Boston ARC to Participate In Blue Hill Observatory Fall Open House

Boston ARC logoOn Saturday, 2 October 2010, members of the Boston Amateur Radio Club will participate in the Blue Hill Observatory Fall Open House, helping them to celebrate their 125th anniversary by setting up a HF station to greet and demonstrate for the visiting public. The station will operate from 0900 to 1500 weather permitting. The plan is to send out a CQ announcing the 125th anniversary of the oldest continuous weather recording observatory in the USA. BARC will log each contact and send them a special eQSL card.

The club is asking for volunteers to help set up, staff the station, and tear down. Set up will begin at 0800 and hopefully send out their first CQ at around 0900. Staffing will be for at least three hams at a time: one to log, one to operate and one to answer questions about Amateur Radio for the public visitors. Tear down will be about 1500 for departure no later than 1600. If you can make it for a few hours while your family visits the Open House, let the club know when you can assist. You do not have to sign up for the whole day.

This is a low pressure fun event which offers the opportunity for Technician Class hams to operate under supervision on bands that they are not normally authorized. If you are interested in participating, please contact Tom, KB1P at or phone 781.608.6186.

Thanks, Boston ARC “The SPARC” and WA1IDA

KY1N List Goes QRT

The KY1N Memorial List, a popular New England resource documenting Volunteer Examinations is no more.

According to Jim Heedles, WW1Y, “with the increased effort and decreased usefulness, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for the KY1N List to go QRT.” WW1Y explains further: “For the past couple of years the KY1N list has largely duplicated the data located at the ARRL web site. The effort to reconcile the different data sources used to build the list has become less beneficial to the amateur community as the differences between the KY1N list and the ARRL/VEC list grew less and less.”

The list was named in honor of Raymond R. Lussier, KY1N (Silent Key), an active volunteer examiner and team liaison for the Mt. Moriah (Salem, N.H.) VE team.

“When the FCC created the Volunteer Examiner system in 1984, there was a need to provide exam session information to the amateur community and the general public. The KY1N list was started to address that need. Chick Hunt, KC1OX (Silent Key), was the maintainer for many years. Originally, Chick maintained it by hand, using phone calls and the US Postal Service to contact examination teams and gather the exam session data. Copies of the list were distributed to local ham and electronic stores and mailed to interested organizations.

“In the mid 90’s the growth of the internet and electronic mail systems made it feasible to distribute copies of the KY1N list via email to interested individuals. For well over a decade the KY1N list has been hosted by Their support has helped many to earn or upgrade their license.”

WW1Y says that individuals interested in finding information about Amateur Radio exam sessions can still go to these sites:

Heedles thanks everyone who has supported the KY1N Memorial List over the years.

–Thanks, WW1Y

New Naval-related Clubs in the Area

Nantuket Lighthouse ShipThere have been some new naval related Amateur Radio Clubs in this area. One is the Nantucket ARC, W1NLS aboard the Nantucket Lightship tied up to a pier in East Boston. The club call trustee is Mike Rioux, W1USN. Mike and a small crew were operating in the International Lightship/Lighthouse Weekend during August. (See Nantucket Lighthouse Operation Featured in Boston Globe.)

The original call for the club was KB1UPQ but was changed to a vanity call as soon as the original license was granted.

Another naval related club recently started is the USS Essex CV-9 Memorial ARC with the call of WW2CV. Club call trustee is Bob Reiser, AA1M. The USS Essex was an aircraft carrier that was sold and scraped many years ago.

Of course, most of you know of the USS Cassin Young DD-793 ARC with the call of WW2DD. USS Cassin Young is a decommissioned US Navy destroyer under the custody of the National Park Service in Charlestown and is currently in the dry dock at the Charlestown Navy Yard being refurbished.

–Thanks, QRA News, Sept. 2010, Volume 50, Issue 1

D-STAR Update

Terry Stader, KA8SCP writes on PART-L:

[This came in on another mail list; some good stuff for D-STAR users.]

“There are some items of interest to the D-Star user community worth making you aware of.

First and foremost, the 2 meter D-Star machine in Salem NH K1HRO port C has changed frequencies this morning (Wednesday , 8/25/2010 ), to 145.310.

Second, the N1HIT port C repeater has had a tremendous amount of work done, and is performing much better. It remains local only, no internet available yet, but we are checking a possible new source on that too. Please try it as much as possible, there are a few RF issues still, but it is about as good as possible. Reminder of the frequency: 145.320 on Mt Uncanoonuc in Goffstown on the WMUR tower.

Third, the Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford using WB1GOF C on 2 meters is about to go live any day now, hopefully prior to the Convention. Their frequency is 145.330.

Note that this was the frequency K1HRO had been on, and certain radios will attempt to reprogram the RPT 1 and RPT 2 settings automatically, so brush up those programming skills! Also note that this represents fairly close proximity and New England Spectrum Management Council coordination on 10 KHz channel spacing at 145.310, .320 & .330 all within a 30 mile triangle.

The folks at Minuteman Repeater Association are working hard to get the Prudential Boston repeater 145.160 W1MRA C up on their internet gateway server which will broaden their presence.

Finally, there are lots of activities on the experimental side – in Hudson NH Jim WA1SOT has added mixed mode on 449.975 call sign KB1UAP B. This is on a seperate trust server, very active in the Toronto area, and in Europe. N1FCC is close to deploying the KB1TIX B 446.725 and C 145.400 repeaters in Kensington NH.

These are noteworthy because there is a very aggressive trend to add an application on the gateway servers (called ircDDB) that allows full callsign routing and repeater callsign routing like the early days of D-Star (prior to D-Plus) across both the traditional US-Trust/K5TIT in Texas, and the international trust (Multi-Trust network), and even onto IRC, if that is the best path! Both WB1GOF and K1HRO are running the ircDDB addon. (Read more at

To summarize:

Look for K1HRO port C now on 145.310;
Try N1HIT port C as much as possible on 145.320 and announce power and location;
Watch for WB1GOF port C on 145.330, and brush up on the programming, callsign routing, repeater to repeater calling if you want to cross trust to trust among those systems that have the ircDDB add-on installed.

CAARA Tech-In-A-Day Class, Oct. 9, 2010

Stan Stone, W4HIX writes on CAARA Mail List:

The next Tech-in-a-Day will be on October 9th at the Lanesville Community Center. If you know of anyone who would like to attend or has questions, have them contact me at

All Volunteer Examiners are encouraged to help out for the testing phase in the afternoon. Let me know if you are available.


New England Area Flea Markets, Sept. 1, 2010

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~ 

2010                                                    Contact          Source

11 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG $5@8                     Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075  

11 Sept Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Tailgate   John 860 673 0518 W

11 Sept Ballston Spa NY SCRACES @FG @7                Al KA1IEG 518 677 3316 W

12 Sept Newtown CT CARA @TownHall $6@8:30 $15/T       Joe AB1DO 203 938 4880 W

18 Sept Alton NH MASONS @Lodge @7:30 Tg$10 $20/insidT Bob W1GWU 603 776 0086  +

18 Sep Forestdale RI RIFMARS @VFW $5/SP@8 Auction@11 Rick K1KYI 401 864 9611  +

18 Sept Omeaux PQ WIARC @Shriner's $5@9 $15/T@8      Ken VE2KLF              W+

19 Sept      Cambridge MA        FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776  
                   Third Sunday April thru October      

25,26 Sep Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~  John 781 592 2553  

2 Oct Manchester NH NHAntqRC @Bingo $10 @7:30 $3 @8:30  Charlie 603 898 4821  

3 Oct Queens NY HOSARC @HoS $5@9 $10/sp@7:30     Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

10 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@8        John N1GNV 203 440 4468  

15,16 October Deerfield NH Nearfest VIII @FG         Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 T

16 Oct Greenwood NS GARC @CommCtr $4@10 s@8         Eric VE1CFY              R
LAST UPDATE 9-1-10 de W1GSL                    P 1
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail  <- SUBSCRIBE              
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010  P2 of 2
2010                                                    Contact          Source

17 October   Cambridge MA        FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776  
                   Third Sunday April thru October      
23 Oct Longueuil PQ MS-SARC $5@9 $10/T@6           David VE2EDF 450 672 9791 W

30 Oct Gales Ferry CT TCARC Auction @FireCo @10    Darryl WA1DD 860 443 7799  

31 Oct Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevitHall            Richard K2KNB 516 694 4937 A

5 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM    Jim KK1W 413 245 3228  

6 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions                           N1NAZ 603 421 0940  

13 Nov Bourne MA FARA @UpperCC VoTech $5@9 $10/S@7  Ralph N1YHS 508 548 0422  

20 Nov Rockport MA CAARA @PigonCove                Richard KR1G 508 269 4941 A+

4 Dec Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor       John 860 673 0518 W

2011                                                    Contact          Source

26 Feb Colchester VT HAM-CON @Hampton $8@8 $15@6:30  Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589 T

5 Mar Feeding Hills MA MtTARA @TurnverneinClb        Mary N1TOY 413 967 4008  

14 May E Greenbush NY EGARA @FD $6@8 +$6?sp@6        Tom KC2FCP 518 272 1492  +
LAST UPDATE 9-1-10 de W1GSL               P 2 of 2
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Source    F= Flyer  T= tentative early info     + = new info this month
          A= ARRL R= RAC list  W= web         WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources.  While we believe the info to 
be accurate the author can not be responsible for changes or errors.  
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details.   This list will be 
posted monthly to USENET.     Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail  <- SUBSCRIBE              
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only.  This page has the overflow if any    P3
from the paper version.
2011                                                    Contact          Source

LAST UPDATE 9-1-10 de W1GSL                                             P 3
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Additions/ Corrections via Internet                           
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2009 W1GSL        SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

  List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control     
of the page owner.                                                           
* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated.            *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to      *

                             73 Steve F 
New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  ***     P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites                (c) 2010 W1GSL 
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA    Flea at MIT                        

Hopkinton NH    Hosstraders   RIP  :-(
Adams MA        N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA   NE ARRL Conv

Dartmouth MA    SEMARA             

Falmouth MA     FARA                         

FeedingHills MA MTARA     

Framingham MA   FARA                            

Marlboro MA     AARC   

Newton MA       Waltham ARA Auction

Rockport MA     CAARA                         

S Dartmouth MA  SEMARA                       
Wakefield MA    Photographica                      
Whately MA      FranklinCARC                

Worcester  MA   WPI ACM            

Gales Ferry CT  RASON                    
Goshen CT       SBARC                 
Enfield CT      VHF/UHF Conf          

Newington CT    NARL                    

Newtown CT      CARA      

North Haven CT                     

Southington CT  SARA  

Wallingford CT  Nutmeg CT Conv                 

Windsor CT      Vintage R Mus                        

Chelsea ME      AARA                       

Hermon ME       PSARC         

Lewiston ME     AARC           

S. Portland ME  PAWA                    

St. Albans ME   PARC    

Thomaston ME    PBARC                 

Windsor ME      AARA                        

Deerfield NH    NEAR-Fest                   

Henniker NH     CVRC                      

Manchester NH   NEAntiqueRC                        

Londonderry NH  IRS                    

Rochester NH    GBRA  

Bergen NJ       BARA  

Sussex NJ       SCARC

Ballston Spa NY SCRACES

LaGrangeville NY   MtBARC                       

Lake Placid NY  NNY ARA 

Lindenhurst NY  ToB ARES           

Lindenhurst NY  GSB ARA

Long Island NY  LIMARC                

Middletown NY   OCARC              

Queens NY       Hall of Science               

Rensselaer NY   E Greenbush ARA                       

Rochester NY    AWA    

Rochester NY    RARA    

Wallkill NY     OCARC                

Greenwich RI    Fidelity ARC

Colchester VT   HAM-CON VT Conv      

Swanton VT      STARC                     
Windsor VT      CVFMA                   

Moncton NB      TCARC                  

Quispamsis NB   LCARC                      

Drummondville PQ  leCRdeD  

Greenwood PQ    GARC  

Laval PQ        CRALL                    

Montreal PQ     MARC          
Montreal PQ     WIARC                 +

Montreal PQ     MS-SARC

Montreal PQ     UMS    

Sorel-Tracy PQ  CRAS-T                     

St Romuald PQ   ARES                         

St Therese PQ   CRALL        

Summerside PEI  SPARC   

Greenwood NS    GARC                  

Halifax NS      HARC          +

Timonium MD     GBHC                            

Montreal Area   MARC List      
Canada          RAC List    

Phila. Area     VARA List         

USA             ARRL List

P4 LAST UPDATE 8-1-10 de W1GSL                                          P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet                           
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 W1GSL        SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

Ham Help Needed For Jimmy Fund Walk, 9/12/2010

Jimmy Fund logoSteve Schwarm, W3EVE writes:

Hams are needed for the Jimmy Fund Marathon Walk. It will be on Sunday, Sept 12. There are hams needed at the medical station, at each “refueling station” and on the medical buses. It is a whole day event but there is some flexibility in start and end times for medical stations. You will need a 2 meter HT with extra batteries. This is a low key event and a good first public service event for a new ham.

If you can help or have a question, send an email. Make sure it has Jimmy Fund in the subject. Feel free to call me if you would like to talk about it.

Steve, W3EVE
cell: 508-922-9688
w3eve at earthlink dot net

Nantucket Lighthouse Operation Featured in Boston Globe

Nantucket/N1N Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend operationToday’s Boston Globe carried a feature story about Amateur Radio and the Nantucket Lightship operation in conjuction with the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. Globe correspondent Sydney Lupkin quoted Mike Rioux, W1USN of Boxford, MA, along with Robert Mannino of South Hampton, NH, who acquired the lightship for $1 in October 2009 from the National Lighthouse Museum.

Amateurs from the USS Cassin Young Amateur Radio Club staffed the lightship for the special event operation, using the callsign N1N.

Nashoba Valley ARC’s “Lantern Battery Challenge” Begins in October

W1XP lantern battery setupThe Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club is continuing a neat tradition that encourages on-air activity by its members: the second annual NVARC Lantern Battery Challenge. This operating event begins at the end of the October meeting and runs until March 1, 2011. The goal is to contact as many stations as possible using a pack of lantern batteries as the sole power source. An entry fee is charged to cover the cost of the batteries. Complete rules and an entry blank will be available at the September NVARC meeting.

According to NVARC’s Bob Reif, W1XP, the Lantern Battery Challenge “is primarily a QRP event but the actual power is not specified.” There are several classes of entry, including: CW, SSB, digital, and mixed modes. Additionally, participants are restricted to using wire antennas or verticals no more than 50 feet in height. But, says Reif, “there is an unlimited category that you can compete in with your big antenna farm if you desire. The main purpose of this event is to have fun. And everyone that entered last year said they did.”

Participants operate for the event duration from October to March, or until his or her lantern battery is exhausted. They can run as much or little power as they wish, but all sending and receiving must be powered by the battery, comprised of ten lantern battery cells.

Logs will be due at the March meeting. Awards will be given out at the April NVARC meeting. Spreadsheets, computer logs or even paper logs on ARRL log book format are acceptable. A summery sheet is required and the exact form will be provided. QSLs are not required but verification by the judging committee is possible.

The idea is to have the period of operation cover the usually good HF conditions of fall and winter. All contacts must be made on the normal “contest” bands of 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Work any station only once per band, per mode.

Good luck in the “contest!”

Thanks, Nashoba Valley ARC Signal, August 2010, Volume 19, Number 8

Boxboro 2010 is Coming!

Boxboro 2010 logo

ARRL New England Division Convention Chairman Mike Reisbeck, K1TWF writes:

The ARRL New England Convention, “Boxboro!”, is around the corner!! It’s at the Holiday Inn Boxborough, in Boxborough, MA. There are ICS and Skywarn courses on Friday, August 27 (signup will be required). The Flea Market and Exhibits run Saturday, August 28 and Sunday, August 29. There’s the Friday night Contesting Dinner, the Saturday Night Banquet with keynote speaker ARRL CEO Dave Sumner, K1ZZ and the ARRL Wouff Hong Ceremony on Saturday at midnight. Go to to see the latest details.

There’s still time to order your tickets. Visit and click on BUY TICKETS. Remember, tickets for the Friday Contesting dinner and Saturday Banquet must be preordered.

We’ll see you there!

Chatham Marconi Maritime Center Dedicated


Amateur Radio and wireless history are proudly on display on Cape Cod with the dedication on August 1, 2010 of the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center (CMCC) in Chatham.

CMMC will be open this year for a preview of its exhibits until just before Labor Day. The Grand Opening will be in 2011.

The Center, situated on the receiving site of former Marconi/RCA coast station WCC features “numerous exhibits of radio receivers, teletype machines, a directional antenna, and a diorama” of radio station WCC. Morse code keys for interactives, videos and slide shows are being integrated into the exhibits.

During its heyday, the receiving station used six rhombic antennas supported by poles on 18 acres of land to communicate to and from ships all over the world. In addition to its commercial value, WCC was used by the military to intercept German communications during World War II. The station was the subject of the Mooncusser Films documentary Chatham Radio: WCC the Untold Story, narrated by Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD (Silent Key).

Amateur radio figures prominently at the Marconi Maritime Center. “Since Amateur Radio is the link between the station’s past and the present, it can show visitors what communication via radio was like in the midst of artifacts from the station’s past,” comments WCC Amateur Radio Association’s Rob Leiden, K1UI.

Prior to the Center’s renovation/rededication this month, WA1WCC was an active enterprise. “WA1WCC operated during the 100th anniversary of Marconi’s first transatlantic transmission. We’ve also been on the air for special anniversaries, like Marconi’s birthday,” adds Leiden.

WA1WCC features two complete HF stations, including a linear amplifier. At present, it sports a 70-foot loaded zepp and a 40 meter dipole, and more antennas are planned. Although the station isn’t regularly accessible to the public during business hours, Leiden says it is open to visitors “by appointment.”

Many local hams have contributed to the station’s efforts through their labor and donations of equipment. Membership in the WCC ARA currently numbers around a dozen members–many of whom are former WCC operators.

–Thanks, K1UI

ICS-100 Training At Boxboro

MEMATom Kinahan, N1CPE writes on mras-general list:

We’ve asked MEMA to hold a special ICS-100 training class for any and all ham radio operators during the Boxboro ARRL New England Ham radio convention.

On Friday August 27 from 9am to 4pm, we will be offering an in person ICS-100 training class. If you are involved or want to be involved in emergency communications or emergency management with any government or non-government agency, they will require you to have taken this class, and some others. The training class is Free, and you will need to bring your lunch, or buy it there. On Saturday and Sunday August 28 and 29 there will be many other seminars and events including a flea market.

In order to attend this ICS-100 class, you will need to pre-register. Convention tickets will not required for this class. (but will be available)

Go to for details.

Download the registration form at:

and either fax it, or email it to

MMRA Fox On The Air At Boxboro Convention

MMRA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association Foxbox will be hidden and activated at the ARRL New England Division Convention in Boxboro on August on August 27, 2010 before 6 PM. It will continue to operate during the Convention.

According to a special edition of the organization’s newsletter, the device will periodically transmit on 145.630, PL 146.2. It will be moved on Saturday at around 5 PM to a new location. MMRA will publish a list of those who find the box on Friday and Saturday at their booth by noon on Sunday. The successful foxhunters’ identities will also be announced in the MMRA September newsletter.

The organization wants to assist those newcomers who desire a little help in getting started in fox hunting. “Let us know if you would like to have an experienced fox hunter give you tips or even potentially lead you on a fox hunt.”




St. Columbkille Summer Campers Learn About Ham Radio

K9HI and K1NUN present about ham radio at St. Columbkille Summer Camp #1Boston College – On Thursday, August 5, students from the St. Columbkille Summer Camp at Boston College participated in a unique demonstration of an old technology that is still new today – Amateur Radio.

Phil Temples, K9HI, a staff member in the Boston College Computer Science Department, and Eric Falkof, K1NUN, an employee of the Hewlett-Packard Company explained some basic principles of radio theory to the 5th, 6th and 7th graders in attendance. The presentation was one of several activities comprising the Camp’s Science & Technology curriculum.

Falkof used a Slinky toy to demonstrate the basic concepts of frequency and wavelength. He also demonstrated an operational shortwave station complete with a vertical antenna mounted on a stepladder, and Morse code telegraph keys made from paper clips, a doorknob, and a block of wood. The campers then completed a fun quiz in the Morse code and the international spelling alphabet.

Several lucky campers had the opportunity to speak directly over the radio by voice to a local ham operator in the Boston area. Later, the group spoke with an individual who was driving in his car near Huntsville, Alabama.

K9HI and K1NUN present about ham radio at St. Columbkille Summer Camp #2

Although ham radio is as old as radio itself, amateurs have made great strides in modernizing the hobby service. Temples described and demonstrated how computers and the Internet are reshaping what we define as radio. Temples connected – by radio linked via the Internet – with nodes in the Midwest and Ireland.

The campers were excited to learn the Morse code, and talking to a stranger a thousand miles away seemed a bit weird, but the excitement of a practical use of science for personal fun is a memory that will not fade quickly. They learned about the many aspects and uses of ham radio – including first-hand that it’s a party line of excitement, learning, and friendships over the air.

For information about teaching Amateur Radio in the classroom, see <>. Information about the St. Columbkille Summer Camp can be obtained by contacting the Boston College Office of Governmental & Community Affairs at (617) 552-4787.

[See also: St. Columbkille Summer Campers Explore Amateur Radio as Part of Sci-Tech Curriculum]


Hurricane Hudson Drill Garners Statewide Participation

Phil McLaughlin, KB1CYO; Steve Schwarm, W3EVE; Rob Macedo, KD1CY; Jim Tynan, KC1JET at the National Weather Service in TauntonAmateurs across Massachusetts participated in the “Hurricane Hudson” emergency exercise on August 2, 2010. The two hour exercise involved members of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) members from both Western and Eastern Massachusetts, the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS), Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) in towns and cities, as well as the National Weather Service in Taunton.

The exercise scenario, designed by Eastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, and other MRAS leaders, called for significant infrastructure damage to landline and cellular telephone, and loss of commercial power. EMAs were encouraged to report damage assessments to state and federal authorities as well as practicing simulated recovery operations at their discretion as a training opportunity.

The exercise utilized a wide variety of communications modes, including: RACES nets, the Echolink *NEW-ENG* conference node, the IRLP Reflector, the MEMA VHF Radio system on non-amateur frequencies for cities, towns and agencies, the MA Web EOC, and the MA Health and Homeland Alert Network. At various times during the drill, RACES nets were forced to reconvene to simplex frequencies due to simulated repeater outages.

Tom Kinahan, N1CPE and a team of Amateurs staffed the Massachusetts State EOC. Terry Stader, KA8SCP and a team of Amateurs staffed the MEMA Region 1 Tewksbury office. Bob Mims, WA1OEZ and a team of operators staffed the MEMA Region 2 office. Steve Rodowicz, N1SR, and others staffed the MEMA Region 3 office, while John Ruggerio, N2YHK and a team of amateurs staffed the Worcester City Emergency Operations Center which supports the MEMA Region 3 office. The National Weather Service in Taunton was staffed by Rob Macedo, KD1CY along with four other amateurs. Many local city and town Emergency Operation Centers were also staffed. ARES Command Centers were staffed at the local town of Bridgewater EOC, local town of Acushnet EOC and the Clay Center Observatory in Brookline, Massachusetts through the efforts of Carl Aveni, N1FY in Bridgewater; Ed Caron, KA1RSY in Acushnet; and Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG in Brookline.

Frank O'Laughlin, WQ1O operating from the Hyannis American Red Cross station, K1PBO

Several Amateur operators from neighboring states, including Connecticut and New Hampshire participated in the exercise as well as hams from the Maritime provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada. In addition, Amateur Radio Coordinators from WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center checked in and montiored drill operations from their home locations. They extended their thanks and support to the region for conducting hurricane drill operations.

Thanks, KD1CY

Photos: top, right: Phil McLaughlin, KB1CYO; Steve Schwarm, W3EVE; Rob Macedo, KD1CY; Jim Tynan, KC1JET at the National Weather Service in Taunton; bottom left: Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O operates the Barnstable ARC’s club station, K1PBO at Hyannis American Red Cross Hq.

W1T Thatchers Island On The Air

CAARA logoThe Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association will conduct a special events operation this weekend using the call sign W1T from Thatchers Island, off of coast of Rockport. Club members will be on the air making contacts beginning late on the afternoon of Friday, August 6, continuing until the afternoon of Sunday, August 8. No QSL details are known at this time.

A national historic landmark, Thatchers Island is unique in that it features twin lighthouses situated on each end of the island. It is the very first lighthouse to mark a “dangerous spot” along the coast–all previous lights were built to only mark harbor entrances.

This is the third activation by radio of the Island by the Cape Ann ARA.

New England Area Flea Markets, August 1, 2010

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~ 

2010                                                    Contact          Source
14 Aug Gales Ferry CT RASON @FireHs $4@9 $15/T       Chip N1MIE 860 376 0888  

14 Aug Swanton VT StAARC @RavenIndPk                  Arn N1ARN 802 309 0666 A

14 Aug St Albans ME PARC @Snowmobile Club         George WA1JMM 207 441 6112 A 

15 August    Cambridge MA        FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776  
                   Third Sunday April thru October      

22 Aug Adams MA NoBarc @ AggieFG $5@@8 $10Sell        Tim KE3HT 413 822 7075 F+

27,29 Aug Boxboro MA FEMARA NE Conv                  Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 A

11 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG $5@8                     Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075  

11 Sept Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Tailgate   John 860 673 0518 W

11 Sept Ballston Spa NY SCRACES @FG @7                Al KA1IEG 518 677 3316 W

12 Sept Newtown CT CARA @TownHall $6@8:30 $15/T       Joe AB1DO 203 938 4880 W

18 Sept Alton NH MASONS @Lodge @7:30 Tg$10 $20/insidT Bob W1GWU 603 776 0086  +

18 Sep Forestdale RI RIFMARS @VFW $5/SP@8 Auction@11 Rick K1KYI 401 864 9611  +

18 Sept Omeaux PQ WIARC @Shriner's $5@9 $15/T@8      Ken VE2KLF              W+

19 Sept      Cambridge MA        FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776  

25,26 Sep Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~  John 781 592 2553  

2 Oct Manchester NH NHAntqRC @Bingo $10 @7:30 $3 @8:30  Charlie 603 898 4821  

3 Oct Queens NY HOSARC @HoS $5@9 $10/sp@7:30     Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

10 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@8        John N1GNV 203 440 4468  

15,16 October Deerfield NH Nearfest VIII @FG         Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 

16 Oct Greenwood NS GARC @CommCtr $4@10 s@8         Eric VE1CFY              R
LAST UPDATE 8-1-10 de W1GSL                    P 1
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail  <- SUBSCRIBE              
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010  P2 of 2
2010                                                    Contact          Source

17 October   Cambridge MA        FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776  
                   Third Sunday April thru October      

23 Oct Longueuil PQ MS-SARC $5@9 $10/T@6           David VE2EDF 450 672 9791 W

30 Oct Gales Ferry CT TCARC Auction @FireCo @10    Darryl WA1DD 860 443 7799  

31 Oct Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevitHall            Richard K2KNB 516 694 4937 A

5 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM    Jim KK1W 413 245 3228  

6 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions                           N1NAZ 603 421 0940  

13 Nov Bourne MA FARA @UpperCC VoTech $5@9 $10/S@7  Ralph N1YHS 508 548 0422  

4 Dec Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor       John 860 673 0518 W

2011                                                    Contact          Source

26 Feb Colchester VT HAM-CON @Hampton $8@8 $15@6:30  Mitch W1SJ 802 879 6589 T

5 Mar Feeding Hills MA MtTARA @TurnverneinClb        Mary N1TOY 413 967 4008  

LAST UPDATE 8-1-10 de W1GSL               P 2 of 2
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Source    F= Flyer  T= tentative early info     + = new info this month
          A= ARRL R= RAC list  W= web         WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources.  While we believe the info to 
be accurate the author can not be responsible for changes or errors.  
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details.   This list will be 
posted monthly to USENET.     Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail  <- SUBSCRIBE              
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only.  This page has the overflow if any    P3
from the paper version.
2011                                                    Contact          Source

LAST UPDATE 8-1-10 de W1GSL                                             P 3
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Additions/ Corrections via Internet                           
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2009 W1GSL        SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

  List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control     
of the page owner.                                                           
* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated.            *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to      *

                             73 Steve F 
New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  ***     P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites                (c) 2010 W1GSL 
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA    Flea at MIT                        

Hopkinton NH    Hosstraders   RIP  :-(
Adams MA        N BerkshireARC

Boxborough MA   NE ARRL Conv

Dartmouth MA    SEMARA             

Falmouth MA     FARA                         

FeedingHills MA MTARA     

Framingham MA   FARA                            

Marlboro MA     AARC   

Newton MA       Waltham ARA Auction

Rockport MA     CAARA                         

S Dartmouth MA  SEMARA                       
Wakefield MA    Photographica                      
Whately MA      FranklinCARC                

Worcester  MA   WPI ACM            

Gales Ferry CT  RASON                    
Goshen CT       SBARC                 
Enfield CT      VHF/UHF Conf          

Newington CT    NARL                    

Newtown CT      CARA      

North Haven CT                     

Southington CT  SARA  

Wallingford CT  Nutmeg CT Conv                 

Windsor CT      Vintage R Mus                        

Chelsea ME      AARA                       

Hermon ME       PSARC         

Lewiston ME     AARC           

S. Portland ME  PAWA                    

St. Albans ME   PARC    

Thomaston ME    PBARC                 

Windsor ME      AARA                        

Deerfield NH    NEAR-Fest                   

Henniker NH     CVRC                      

Manchester NH   NEAntiqueRC                        

Londonderry NH  IRS                    

Rochester NH    GBRA  

Bergen NJ       BARA  

Sussex NJ       SCARC

Ballston Spa NY SCRACES

LaGrangeville NY   MtBARC                       

Lake Placid NY  NNY ARA 

Lindenhurst NY  ToB ARES           

Lindenhurst NY  GSB ARA

Long Island NY  LIMARC                

Middletown NY   OCARC              

Queens NY       Hall of Science               

Rensselaer NY   E Greenbush ARA                       

Rochester NY    AWA    

Rochester NY    RARA    

Wallkill NY     OCARC                

Greenwich RI    Fidelity ARC

Colchester VT   HAM-CON VT Conv      

Swanton VT      STARC                     
Windsor VT      CVFMA                   

Moncton NB      TCARC                  

Quispamsis NB   LCARC                      

Drummondville PQ  leCRdeD  

Greenwood PQ    GARC  

Laval PQ        CRALL                    

Montreal PQ     MARC          
Montreal PQ     WIARC                 +

Montreal PQ     MS-SARC

Montreal PQ     UMS    

Sorel-Tracy PQ  CRAS-T                     

St Romuald PQ   ARES                         

St Therese PQ   CRALL        

Summerside PEI  SPARC   

Greenwood NS    GARC                  

Halifax NS      HARC          +

Timonium MD     GBHC                            

Montreal Area   MARC List      
Canada          RAC List    

Phila. Area     VARA List         

USA             ARRL List

P4 LAST UPDATE 8-1-10 de W1GSL                                          P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet                           
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2010 W1GSL        SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

Texting Bill Legislation Update from State Government Liaison K3HI

MA State Government Liaison Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI writes:

[Beacon Hill] finally published the text of the compromise bill:

The bill doesn’t look exactly like I thought it would, given the Senate amendments, but it looks OK. Here’s the important part, in the updated definitions section of Chapter 90:

“Mobile telephone”, a handheld or portable cellular, analog, wireless, satellite or digital telephone, including a telephone with 2-way radio functionality, capable of sending or receiving telephone communications and with which a user initiates, terminates or engages in a call using at least 1 hand. For the purposes of this chapter, “mobile telephone” shall not include amateur radios operated by those licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to operate such radios, or citizen band radios.

This bill doesn’t have a hands-free mobile phone requirement. If they ever enact one, we’ll be exempt.

Can you use APRS/messaging systems while driving? The prohibition on texting while driving reads:

No operator of a motor vehicle shall use a mobile telephone, or any handheld device capable of accessing the internet, to manually compose, send or read an electronic message while operating a motor vehicle.

The definition section says ham radios aren’t mobile telephones, so you’re OK there. But there are connections between APRS systems and the Internet. So let’s give two arguments why you shouldn’t use APRS systems while driving: (a) it’s dangerous, and (b) you’d probably lose the argument about your device not being able to access the Internet. The bottom line: even if the particular message you’re reading/sending isn’t going out on the internet, the prohibition applies to you.

The governor was supposed to sign the bill [July 2] at noon.The bill becomes law at the end of September.
