Ipswich EMA To Conduct First Field Day Operation

2012 ARRL Field Day logo A new Field Day effort conducted by the Ipswich Emergency Management Agency will debut in Ipswich this weekend, according to EMA Director Jon Hubbard, W1HUB.

The group is off to a great start in the public relations department: they secured an official proclamation in conjunction with Field Day from the Town’s Board of Selectmen at a June 11 meeting. The presentation can be viewed at http://ipswichma.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=244.

“This year will be [our] first attempt at field day operating as W1IEM. We will be operating on Saturday, June 23 from 2-6PM and maybe a little longer depending on interest levels.”

Hubbard invites all interested parties to visit their Field Day operation. Map and directions can be found on the Eastern MA Field Day page at http://ema.arrl.org/field_day/SiteDetail.php?site=IEM.

Titanic One Hundred Years Amateur Radio Event, Operators Needed

KM1CC QSLLicensed General, Advanced, and Extra class operators needed to operate at the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center, Chatham MA


Sign up for operating times in blocks of 2 hours, you can sign up for more than one block. As of January 11, 2012 we need:

CW operators 24 hours/day between April 12 at 8 AM April -15 at 4 PM
Voice operators at night Thu-Sat April 12-evening of April 14
Voice operators daytime on Saturday and Sunday April 14/15
PSK 24 hrs day April 12 8 am-April 15 at 4 PM

email Barbara Dougan, N1NS/KM1CC trustee, badougan@gmail.com with the following information:

Call Sign:
License Class:
Cell or home phone number:

Please indicate whether you want to operate CW, Phone, or Digital-PSK along with your preferred operating times.


“Amateur Radio Gives Newton’s Zola Center Another Outlet”

photo of Eric Falkof, K1NUN operating a radio at the Zola Center“Donna Suskawicz knows the value of interaction. A disabled woman who once spent a year at home, the Zola Center coordinator was familiar with avoiding the world. But when she heard about a disabled man who used only his amateur radio to communicate during Hurricane Katrina, she saw an opportunity…”

The online Wicked Local Newton edition published this December 16, 2011 story by Ashley Studley describing a new ham radio program at the Zola Center for Persons With Disabilities in Newton Highlands.

[Full story]

K1USN RC Featured in Braintree On-line Publication

K1RV operating K1USN RCMembers of the K1USN Radio Club were featured in an article in the on-line newspaper Braintree Patch.

Entitled Braintree Radio Group Offers Window on World, club member Harold “Pi” Pugh, K1RV and others are quoted describing the Amateur Radio hobby and the K1USN Radio Club. Pi is shown operating the club station, situated at the Watson Library and Research Center.

The article also describes the club’s past participation in the International Museum Ships Radio Weekend.

Sen. Bruce Tarr Visits Cape Ann ARA

Sen. Bruce Tarr visit to CAARA, July 17, 2011The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association hosted Massachusetts State Senator Bruce Tarr, N1UIU along with Eastern MA ARRL leaders at its club house in Gloucester on Sunday, July 17. Tarr brought along the original Senate-House Resolution proclaiming Amateur Radio Week in Massachusetts. His office was instrumental in helping the Eastern MA ARRL field organization to secure both the legislative resolution as well as a gubernatorial proclamation.

Sen. Tarr described the steps involved in creating the resolution and its impact–particularly, how it underscores the work of amateur radio operators in the Commonwealth. He praised CAARA and its members for their dedication to public service, as well as acknowledging the club’s ARRL Special Service Club status.

[See also:

Governor Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts
MA Senate Passes Amateur Radio Week Declaration]

Shown here (l-r): Sen. Bruce Tarr, N1UIU; ARRL Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI; ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY; Local Government Liaison Hank McCarl, W4RIG; CAARA President Stanley Stone, W4HIX. Photo courtesy Dean Burgess, KB1PGH.


Marlborough Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week”

City of Marlborough 2011 Amateur Radio Week ProclamationThe City of Marlborough has recognized the efforts of its more than 140 licensed Amateur Radio operators “who have demonstrated their value in public assistance” with a special proclamation coinciding with Field Day.

The Proclamation, signed by Nancy E. Stevens, Mayor of Marlborough, recognizes ARRL Field Day and proclaims June 26-July 2, 2011 as “Amateur Radio Week.”

The document was on display at the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club‘s Field Day operation conducted from the City’s Emergency Operations Center.











MA Senate Passes Amateur Radio Week Declaration

2011 MA Senate Resolution honoring Amateur Radio WeekIn conjuntion with ARRL Field Day, the Massachusetts State Senate passed a Resolultion late last week “honoring Amateur Radio operators as they celebrate Amateur Radio Week and participate in Field Day.”

Like the Governor’s Proclamation, the Senate Resolution was brought about through the efforts of State Government Liaison, K3HI, Local Government Liaison Hank McCarl, W4RIG, by several club presidents; and, by one licensed Amateur in particular who happens to be a Massachusetts State Senator: Bruce Tarr, N1UIU.

Although a copy was not available to tour during Field Day, hard copies of the Resolution have been transmitted to ARRL Headquarters, and to Eastern and Western MA Section Managers Phil Temples, K9HI and Ed Emco, W1KT, respectively.

Sen. Tarr writes about the Resolution in his blog at http://www.tarrtalk.com/2011/06/arrl-field-day-event.html.

[See also: Governor Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts!]





Governor Proclaims “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts!

MA Amateur Radio Week 2011 ProclamationJust in time for Field Day–Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick has declared June 25-26, 2011 to be “Amateur Radio Week” in Massachusetts.

The Proclamation was signed at the Executive Chamber in Boston on June 15. The official document was awarded on June 21 to ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI who met wtih Bianca Hoffman in the Governor’s Office on Beacon Hill. Last year’s proclamation was secured through the diligent efforts of the Hampden County Radio Association in Western Massachusetts. (See <http://ema.arrl.org/node/1712>.)

Several individuals worked to secure this year’s proclamation, according to Temples. “I want to acknowledge the work of our State Government Liaison, K3HI, along with effort by several club presidents–and in particular, one of our Local Government Liaisons, Hank McCarl, W4RIG of Gloucester,” remarked Temples. “Hank set up conversations with the office of the Senate Minority Leader–who is, coincidentally, a licensed amateur, and a member of the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association.” Temples added, “We hope also to secure a Senate Resolution honoring Amateur Radio before the start of Field Day.”

K9HI plans to tour with the official Proclamation throughout Eastern Massachusetts during the Field Day weekend.







KM1CC Trans-Atlantic Anniversary Operation, 1/17-1/18

KM1CC QSL cardThe Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club invites interested amateurs to operate the KM1CC station on January 17-18, 2011 during the anniversary of Marconi’s first trans-Atlantic transmission from the USA to Europe.

The station is located at the Coast Guard Station on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham. Planned hours of operation are 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM on both dates. If there is interest, the station may also be operational the evening of January 17.

According to station trustee Barbara Dougan, N1NS, two HF stations will be set up — one for CW, the other for phone. Operations will be conducted on 17, 20, 40, 75 and 80 meters.

“There is a need for phone operators anytime of the day, and CW operators late afternoon and the evening of Monday, January 17,” she adds.

For full details, see http://ema.arrl.org/local/km1cc_2011_announcement.pdf.

Governor Patrick Declares Massachusetts Amateur Radio Week

Members of the Hampden County Radio Association (HCRA) successfully campaigned a state legislator to obtain from Governor Deval Patrick’s office a proclamation of “Amateur Radio Week” coinciding with the 2010 annual ARRL Field Day event. The complete article including an electronic copy of the proclamation can be seen at the following links:



Special thanks to HCRA for their efforts and obtaining this proclamation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator   
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Gov. Patrick Declares Amateur Radio Week in MA

2010 Amateur Radio Week Proclamation in MAMembers of the Hampden County Radio Association successfully campaigned a state legislator to obtain from Governor Deval Patrick’s office a proclamation of “Amateur Radio Week” coinciding with the 2010 annual ARRL Field Day event.

According to HCRA’s Marty Bowen, W1MJB, the govenor’s proclamation was obtained through State Representative Angelo Puppolo. Bowen sent Puppolo an invitation to join the HCRA Field Day “in order to acquaint him with the HCRA and give him the opportunity to see amateur radio enthusiasts utilize ARRL field day to hone their emergency communication skills.” Several weeks later, Bowen received a phone call from Puppolo’s aide informing Bowen that the representative was unable to attend Field Day this year, but was interested in learning more about the HCRA and ARRL Field Day. During a series of e-mails and phone conversation with his Western Mass office, Bowen asked for Puppolo’s help in obtaining a proclamation from the Govenor Patrick “honoring the community and emergency communication service performed by Massachusetts amateur radio operators.”

The HCRA through Bowen was also successful in obtaining a citation from the Massachusetts House of Representatives acknowledging the Hampden County Radio Association for their “voluntary contributions through emergency communications to the towns and cities in Hampden County.”

“It is a welcome reinforcement of the govenor’s proclamation and a timely acknowledgement that the Massachusetts legislature is aware of the important emergency communication services provided to the Commonwealth and the many non government emergency relief providers by the amateur radio operators of Massachusetts,” remarked Bowen.

Kudos to the HCRA and W1MJB for this achievement on behalf of all licensed amateurs in Massachusetts.


Marconi Day, Special “Old and New” Communications, Kids’ Activities, April 25, 2009

KM1CC QSL cardOn April 25, 2009 the Cape Cod National Seashore will have a full day of special old and new “communication” activities and programs to celebrate both International Marconi Day and National Junior Ranger Day. The event is free. A free shuttle bus will run between the sites in Eastham from 9:30 AM- 2 PM.

In celebration of International Marconi Day, the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club, KM1CC, will operate from the Coast Guard Station, Eastham from 9 AM-4 PM.  This is a global event, radio operators from around the world will make contact with KM1CC to honor the birthday of the “Wizard of Wireless,” Guglielmo Marconi, on his birth date, April 25, 1874.  Morse code or continuous wave (CW), and voice operations will be used.


KM1CC Operating Plan for International Marconi Day, April 25, 2009  UTC

CW and Phone on the following bands (General and Extra Class allocations):

17M   18.160 SSB           18.080 CW        40M   7.130-7.260 SSB         7.035  CW
20M   14.260 SSB           14.035 CW        80M   3.660-3.860 SSB         3.535  CW 

From 10 AM-1 PM, to expand the celebration of communication history on Cape Cod beyond Marconi, additional park sites in Eastham and the Marconi Station Site, Wellfleet that relate to communication history will be open.  Eastham sites include: Nauset Lighthouse, Three Sisters Lighthouses, and the French Cable Hut at Nauset Light Beach.  Kids can participate in a variety of activities at each site as part of a Kids’ Signal Jam:  Talking and Texting with Wires and Without.” Activities will include:   keys to practice sending Morse Code messages, walkie-talkies, rescue with signals, lighthouse flashing activities, signal flags, and testing wired equipment related to the early French Cable that sent telegraph messages from the Eastham and Orleans area to France for 80 years, 1879-1959.

At 2 PM at the Salt Pond Visitor Center, NASA space educator Rick Varner will revisit the recent space communications advances and offer speculation on visions for the future.  Recently, NASA announced successful tests of software and satellite hardware that could essentially create an interplanetary internet.  Such a communication network will open the gateway to the development of more complex missions and reliable communications for astronauts living and working upon the surface of the moon.

For more information see the enclosed press release, kid’s schedule, or contact Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO at 508-255-3421 x16.

W1P Special Event Station Commemorates Portland Loss

W1P QSL cardK1WCC, K2LP, KB1GSO and the KM1CC Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club will operate special event station W1P on November 28, 2008 commemorating the sinking of the Steamship Portland.

November 27, 1898 was New England’s “Night to Remember”, the day on which almost 200 souls lost their lives aboard the steamship Portland when she foundered off Cape Cod during the great gale which bears her name. She has often been called “New England’s Titanic” for the magnitude her loss had on local communities, especially her namesake city.

According to Henry Brown, K1WCC, “Since 2005, hams from the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club have commemorated the day with a Special Event Station set up overlooking Cape Cod Bay. This year, on Friday, November 28th, Highland Light in Truro will be the location of the commemoration of the 110th anniversary of the tragedy. Two HF stations (CW and SSB) will be in operation from 9 AM local time to about 4 PM at the lighthouse, and tours will be conducted of the museum and lighthouse. Special Event callsign is W1P, with QSLs to K1WCC. We will also be activating Highland Light, USA-110, for those who collect lighthouse numbers.”

Operations are expected on the following frequencies:

CW: 7.030, 14.030 and 18.070
SSB 7.260, 14.260, 18.160

Adds Brown, “Combine a visit to the beautiful Outer Cape with a lighthouse tour and possibly some guest operating. Bring your portable HF rig and work us from the parking lot or beach.”

–Thanks, K1WCC

International Marconi Day/KM1CC Operation, 4/26/08

KM1CC QSL cardBarbara Dougan, KB1GSO writes:

International Marconi Day starts on Saturday, April 26, 0000 UTC this year. That means KM1CC will start operating Friday night April 25 at 20:00 EDST and go thru early evening on Sat. April 26. You can always operate longer on April 26/27 if you want. It will be at the Coast Guard Station, Eastham.

Let me know if you want me to save you a bunk bed so you can spend Friday and/or Sat night. Operating on 80 meters is fun early in the morning! I am planning to provide a “Marconi Pasta Feast” on Saturday night.

Our operation will be open to the public from 9 am-4 pm, so we will need to take turns acting as amateur radio ambassadors to all ages.

Let me know if you have other ideas and if you will participate.

Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO/KM1CC trustee

Education Specialist
Cape Cod National Seashore
99 Marconi Site Road
Wellfleet, MA 02667
Phone: 508-255-3421 x 16
Fax : 508-240-3291

–Thanks, Falmouth ARA web site

Whitman ARC 2007 Plimoth Plantation Special Issue Newsletter

Whitman ARC Plimoth Plantation Operation 2007The Whitman Amateur Radio Club has produced a special edition of its newsletter, The Spectrum, highlighting the club’s special event operation from the Plimoth Plantation November 24-25, 2007.

According to WARC President Paul Burbine N1VTI, “There were twenty-six Whitman ARC members and five area hams who helped set up and operate three HF base stations, one Echolink station and two 2-meter base stations, along with portable antennas at the recreation of the 17th century Pilgrim Settlement and Wampanoag Indian Homesite.”

“The weather was great but – with the temperature in the low 30s – the gloves were on.”

The Whitman Times carried an excellent article on the event: Thanksgiving transmitted all around the world.

[See also: Plimoth Plantation Special Event, 11/24-11/25/07]

Clay Center Weather Festival 10/27/07

Clay Center ARC logoThe Clay Center in Brookline will hold weather festival events in collaboration with the Blue Hill Weather Observatory and the National Weather Service on Saturday, October 27, 2007. Many activities have been planned for families and children. Admission is free, although some activities require purchase of tickets or kits.

Activities planned include: demonstrations, planetarium shows, lightning shows, kite-building, rocket launches, hands-on educational activities, educational displays and handouts for all ages. Ride a Segway! Make Instant Snow! Talk on Amateur Radio!

For additional information, see Weather Festival Public Event.

[See also: Southern New England Weather Conference]

“This Group ‘Hams’ It Up”

“TAUNTON — Amateur radio isn’t just a unique high-tech hobby to chat with other individuals in near or faraway lands, but in times of crisis it can be seen as a call of duty.”

The online edition of the Enterprise carried a story focusing on Taunton Area Communications Group members’ work in emergency preparedness but also about the Amateur Radio hobby in general in a September 26, 2007 story entitled “This Group ‘Hams’ It Up”. 

[Full story]

K9HI Honored By Boston College For Community Service

K9HI receiving award at Boston CollegeAn Eastern Massachusetts amateur has been recognized by Boston College for his work with the Courage Center Handiham program and participation in the Read Aloud program in the Boston school system.

Phil Temples, K9HI, an employee in the Boston College Computer Science Department and a Handiham volunteer instructor, was honored with the prestigious 2007 Community Service Award at a recognition dinner on May 23, 2007. University President William P. Leahy, S.J. and Thomas Keady, Vice President for Governmental Community Affairs presented the award to Temples at a banquet with approximately 100 invited guests, university officials and other honorees in attendance.

“You have been recognized for your efforts in recruiting, organizing, teaching and mentoring at the non-profit Courage HandiHam System Camp in Lake George, Minnesota and Cupertino, California,” wrote William R. Mills, Jr., Director of Community Affairs at Boston College. “We know you consider yourself a privileged man to be able to serve others because you believe that people should have the right to live, work and learn in a community based on abilities, not disabilities.”

Photo (L-R): Phil Temples, K9HI and Fr. William Leahy, President, Boston College

[See also: Temples Seeks to ‘Open Lives’ of Disabled]

International Marconi Day – April 28, 2007

\"KM1CCAttention Radio Operators – Cape Cod National Seashore to Participate in International Marconi Day April 28th

Date: March 19, 2007
Contact: Barbara Dougan, (508) 255 – 3421 x16

International Marconi Day – April 28, 2007 UTC

FCC licensed radio operators are invited to operate with KM1CC at the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham to celebrate International Marconi Day. International Marconi Day honors the birthday of the “Wizard of Wireless,” Guglielmo Marconi, on the Saturday closest to his birth date, April 25, 1874. Operators are needed from Friday April 27 at 8 PM (EDT) through Saturday April 28 6 PM (EDT).

The public is invited to observe operations at the visitor center from 9 AM to 4 PM. Between 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM (EDT) weather permitting, KM1CC will use a kite antenna at the Marconi Site in South Wellfleet to operate on 20 Meters, a HF frequency.

For more information contact Barbara Dougan, KB1GSO. Barbara_Dougan@nps.gov . For park information, and maps visit: http://www.nps.gov/caco.

CW and voice operations: 17 Meters, 20 Meters, 40 Meters, and 80 Meters.

17M 18.160 SSB 18.080 CW

20M 14.260 SSB 14.030 CW

40M 7.260 SSB 7.030 CW

80M 3.860 SSB 3.530 CW

Note that there is a change in location this year-operations will be from the Salt Pond Visitor\’s Center on Route 6 in Eastham, not from the usual Coast Guard Building location.

A “Royal” Check-in

leftThe May, 2007 issue of QST features an article on page 71 showcasing a special check-in on the 75-meter Marconi Net: Princess Elettra Marconi, the youngest daughter of wireless pioneer Guglielmo Marconi.

Police Amateur Radio Team Vice President Ron Quattrochi, KB1KRG served as control operator for the contact. Also present for the festivities was Massachusetts State Senator Bruce E. Tarr, N1UIU.

Shown (L-R): N1UIU (standing); KB1KRG (seated); Princess Elettra Marconi. Photo courtesy qrz.com.