more public service experience, this is an excellent event to get your feet wet (figuratively). This event is an opportunity to learn the ropes.

Your assistance is valuable. Please let me know promptly if you can help. Assignments and more details will be sent as soon as available. If you have already volunteered, bear with me and also reply to this message.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Bob Salow, WA1IDA

Operators/volunteers needed for W1S, May 12-13 at Watch City Festival

W1S is currently seeking operators and loggers for the station, as well as volunteers to help with the setup. Technician class licensees may operate under supervision of higher class licensees. Advice on antennas, etc. also appreciated. We need your presence, your ideas, and your expertise.

On May 12-13, 2012, the City of Waltham, Massachusetts and the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation host “Watch City Festival, Waltham: the Original Steampunk City,” with a projected attendance of 15,000. More information on the festival is available at:



W1S, sponsored by the Waltham ARA, will be part of the festival, showcasing ham radio to the public and local emergency management.

For more information or to volunteer, Contact:

Bill McIninch, KA1MOM/E



All volunteers are asked to include which day and what hours they will be available; minimum time requested is 2 hours. Victorian/steampunk attire not required, but some appropriate items will be made available for station staff.

Tentative details of the operation:

Transceiver will be disguised in a simulated sparkgap station based on the Massie station at the New England Wireless and Steam Museum. Operations on SSB on 14.280 MHz (locked in due to deadline for listing in CQ)

SCHEDULE: 1300-2300Z (0900-1900 EDT) May 12 and 13..

ANTENNA: zepp or fat dipole.


South Shore Hospital ARC Requesting Volunteers in Norwell for St. Patricks Day Road Race – Saturday 3/17/12

The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club has been asked to provide communications support on St. Patricks Day March 17th @ 9:00am. It is a 4 mile race starting at McGreals Tavern in Norwell on March 17th at 9:00 am. The race last for about 2 hours and is lots of fun. All that is required is a 2m radio (preferably handheld with a fully charged battery).  If you are a new ham this is a great opportunity to get some field experience.

They let the runners choose the charities.  They have 3 that we setup:  Kathy Frank Scholarship Fund, The Boys & Girls Club of Plymouth and Friends of South Shore Hospital.  Runners also have the option of setting up their own charity, bringing friends to run for their charity, and then we will make the donations post-race based on the number of runners each charity has run for them.

If you are interested in joining us please write to SSHARC@gmail.com.

John O’Neill

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH

55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #40
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Ham Volunteers Needed For Jimmy Fund Walk, Sept. 18

Steve Schwarm, W3EVE writes:

The Jimmy Fund Walk is Sunday, September 18, 2011. Hams are needed for the Buses and First Aid Stations. Times run from 5 AM to 7 PM. There are some half day assignments for the Morning. Everything is normally done by 7PM. This event is on the Boston Marathon Course but most of the activity is on the last half.

This a great event for a new ham who wants to try out public serve. Every thing will be on 2 Meters. A good antenna for an HT with extra batteries is what is needed for the First Aid Stations. A mobile antenna is needed for the buses. Drop me an email at w3eve at arrl dot net if you can help. Please put Jimmy Fund in the subject. Give me a call or send an email if you have questions.

South Shore Hospital ARC Seeks Volunteers for Run to The Rock Road Race

Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH July 10, 2011

To: All Amateur Radio Operators, a request to volunteer.

The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club has been asked by the organizers of the Plymouth Boys & Girls Club “Run To The Rock Road Race” to assist them with their communications needs on September 10,2011.

Joining forces with the South Shore Hospital group are members of the Whitman Amateur Radio Club and the Genesis Amateur Radio Society. This event is shaping up to be a fun and challenging event. If you’ve never had the opportunity to volunteer for such an event this is shaping up to be a fun and worthwhile experience.

We are in need of both experienced and inexperienced Operators to assist us in manning positions along the 3 different routes the runners will be traveling throughout Plymouth. Standard 2 meter equipment is all that is required.

There is a cookout for the runners and volunteers at the conclusion of the race.

Please volunteer to join us on September 10, 2011. Let’s demonstrate to the public the fellowship, spirit, and value of Amateur Radio. Information about the race is available at http://runtotherock.webs.com. To volunteer, please send an email to SSHARC@GMAIL.COM. Please include your name, call-sign, and phone number.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

John O’Neill, KB1QEM
President South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
Email: oneilljr at gmail dot com
55 Fogg Road
South Weymouth

K1USN RC International Museum Ships Weekend Wrap-up

USS Lawence/ K1USN QSL card“Pi” Pugh, K1RV writes on K1USN RC list:

The 2011 International Museum Ships Weekend was a resounding success!

We had quite a group of operators, helpers and visitors last weekend and we were able to make close to 1000 contacts with 46 states, 31 DXCC countries and 24 participating Museum Ships! The K1USN QSL requests are already pouring in! We hope to have our new cards printed ASAP.

We arrived at 7 PM Friday evening to get the HF stations ready to go. We ran the Yaesu FT-920 and 500 watt Ameritron Amplifier on 20 meters into the Sommer yagi. It performed flawlessly.

We decided to use the Kenwood TS-690-S into the G5RV antenna as our second station and concentrated on 40 meters.

We had over 250 contacts before shutting down for the night at 11:30PM.

Many of the K1USN crew went to Jamies in Braintree at 7 AM for breakfast before heading over to operate. Saturday morning we had both stations operational throughout the day and continued to rack up contacts. Although we did some operating on 17, 15 and 6 meters we pretty much stuck to the “bread n’ butter” bands of 20 and 40 meters.

Special thanks goes to Warren, WA1YKF, for doing a fine job preparing the ends of our hardline cable run to give us the option of using the R-5 vertical which is mounted on the phone pole at the lower end of the parking lot. This enabled us to add a third HF station using the IC-746-PRO and R-5. As an added bonus we found that six meters was open on Saturday and the R-5 loaded quite well on that band, too.

BTW, we were able to work a number of old friends including several who spent many hours operating with us during previous MSW events onboard the USS Salem. Bruce, K1HTN and Norm, WA1DBR as well as former USS Salem crew member, Radar, N2GDY.

We were unable to get our vintage station operational this year, but we already have plans for some station improvements by W1EKG and KB1IIU. BTW, Bill has offered to supply a watertight box for completing the hardline installation.

We had a total of 976 contacts with 262 on CW and the rest on SSB.

We worked 46 states missing only Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota and Wyoming.

Here is a list of the 31 DXCC countries worked: K United States VE Canada EA8 Canary Islands KP2 US Virgin Islands KP4 Puerto Rico TI Costa Rica HA Hungary DL Germany OE Austria V3 Belize UR Ukraine UA European Russia SP Poland I Italy EA6 Balearic Islands YO Roumania ZA Albania PA Netherlands ON Belgium V4 St Kitts YU Yugoslavia S5 Serbia UL Kazakhstan F France LX Luxembourg G England CU Portugal HP Panama EA Spain LZ Bulgaria SM Sweden

Here is a partial list of those who particIpated with us during MSW 2011. My apologies for any omissions.


Here is a list of the 24 participating ships we worked this year:

Please QSL each ship directly

USS Lexington Aircraft Carrier Corpus Christi, TX W5LEX

USS Yorktown Aircraft Carrier Charleston , SC WA4USN

USS New Jersey Battleship Camden, New Jersey NJ2BB

USS Massachusetts Battleship Fall River, MA N1EPL

SS Willis B Boyer Bulk Carrier Toledo, OH W8WBB

HMS Belfast Cruiser London, UK GB2RN

USS Littlerock Cruiser Buffalo, New York W2PE

USS Turner Joy Destroyer Bremerton, WA NS7DD

USS Slater Destroyer Escort Albany, NY WW2DEM

USCGC Mackinaw Icebreaker Mackinaw, MI W8AGB

*LS Nantucket Lightship East Boston, MA W1NLS

*LS Overfalls (LV 118) Lightship Lewes, DE KB3MIP

*Carl D Bradley Limestone Carrier Rogers City, MI W8CDB

USS LST-325 LST Evansville, IN WW2LST

MS Atlantis Minesweeper Dresden, Germany DK0MHD

SS Keewatin Passenger Steamship Saugatuck, MI K8CJQ

U-5075 Seehund Submarine Quincy, MA. WW2MAN S637 Espadon Submarine Saint-Nazaire France F6KBG

U-995 Submarine Laboe Germany DL0DMB

USS Batfish Submarine Muskogee, OK WW2SUB HMCS Onondaga Submarine Rimouski, Quebec VA2GNQ

SS American Victory Victory Ship Tampa, Florida W4AVM

*SS Lane Victory Sat Only 1600 to 2200Z Victory Ship Los Angeles, CA W6LV

Naval Tech’l Museum La SPEZIA A.R.M.I. Italy II1ICS

One final word to mention the VE exams this Saturday at K1USN! Please contact Bill, K1WN (k1wn@aol.com) if you want to take an exam.


Pi – K1RV