ARRL Hurricane Webinar: 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season

SKYWARN logoThe ARRL will host a webinar on Hurricanes and the Amateur Radio Response to the 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season on July 7, 2011 from 8:00-9:30 PM EDT.

Representatives from the VoIP Hurricane Net, and amateur radio station WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center, the Hurricane Watch Net and the ARRL will be giving presentations and discussion in this webinar. The webinar is open to all Amateurs.

Rob Macedo, KD1CY will co-present. [Full story].





KD1CY Discusses SKYWARN On Radio Program

SKYWARN logoEastern MA ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator and SKYWARN Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY along with several town and Red Cross officials were featured recently on the WFCR radio program, “Focus Western New England: Tornado Aftermath” discussing the recent Western Massachusetts tornados.

An audio recording of the show can be heard on-line at Macedo can be heard at approximately 40 minutes into the recording.

See also: Special Announcement: WFCR 88.5 FM Amherst Massachusetts Talk Show on Western Massachusetts Tornadoes 6/29/11 4-5 PM.



STM Report EMA June 2011


EM2MN 26 482 199 537 KB1ENV
MARIPN 11 19 22 69 N1LKJ
HHTN 10 5 27 92 N1LUM
WARPSN 4 13 69 NA N1IX
N1IQI 0 633 1311 0 1944 X
KW1U 0 497 453 4 954 X
W1GMF 0 240 575 42 857 X
K1YCQ 29 198 186 34 447
N1LKJ 0 194 184 4 382
N1UMJ 2 125 85 4 216
W1PLK 0 16 12 10 38
KD1LE 0 18 17 1 36
KK1X 0 5 3 1 9
PSHR 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTALS
N1UMJ 40 40 20 180 0 10 290
KW1U 40 40 30 15 0 20 145
KD1LE 40 40 20 20 0 10 130
W1GMF 40 40 20 0 0 20 120
N1LKJ 40 40 20 0 0 10 110
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
KK1X 11 9 30 0 0 20 70

Marlborough Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week”

City of Marlborough 2011 Amateur Radio Week ProclamationThe City of Marlborough has recognized the efforts of its more than 140 licensed Amateur Radio operators “who have demonstrated their value in public assistance” with a special proclamation coinciding with Field Day.

The Proclamation, signed by Nancy E. Stevens, Mayor of Marlborough, recognizes ARRL Field Day and proclaims June 26-July 2, 2011 as “Amateur Radio Week.”

The document was on display at the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club‘s Field Day operation conducted from the City’s Emergency Operations Center.











Swansea Field Day Operation Garners Publicity on Providence TV

A joint Field Day operation in Swansea garnered some great publicity for Amateur Radio this weekend, including television coverage.

Carl Sawejko, WA1PQT was interviewed by two Providence, RI television crews who were on hand at the site to film the Field Day operations for the evening news. This year’s Swansea Field Day operation at the Town Hall Annex was a joint collaboration between the Pilgram Amateur Wireless Assocation (Taunton), and the Raymond J. Levesque Memorial ARC and the Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Group.

A video clip of the Channel 12 story can be viewed online at the WPRI web site. The WJAR Channel 10 web site is carrying this video interview.



MA Senate Passes Amateur Radio Week Declaration

2011 MA Senate Resolution honoring Amateur Radio WeekIn conjuntion with ARRL Field Day, the Massachusetts State Senate passed a Resolultion late last week “honoring Amateur Radio operators as they celebrate Amateur Radio Week and participate in Field Day.”

Like the Governor’s Proclamation, the Senate Resolution was brought about through the efforts of State Government Liaison, K3HI, Local Government Liaison Hank McCarl, W4RIG, by several club presidents; and, by one licensed Amateur in particular who happens to be a Massachusetts State Senator: Bruce Tarr, N1UIU.

Although a copy was not available to tour during Field Day, hard copies of the Resolution have been transmitted to ARRL Headquarters, and to Eastern and Western MA Section Managers Phil Temples, K9HI and Ed Emco, W1KT, respectively.

Sen. Tarr writes about the Resolution in his blog at

[See also: Governor Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts!]





How to Read a Technical Article (in QST)

How long does it take you to read your monthly copy of QST? Half an hour? Twenty minutes? Do you jump to the contest results and skip the rest? Maybe spend more time on the ads than editorials? Maybe you looked at some article title and thought, “That sounds interesting, but I could/would never do that!”

Here’s a guide to reading those skipped-over articles, especially the technically oriented ones, by Eastern MA ARRL Technical Coorinator Eric Falkof, K1NUN entitled, How to Read a Technical Article (in QST).







Framingham ARA Honors W1NXC, KA1HGL For “Decades Of Dedication”

Mary and Ed Weiss Award Presentation at FARA Banquet, 6/18/11The Framingham Amateur Radio Association honored two very special club members at a dinner banquet on June 18, 2011. Mary and Ed Weiss, KA1HGL and W1NXC, respectively, received honors, presents and congratulations before a packed audience of family, friends, and radio club members at the La Cantina Restaurant in Framingham.

ARRL Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI presented a special plaque on behalf of FARA to Ed and Mary which read,

“The Framingham Amateur Radio Association takes great pride in awarding this certificate for decades of dediction in teaching ham radio to those caring and hard-working club members, Ed Weiss, W1NXC and Mary Weiss, KA1HGL.”

W1NXC received the prestigious Herb S. Brier Award from ARRL in 2003 for his years of dedication in volunteer teaching of ham radio coures. He is also thought to be one of the first instructors in the nation to promote the concept of a “License-In-A-Weekend” class.

Mary was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers; Ed was given a Special Edition Vibroplex “bug” by FARA, and a copy of the 2011 ARRL Radio Amateurs Handbook courtesy of the Eastern MA ARRL Section. Both Ed and Mary received baseball caps embroidered with their call signs.

Event planning was handled by Sumner Weisman, W1VIV. Master of Ceremonies Jim Weckback, W1EQW kept the evening lively and animated with light-hearted humor. Numerous other club members contributed remembrances and congratulatory remarks.

[Photo courtesy WA1HAM]

Governor Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts!

MA Amateur Radio Week 2011 ProclamationJust in time for Field Day–Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick has declared June 25-26, 2011 to be “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts.

The Proclamation was signed at the Executive Chamber in Boston on June 15. The official document was awarded on June 21 to ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI who met wtih Bianca Hoffman in the Governor’s Office on Beacon Hill. Last year’s proclamation was secured through the diligent efforts of the Hampden County Radio Association in Western Massachusetts. (See <>.)

Several individuals worked to secure this year’s proclamation, according to Temples. “I want to acknowledge the work of our State Government Liaison, K3HI, along with effort by several club presidents–and in particular, one of our Local Government Liaisons, Hank McCarl, W4RIG of Gloucester,” remarked Temples. “Hank set up conversations with the office of the Senate Minority Leader–who is, coincidentally, a licensed amateur, and a member of the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association.” Temples added, “We hope also to secure a Senate Resolution honoring Amateur Radio before the start of Field Day.”

K9HI plans to tour with the official Proclamation throughout Eastern Massachusetts during the Field Day weekend.







Ham Help Needed for BAA 10K Race

Boston ARC logoThe BAA has added to its racing menu a 10K race on Sunday June 26, 2011. The race starts at 0800 on Charles St near the Boston Common and follows Commonwealth Ave and Bay State Rd to a turnaround at Babcock St. The return course is almost the same. The race is expected to attract around 5,000 runners of all abilities. It is believed the race should take no longer than two hours. Ham support for this event involves communications for medical, water station support and runner safety. Most ham assignments are scheduled to begin at around 0700 and should end around 0930.

This new BAA event is now added to the highly acclaimed Boston repertoire. Because of the BAA reputation it quickly attracted an international field including famed local runners as Bill Rodgers and Joan Benoit Samuelson. We have been asked to assist in maintaining the established quality level.

We know this is the Sunday of Field Day, but if you do not participate in Field Day or another ham event, please consider supporting this race. If you can help, please contact Tom Bertolino by email at kb1p at arrl dot net, or by phone at 781.608.6186; or Bob Salow by email at wa1ida at arrl dot net, or by phone at 617.650.0062. We need your help for this important community service.

–Thanks, BARC’s The SPARC, June 2011

Volunteer Exams At Cape Ann ARA Field Day

ARRL Field Day 2011 logoDean Burgess, KB1PGH writes on CAARAmail list:

The Caara VE team will hold an FCC Amateur Radio license exam session at this year’s field day event site at the Fuller School in Gloucester. The VE session will be on Sunday June 26th, from 10 AM until noon.

If you are planning to take a test please bring two forms of ID. One must be a picture ID and the other your Social Secuity number. Please bring $15.00 as well for the FCC testing fee. You may reserve a spot by e-mailing CAARA VE team leader Bob Quinn, WV1A at bquinn32 at comcast dot net.

We will also welcome walk-ins as well if you want to become a ham or upgrade your license at the last minute.

Norfolk County RA Demonstrates Amateur Radio at Walpole Fair

Norfolk County Radio Association members, led by Jeff Marden, KB1TJI, put together a very nice display about Amateur Radio on June 11, 2011 at the annual Walpole Village Fair on the grounds of the Episcopal Church in Walpole Center. Roger Turner, W1ZSA, generously provided equipment to round out the station that operated on 2, 10, and 20 meters. Several contacts were made.

Jeff also had a lap-top computer running a repeating video provided by the ARRL that gave a quick overview of ham radio entitled “Hello”.

Shown, below (l-r): Norfolk Co. RA Amateur Radio display at 2011 Walpole Village Fair; Jeff, KB1TJI, operating


Amateur Radio display at 2011 Walpole Village FairKB1TJI at 2011 Walpole Village Fair








Microwave Update 2011 & 37th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference, Call For Papers

Microwave Update 2011 & The 37th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference. Both sponsored by the North East Weak Signal Group at:

Holiday Inn
1 Bright Meadow Blvd
Enfield, CT, 06082 USA

October 13 – 15, 2011

This year the premier amateur radio microwave conference and the Eastern VHF/UHF conference will include tours, hospitality, swap session, equipment for measuring and tweaking, banquet and, of course, technical presentations.

Please visit for the latest updates, registration and hotel information. Contact Paul Wade W1GHZ at  w1ghz at arrl dot org by July 15, 2011 for paper and talk arrangements. Papers must be submitted by August 30.

K1USN RC International Museum Ships Weekend Wrap-up

USS Lawence/ K1USN QSL card“Pi” Pugh, K1RV writes on K1USN RC list:

The 2011 International Museum Ships Weekend was a resounding success!

We had quite a group of operators, helpers and visitors last weekend and we were able to make close to 1000 contacts with 46 states, 31 DXCC countries and 24 participating Museum Ships! The K1USN QSL requests are already pouring in! We hope to have our new cards printed ASAP.

We arrived at 7 PM Friday evening to get the HF stations ready to go. We ran the Yaesu FT-920 and 500 watt Ameritron Amplifier on 20 meters into the Sommer yagi. It performed flawlessly.

We decided to use the Kenwood TS-690-S into the G5RV antenna as our second station and concentrated on 40 meters.

We had over 250 contacts before shutting down for the night at 11:30PM.

Many of the K1USN crew went to Jamies in Braintree at 7 AM for breakfast before heading over to operate. Saturday morning we had both stations operational throughout the day and continued to rack up contacts. Although we did some operating on 17, 15 and 6 meters we pretty much stuck to the “bread n’ butter” bands of 20 and 40 meters.

Special thanks goes to Warren, WA1YKF, for doing a fine job preparing the ends of our hardline cable run to give us the option of using the R-5 vertical which is mounted on the phone pole at the lower end of the parking lot. This enabled us to add a third HF station using the IC-746-PRO and R-5. As an added bonus we found that six meters was open on Saturday and the R-5 loaded quite well on that band, too.

BTW, we were able to work a number of old friends including several who spent many hours operating with us during previous MSW events onboard the USS Salem. Bruce, K1HTN and Norm, WA1DBR as well as former USS Salem crew member, Radar, N2GDY.

We were unable to get our vintage station operational this year, but we already have plans for some station improvements by W1EKG and KB1IIU. BTW, Bill has offered to supply a watertight box for completing the hardline installation.

We had a total of 976 contacts with 262 on CW and the rest on SSB.

We worked 46 states missing only Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota and Wyoming.

Here is a list of the 31 DXCC countries worked: K United States VE Canada EA8 Canary Islands KP2 US Virgin Islands KP4 Puerto Rico TI Costa Rica HA Hungary DL Germany OE Austria V3 Belize UR Ukraine UA European Russia SP Poland I Italy EA6 Balearic Islands YO Roumania ZA Albania PA Netherlands ON Belgium V4 St Kitts YU Yugoslavia S5 Serbia UL Kazakhstan F France LX Luxembourg G England CU Portugal HP Panama EA Spain LZ Bulgaria SM Sweden

Here is a partial list of those who particIpated with us during MSW 2011. My apologies for any omissions.


Here is a list of the 24 participating ships we worked this year:

Please QSL each ship directly

USS Lexington Aircraft Carrier Corpus Christi, TX W5LEX

USS Yorktown Aircraft Carrier Charleston , SC WA4USN

USS New Jersey Battleship Camden, New Jersey NJ2BB

USS Massachusetts Battleship Fall River, MA N1EPL

SS Willis B Boyer Bulk Carrier Toledo, OH W8WBB

HMS Belfast Cruiser London, UK GB2RN

USS Littlerock Cruiser Buffalo, New York W2PE

USS Turner Joy Destroyer Bremerton, WA NS7DD

USS Slater Destroyer Escort Albany, NY WW2DEM

USCGC Mackinaw Icebreaker Mackinaw, MI W8AGB

*LS Nantucket Lightship East Boston, MA W1NLS

*LS Overfalls (LV 118) Lightship Lewes, DE KB3MIP

*Carl D Bradley Limestone Carrier Rogers City, MI W8CDB

USS LST-325 LST Evansville, IN WW2LST

MS Atlantis Minesweeper Dresden, Germany DK0MHD

SS Keewatin Passenger Steamship Saugatuck, MI K8CJQ

U-5075 Seehund Submarine Quincy, MA. WW2MAN S637 Espadon Submarine Saint-Nazaire France F6KBG

U-995 Submarine Laboe Germany DL0DMB

USS Batfish Submarine Muskogee, OK WW2SUB HMCS Onondaga Submarine Rimouski, Quebec VA2GNQ

SS American Victory Victory Ship Tampa, Florida W4AVM

*SS Lane Victory Sat Only 1600 to 2200Z Victory Ship Los Angeles, CA W6LV

Naval Tech’l Museum La SPEZIA A.R.M.I. Italy II1ICS

One final word to mention the VE exams this Saturday at K1USN! Please contact Bill, K1WN ( if you want to take an exam.


Pi – K1RV

New England Flea Markets, 06/02/11

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2011 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~

2011 Contact Source

3 June Feeding Hills MA HCRA Tailgate Party @6PM Free Jim KK1W 413 245 3228

4 June Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN John 860 673 0518

4 June Goshen CT SBARC @FG Lee K1LEE 860 435 0051 A

4 June Hermon ME PSARC 8AM @HS Roger KA1TKS 207 848 3846

5 June Bethpage NY LIMARC @Briarcliff $6@9 s@7:30 Richie K2KNB 516 694 4937 W

11 June Windsor VT CVFMA @HS Free Ray K1XV 802 875 4525 +

12 June Queens NY HoSARC $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

18 June Newington CT NARL @StMarySch Steve WV1X 860 594 0265 A+

19 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

17 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

23 July N Haven CT YankeePeddler @HI $7@8$19/sp$15/T John N1GNV 203 440 4468 +

13 Aug Milo ME PARC @HS was StAlbans ME George WA1JMM 207 441 6112 A+

20 Aug St Albans VT StARC @VFW $5@9 Arn N1ARN 802 309 0666 W

LAST UPDATE 6-2-11 de W1GSL P 1
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2011 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety
New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2011 P2 of 2

2011 Contact Source

21 Aug Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F
Third Sunday April thru October

28 Aug Adams MA NoBARC @FG $4@8 TG$10@7 Timothy KE3HT 413 822 7075 W

10 Sept Ballston Spa NY SCRACES @FG @7 Darlene N2XQG 518 587 2385 W

10 Sept Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN John 860 673 0518

11 Sept Newtown CT CARA @TownHall @8:30 sell@7 Joe AB1DO 203 938 4880 W+

17 Sept Alexander ME StCVARC @ElSch William AA1ZR 207 853 2951 A

17 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW Rick K1KYI 401 864 9611 A+

18 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

2 Oct Queens NY HoSARC $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

9 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@8 John N1GNV 203 440 4468

14,15 Oct Deerfield NH Nearfest X @FG Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 T

15 Oct Greenwood NS GARC @CommCtr $4@10 T/Free Guy VE1NC 902 825 6151 W+

16 Oct Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 F

22 Oct Longueuil PQ MSSARC @PlDesauln $5@9 $10/T@6 David VE2EDF 450 672 9791 W+

29 Oct Gales Ferry CT TCARC Auction @FireCo @10 Darryl WA1DD 860 443 7799

4 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM Jim KK1W 413 245 3228

5,6 Nov Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~ John 781 592 2553

5 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions @8AM Chris KB1QVM 603 434 6137

12 Nov Bourne MA FARA @UpperCC VoTech $5@9 $10/S@7 Ralph N1YHS 508 548 0422

3 Dec Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor John 860 673 0518

LAST UPDATE 6-2-11 de W1GSL P 2 of 2
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Source F= Flyer T= tentative early info + = new info this month
A= ARRL R= RAC list W= web WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources. While we believe the info to
be accurate the author can not be responsible for changes or errors.
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details. This list will be
posted monthly to USENET. Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail <- SUBSCRIBE
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2011 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** 2011 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only. This page has the overflow if any P3
from the paper version.
2012 Contact Source

3 Mar Feeding Hills MA MtTARA @TurnverneinClb Mary N1TOY 413 967 4008 +

25 Mar Framingham MA FARA @KeefeTech Bev N1LOO 508 626 2012 +
LAST UPDATE 6-2-11 de W1GSL P 3
List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2011 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

List is normally updated twice a month – look for the latest version

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control
of the page owner.

* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated. *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to *

73 Steve F

New England Area Ham – Electronic Flea Market *** DATES *** P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites (c) 2010 W1GSL
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA Flea at MIT

Hopkinton NH Hosstraders RIP 🙁

Adams MA N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA NE ARRL Conv

Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Falmouth MA FARA

FeedingHills MA MTARA

Framingham MA FARA

Marlboro MA AARC

Newton MA Waltham ARA Auction

Rockport MA CAARA

S Dartmouth MA SEMARA

Wakefield MA Photographica

Whately MA FranklinCARC

Worcester MA WPI ACM

Enfield CT VHF/UHF Conf

Gales Ferry CT RASON


Newington CT NARL

Newtown CT CARA

North Haven CT

Southington CT SARA

Vernon CT NARC

Wallingford CT Nutmeg CT Conv

Windsor CT Vintage R Mus

Chelsea ME AARA


Lewiston ME AARC

S. Portland ME PAWA

St. Albans ME PARC

Thomaston ME PBARC

Windsor ME AARA

Deerfield NH NEAR-Fest

Henniker NH CVRC

Manchester NH NEAntiqueRC

Londonderry NH IRS

Rochester NH GBRA

Bergen NJ BARA


Ballston Spa NY SCRACES

LaGrangeville NY MtBARC

Lake Placid NY NNY ARA

Lindenhurst NY ToB ARES

Lindenhurst NY GSB ARA

Long Island NY LIMARC

Middletown NY OCARC

Queens NY Hall of Science

Rensselaer NY E Greenbush ARA

Rochester NY AWA

Rochester NY RARA

Wallkill NY OCARC

Greenwich RI Fidelity ARC

Colchester VT HAM-CON VT Conv

St. Albans VT STARC

Windsor VT CVFMA

Moncton NB TCARC

Quispamsis NB LCARC

Greenwood NS GARC +

Drummondville PQ leCRdeD

Greenwood PQ GARC


Montreal PQ MARC

Montreal PQ WIARC

Montreal PQ MS-SARC

Montreal PQ UMS

Sorel-Tracy PQ CRAS-T

St Romuald PQ ARES

St Therese PQ CRALL

Summerside PEI SPARC

Greenwood NS GARC

Halifax NS HARC

Timonium MD GBHC

Montreal Area MARC List

Canada RAC List

Phila. Area VARA List


P4 LAST UPDATE 6-2-11 de W1GSL P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet
US Mail W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 W1GSL SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety

Whitman ARC’s Annual Saftler’s Fundraising Event, May 29-30, 2011

Bruce Hayden, NI1X writes:

The Whitman Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual fundraiser at the Saftler’s flea market in Whitman on Sunday, May 29 and Monday, May 30. The flea is located at Saftler’s parking lot at the intersection of Routes 14 and 18 in Whitman. This is a general flea market with only one other vendor selling amateur radio equipment.

The WARC club station WA1NPO will be on the air operating from the event. Event organizers encourage everyone to check in on the Whitman 2-meter repeater on 147.225 (67 Hz PL) sometime during the fundraiser, or stop by.

Shown, right: the WARC crew at Saftler’s from Memorial Day weekend in 2006.

MA RMV Snafu With Ham Plates

KA1ULT MA plateDo you have a MA ham radio license plate? Do you need an inspection sticker?

According to Kevin Paetzold, K1KWP and other amateurs, you might run into a bit of a snafu getting your car inspected–at least for the moment.

Paetzold says he went to get his car inspected on May 12, and was told that the Registry of Motor Vehicles “cannot process inspections” for ham radio plates at this time.

According to Paetzold, “After hearing this from my inspection station I was able to verify this with the RMV itself.”

K1KWP was told there is supposedly “a fix in the works which should be available next week”. He adds, “The guy at the RMV told me [over the phone] that they changed their software to not accept anything but alphas and numbers. Therefore, ‘slant bar’ (the character that represents the “lightning bolt” on the plate) no longer works.”

In the meantime, those who have stickers that expire in May will just have to keep their fingers crossed.