KC1DKY Fox Deployed in Billerica, October 19, 2018

Nicholas J. Mollo, KC1DKY, writes on the fox hunter list on October 19, 2018 at 1:07 PM:

With the crisp autumn air and changing leaves, what a great time to get out on a trail and find a fox!  The KC1DKY fox is out in Billerica on conservation and recreation land.  It’s a nice quarter of a mile walk from the parking location, if you go to the right trail head.  The fox is less than 50 feet from the trail.  Fox frequency is 146.565 MHz.  Transmit a DTMF tone of 1 to activate the fox.  It will jingle for 30 seconds and be quiet for 15 seconds.  This will repeat for 20 minutes.  It should be available until middle next week.  If you happen to be in the right location and it does not active, try transmitting a few # tones, but only if you are in the correct general area and still cannot seem to turn it on.

Good luck!

******SPOILER ALERT*****

daeh liart daor evoc elbert

tserof etats acirellib


W1HFN Fox Deployed, Littleton, October 4, 2018

Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the foxhunting list at 12:52 PM on October 4, 2018:

At 12 noon today, Thursday, Oct 4th, I deployed the fox in the George and Lucy Lapp Conservation land off Newtown Road in Littleton. The frequency is 146.565, constantly running, and a voice ID of 20 seconds every minute. NO PI within a 100 ft diameter circle of the hide.

Good luck!

W1HFN Fox Deployed in Littleton

Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the foxhunting list on September 15, 2018:

Barring sudden catastrophe, the W1HFN fox will be loose at:  


UPDATE 7:36 AM, September 16, 2018:


Sorry, I left out the important bits;  146.565, it runs constantly, no tones needed.  A 20 second voice ID every minute, so there is 40 seconds of no signal.  Makes for a bit of a challenge.


Hopefully, it will run through Thursday the 20th.  In any event, it will be recovered then.


Good luck,


Barry – W1HFN


Genesis ARS Fox Hunt Training and Antenna Building, September 8, 2018

Jack Buckley, W1AKN writes in the Genesis ARS Newsletter:

Please plan to attend the fox hunt training session planned for Saturday, September 8 at 9AM at the Genesis ARS Meeting Room, Plymouth Airport.  This training session is in preparation for the fox hunt on September 15 following the GARS Breakfast.
We have ordered several 2-meter tape measure beam kits that will be available for purchase and will help you to build the kits at the training session.

Wilmington Fox Active, July 19, 2018

Nick, KC1DKY writes on the fox hunters list:

I’ve put the KC1DKY fox out on conservation land in the town of Wilmington.

Fox frequency is 146.565MHz.  Send a DTMF tone of 2 for a second to activate the fox.  It will cycle through 30 seconds of tones and 30 seconds of silence for 10 minutes.  The fox will need to reactivated after that time.  Sign the book if you find it.  Email me, or find me on the repeaters if you need help.

Reverse the letters for the street name of the trail head
evird htapwot
It’s hidden about a tenth of a mile from the road and it’s about
25feet from the trail.

Good luck!


Fox “On the Loose” in North Chelmsford, July 8, 2018

John Salmi, KB1MGI writes on the Fox Hunters list on July 8 at 10:20 AM ET:

Andy, KB1OIQ has placed his 80-meter fox out in North Chelmsford at crooked Spring Conservation land.



Andy, KB1OIQ adds:

Frequency:  3579.5 khz (give or take)

It is on a 12 hour cycle.  I deployed it around 8:45 AM.  It should transmit for 12 hours, then stay silent for 12 hours, and repeat until the battery discharges.

I plan to retrieve it on Monday after work.  I hope it is still transmitting at that time.

I’m still fiddling with the circuitry to extend the battery life.


Wilmington Fox Deployed, July 7, 2018

Nickolas Mollo, KC1DKY writes on the Fox Hunters list on July 7, 2018 at 3:54 PM:

Attention Fox Hunters,

The KC1DKY fox is on the loose on Wilmington conservation land. Frequency is 146.565 MHz with a DTMF of 2 for a second or so. Sign the note pad if you find it.  If you have trouble send me an e-mail.


Nick, KC1DKY

The fox is located off of (respell backwards)
daor drahcnalb
It is not on the trail leading from the cul-de-sac but further back in the area
as there are too many houses right there.
You’ll have to chose left or right, but the arrow will only point right.
The fox is only about 20ft from the trail.

Fox Activated, Wilmington, June 27, 2018

Nick Mollo, KC1DKY writes on the Fox Hunters mailing list at 6:54 PM ET on June 27, 2018:

Attention Fox Hunters!

The KC1DKY FOX is out and about in Wilmington on town conservation land. Set your transceiver to 146.565 MHz, press your PTT, give a DTMF of 2, and if you are close enough, you’ll hear it beep back at you. Don’t forget to ID with your call sign when you attempt to activate it.

If you are new to fox hunting, there are several websites with good info, that include:

I use my Baofeng with no antenna when I’m close enough and I go off frequency.  You gotta know your equipment.

SPOILER ALERT!  The location for anyone stuck (backwards)

daor llim – setatse eilyk



High Altitude Balloon Launch, Nashua, New Hampshire, June 3, 2018

Nashua Area Radio Society high altitude balloon launch screenshotAnita Kemmerer, AB1QB writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:
The Nashua Area Radio Society will be launching a high altitude balloon tomorrow morning, June 3rd, from Hollis Brookline High School.  We are working with students from World Academy in Nashua, NH and Hudson Memorial School in Hudson, NH.  
Here is some information on how to track our flight:  https://www.n1fd.org/2018/06/01/hab-3-launch/

Fox Placed in South Chelmsford, May 26, 2018

John Salmi, KB1MGI writes on the Foxhunting mailing list:

I have placed a 2 Meter 146.565 DTMF Tone 2 to activate in South Chelmsford at the Red Wing Farm Conservation [Area] at 17 Maple Road.

No bushwacking needed to find. Only one way in to get to the Fox Box. It is clear to walk into box location.

New Fox Hunting Listserv Now On-line

A new fox hunting listserv is now on-line, according to PART of Westford‘s Dave Welsh, WI1R.

“This list is explicitly not just for PART members.  Anybody who is interesting in fox hunting, especially in the general area of Westford and the surrounding towns, is more than welcome to participate,” reports PART of Westford president Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ. “Please forward this email to any friends who may also be interested in fox hunting.”

The goal of fox hunting–otherwise known as Amateur Radio Direction Finding–is to find a hidden radio transmitter.  Typically, a transmitter would be hidden in conservation land well out of sight of passersby, and not in overly damp or other sensitive areas. 

“Make sure there is safe access to the fox.  Always be aware of your surroundings and your abilities.  Be safe and have fun!”

KB1OIQ invites fox box owners who deploy/hide their foxes to announce it via the list.   “Let us know when you’ve retrieved the fox so we’ll stop looking for it.  If there is a logbook, let us know who successfully found your fox.”

To sign up for the fox hunting list, go to http://lists.wb1gof.org/listinfo.cgi/foxhuntingwb1gof.org and complete the form.  As a subscriber to the mailing list, you may post messages to foxhunting@wb1gof.org.  If you have questions or require assistance in joining the list, contact Dave Welsh, WI1R at wi1r@wb1gof.org

W1HFN Fox Box QRV in Chelmsford, May 9, 2018

Barry Fox, W1HFN writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

The W1HFN fox box will be deployed at the Lime Quarry on Rte 110 [in Chelmsford] today [Wednesday, May 9, 2018].  Frequency is 146.565.  There is a 20 second voice message / ID every 3 minutes and a log to sign.  The unit is quite small–about the size of a deck of cards.

I will leave it out for a week, at that duty cycle batteries should last.

Good luck to all.

Fox Hunting Training, Westford, April 21, 2018

PART of Westford logoAndy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes on PART-L:

Mark your calendars for Saturday morning, April 21st, at 11 AM.  We will  hold a fox hunting training exercise at the Westford Town Common, which is across the street from the JV Fletcher Library, 50 Main Street.  The rain date will be Sunday morning, April 22nd, at 11 AM.

What is a “fox hunting”?  Otherwise known as “Amateur Radio Direction Finding”, fox hunting involves locating a hidden transmitter.  We’ll hide the transmitter, and you’ll find it.  No license is needed to find the transmitter, so ANYBODY can do it!

John (KB1MGI), Andy (KB1OIQ), and anybody else who wants to help will teach you the techniques used to find 2m, 70cm, and 80m low power transmitters.  We will supply the transmitters and some gear that you can borrow as you learn.

PART did this a few years ago.  It was well attended and quite fun.

80-Meter Amateur Radio Direction Finding Activity in Westford

PART of Westford logoAndy Stewart, KB1OIQ writes on the PART of Westford list:

I have built an 80m fox transmitter and plan to deploy it once spring arrives.  I also have two ARDF receivers for 80m. Very preliminary testing shows that the fox can be heard on 3.5805 MHz at least 3/4 mile away on slightly hilly terrain. This fox transmitter consists of an Arduino, which I programmed for this project, and a Cricket 80a (an 80m QRP CW transceiver).  It runs off of a 9.6V NiMH rechargeable battery.

More detailed information and the Arduino source code, can be found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/kb1oiq-ham-radio-projects/files/80m_ardf

You have time to get your 80m fox receivers before spring arrives. Consider the R3500D from China, or the RigExpert FoxRex 3500, or build your own!


Have a lot of fun, and 73.