Mark Richards, K1MGY writes on PART list:
The Boston Marathon is one of the most visible events for Amateur Radio in New England, and perhaps the country. As of today there are 276 of your fellow Amateur Radio licensees volunteering their time and skills to keep the medical logistics and reporting operations working at top efficiency to support the 30,000 runners expected in 2015.
However, 276 radio operators is just barely sufficient — we’d like a few more. If you are interested and available for a full day of high-value public service, please let me know. If you are possibly interested but have some questions before deciding, please ask me those questions; I’ll do my best to get you answers.
The official BAA volunteer registration deadline has long passed. The BAA is working with us to get a few more hams into the system. This window won’t be open for long, so please do not hesitate too long if you are going to consider this request.
The BAA Boston Marathon needs three (3) additional Amateur Radio communications volunteers for the COURSE segment of the event. These openings are at the Net Control Operations Centre, and in one or more Medical Stations.
The Boston Marathon is one of the most visible events for Amateur Radio in New England, and perhaps the country. As of today there are 273 of your fellow Amateur Radio licensees volunteering their time and skills to keep the medical logistics and reporting operations working at top efficiency to support the 30,000 runners expected in 2015.
However, 273 radio operators is just barely sufficient to staff our comprehensive communications plan — we’d like a few more. If you are interested and available for a full day of high-value public service, please let me know. If you are possibly
interested but have some questions before deciding, please ask me those questions; I’ll do my best to get you answers.
The official BAA volunteer registration deadline has long passed. The BAA is working with us to get a few more Hams into the system. This window won’t be open for long, so please do not hesitate too long if you are going to consider this request.
/Mark Richards