Amateur Radio’s Role at the Boston Marathon Bombing

Scene from Boston Marathon bombingSteve, Schwarm, W3EVE, Wrentham will present “Amateur Radio’s Role at the Boston Marathon Bombing,” one of series of presentations sponsored by the ARRL Learning Network on December 8, 2020 at 10 AM PT/ 1 PM ET. 

“Amateur radio has played a significant role in public service communications for the Boston Marathon for several decades. That role was put to the test in 2013 when two bombs were exploded near the finish line. This presentation will describe the role that ham radio played at the Marathon and how that role changed due to the bombing.”


Two New England Sci-Tech General Class Online Courses: November 14-15, 16-19, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoThis ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio GENERAL license exam, the SECOND of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional but recommended text: ARRL General Class License Manual, 9th edition, for exams through June 30, 2023, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech or General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and/or General courses to catch up.

Current offerings:

    • Two day course: SAT-SUN Nov 14-15, 9:00am – 3:00 pm Eastern Time each day
    • Four day course: Mo-Tu-W-Th Nov 16-19, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC General exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

Whitman ARC General Class Online Beginning November 5, 2020

Whitman ARC logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club will conduct a General class starting Thursday November 5, 2020 lasting for six weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays except Thanksgiving week. Due to the Coronavirus crisis, training classes are now being held via Zoom.

For all training inquiries please send an email to A VE session will follow the class.

Tech-In-A-Day Course & VE Session, Gardner, January-February, 2021

Special announcement from Ray Lajoie, KB1LRL, Western MA Section Manager to Eastern MA ARRL members:


Ken Burstall, WB8PKK, has secured for us the Masonic Hall in Gardner for a tech in a day class and VE sessions in January and February. This will be done with Covid and Board of Health Guidelines to ensure safety. We need volunteers to aid in conducting these sessions. I am inviting EMA section and others as well. This is a great opportunity. Let’s not pass this up.


Calling all VEs and Teachers:

The Western Mass. section needs your help! As you know Covid has squashed most of the classes and testing sessions this year. I have been informed by Ken Burstall, WB8PKK, that the Masonic Hall in Gardner has a new air filtration system and is allowing us the use of their dining hall to host a Tech-in-a-day course and an open and walk-in VE session. We need volunteer teachers and VEs to assist in conducting the testing and teachings. There are also 25 Boafeng radios preprogrammed for those that have passed.

This will be in compliance with the guidelines of the Board of Health and testing materials will be sterilized using UV-C process and heat-sealed bags. Ken has provided the materials for sterilization and has provided the means to get this off the ground.

Session dates are open and can be either a Saturday or Sunday in January or February. We need to know who can participate to do what and when in order to secure the date to advertise. Please contact Ken at This invitation will also be open to our EMA neighbors as well.

Thank you, Ken, for your generous effort and donation. Please pass this along to anyone interested. And please let’s not let this opportunity pass by.

Thank you,




New England Sci-Tech Amateur Extra Online Course, October 18-December 6, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoADVANCED LEVEL:

Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio AMATEUR EXTRA license exam, the THIRD of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Recommended text: ARRL Extra Class License Manual, 12th edition, for exams through June 30, 2024, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician level material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech courses to catch up.

Current offerings:

ONLINE for 8 days, Sundays Oct 18 – Dec 6, from 6:00-9:00pm Eastern time.
(Content is NEW AE material for the July 2020-2024 exams)

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC AMATEUR EXTRA exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.


New England Sci-Tech Technician Class Courses Online, October, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoBEGINNER LEVEL:

Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional text: ARRL Technician Class License Manual, 4th edition, for exams through June 30, 2022, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

Current offerings:

  • 4 day course: Tu-W-Th-Fr Sept 29-Oct 2, 3:00-6:00pm each day, Eastern Time
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN Oct 3-4, 12:00-6:00pm each day, Eastern Time
  • 4 day course: Mon-Tu-W-Th Oct 5-8, 3:00-6:00pm each day, Eastern Time
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN Oct 17-18, 9:00am-3:00pm each day, Eastern Time
  • 4 day course: Mon-Tu-W-Th Oct 19-22, 3:00-6:00pm each day, Eastern Time
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN Nov 7-8, 9:00am-3:00pm each day, Eastern Time

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC Technician exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

Two New England Sci-Tech General Class Online Courses: October 24-25 & 26-29, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoThis ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio GENERAL license exam, the SECOND of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional but recommended text: ARRL General Class License Manual, 9th edition, for exams through June 30, 2023, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech or General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and/or General courses to catch up.

Current offerings:

  • Two day course: SAT-SUN Oct 24-25, 11:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time each day.
  • Four day course: Mo-Tu-W-Th Oct 26-29, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC General exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

HamXposition / New England ARES Academy Schedule

(Updated October 1, 2020)


The first-ever New England Division ARES Academy, originally scheduled for the Division Convention in November, will instead be held over a period of several weeks in October via Zoom. There are five Basic Track classes for those just getting started, and more advanced classes and workshops for those who already have the basics. One-hour classes will be held on weeknights from 7:30 to 8:30, and two-hour workshop sessions will be held Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00.

A big benefit of the on-line schedule is the opportunity to take every single class and workshop instead of having to pick and choose. Weeknight class participants will be able to ask questions and interact with the instructor via chat. The two-hour Saturday workshops are designed to be even more interactive. Academy Instructors are all recognized experts in their subject area.

The NE-ARES Academy is an outgrowth of the successful NH-ARES Academy program that ran at the NH State Fire Academy for eight years. The program’s goal is to offer both basic and advanced skills training based in ARRL ARES training standards.

We plan to continue this program at the Convention once the pandemic is over, in hopes that building a standardized base of training across New England will enhance our ability to provide better local emergency communications, and an effective ARESMAT (ARES Mutual Assistance Team) response across the region, and beyond.

NE ARES Academy Schedule(All classes will be conducted online using Zoom) 

Academy coordinator Dave Colter, WA1ZCN, was the original editor and principal author of ARRL’s Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course series in the early 2000s, and creator of the original NH-ARES Academy. He is currently ASEC-Training for NH-ARES.


Nashua Area Radio Society’s “Ham Bootcamp” at the Virtual Northeast HamXposition, November 7, 2020

[As a part of the Northeast HamXposition‘s virtual activities (Saturday evening banquet and New England ARES Academy), the Nashua Area Radio Society is offering “Ham Bootcamp” online this year.]


From the Nashua Area Radio Society website:

Ham Bootcamp includes a series of demonstrations and tutorials designed to help newly licensed Technician, General, and Extra class license holders get on the air and use their amateur radio license. It is also a great opportunity for prospective hams who are interested in seeing what the hobby has to offer.

Our Bootcamp activities are provided online via a series of sessions geared towards Technicians and prospective Hams and General class licenses and higher Hams. Bootcamp participants will find all of this material interesting and fun no matter what their focus or license level.

We are continuing to provide our Bootcamp program during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are providing Ham Bootcamp in an online format using Zoom. Our online Ham Bootcamp program is available to all licensed and prospective Hams in North America. Please contact us to sign up for our next online Ham Bootcamp via email to

Repeaters and VHF/UHF Session Activities

  • Putting together a Station for Repeaters – How to pick an HT or  Mobile Radio and an Antenna
  • Radio Programming Tutorial
  • Getting started with EchoLink
  • Making Contacts and Joining a Repeater Net
  • Getting Started with Amateur Radio Satellites
  • Getting started with Fox Hunting

HF Session Activities

  • Putting together an HF Station for SSB, CW, and Digital
  • Picking and putting up an HF Antenna, Feedline, and Ground
  • Operating on the HF bands using SSB Voice
  • Software and setup for Logging Contacts via your computer
  • Getting started with WSJT-X and FT8 Digital
  • Finding DX and QSL’ing – Getting them in the log and confirmed

… and more!

Virtual Ham Radio Shopping Trip

  • Join us for a guided tour of all of the gear and goodies that are available to build or expand your station.
  • Ask questions and get answers from NARS experts on what gear might be best for your situation.
  • We provide the Virtual Shopping Trip via a follow-on Zoom session shortly after Bootcamp. Information on how to join us for this event will be shared at our next Bootcamp session.

Articles About Ham Bootcamp

Are you interested in learning more about our Ham Bootcamp program? We’ve written quite a few articles about Bootcamp here on our Blog. You can read them via this link. Also, check out the article about a recent Ham Bootcamp at the New England HamXposition.

Ham Bootcamp has also been featured in the October 2020 edition of QST Magazine. You can view the article here.

Sign Up for Ham Bootcamp

Don’t miss this twice a year opportunity to learn more about Amateur Radio, improve your station, expand your skills, and get on the air.

Our Fall 2020 Ham Bootcamp session will be held online via Zoom on Saturday, November 7th from 10 am – 6 pm Eastern Time.

See you at Ham Bootcamp! You can contact us to sign up for our next Ham Bootcamp via email to

Support Ham Bootcamp

The Nashua Area Radio Society provides many training and skills development activities for new Hams and Young People. We also have many programs to enable folks young and old alike to join the Amateur Radio service. Please consider supporting our programs and our work by making a donation via the GoFundMe campaign which follows.

Whitman ARC Technician Class Online, Starting September 15, 2020

photo of multiple choice examRoss Hochstrasser, W1EKG, writes on the WARC Members mailing list:

Hello all fellow ham radio  beginners:

I will be starting the Whitman Amateur Radio club’s fall season starting with  the Technician class next Tuesday, September 15th at 7 PM. The class will be on Zoom.

Please email me at or call 781-447-9104 to be put on the email list for the Zoom class. If you could cc: as well we would appreciate it. 

You should have the ARRL technician class license manual for home studying and we will be using as well in class. 

Please contact me with any questions.

Thanks and 73,
Ross, W1EKG

Two New England Sci-Tech General Courses Online In September, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the second level Amateur Radio license exam, GENERAL. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home school students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some preliminary preparation is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video.

Current offerings:

  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN Sept 12-13, 10:00 am-4:00 pm each day Eastern Time
  • 4 day course: Mon-Tu-W-Th Sept 14-17, 3:00-6:00 pm each day Eastern Time

The FCC General test will be scheduled for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license exam fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

One additional member of the same family may take this course for the price of one, if sharing one computer, video screen, and materials.

A few hours before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call 508-720-4179 for help.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

K1USN Radio Club To Resume In-Person Volunteer Exams

“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes in K1USN Happenings:
In-person K1USN VE exams have begun after a six month hiatus!
Steve, W1OD, has secured a location where safe, socially distanced exams will be given, thanks to generous assistance from the Braintree Emergency Management Agency (BEMA).
The first sessions will take place this upcoming Saturday morning, Sept 12th beginning @ 8:30 AM at the BEMA facility at Sunset Lake in Braintree. Please contact Steve ( for directions and to see if there are still any vacancies available. All exam candidates must be pre-registered. Walk-ins are not allowed.

Billerica ARS VE Test Session, Chelmsford, September 10, 2020

The [Billerica Amateur Radio Society] VE team has resumed exam sessions on the second Thursday of the month, but on a limited basis with certain changes due to COVID-19. Session space will be limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Bruce Anderson via one of the methods below for exam dates and exam session information.

Sessions are held at 7:00 PM at the Chelmsford Bible Church, 128 Gorham St. (Route 3A), East Chelmsford, MA 01824

For more information, contact: Bruce, W1LUS at 978-851-2886 or Gary, W1GFF at 978-453-1100.

EMARG Volunteer Exam Session in Mansfield on November 12, 2020

Eastern MA ARG logoThe [Eastern MA Amateur Radio Group] will hold its next VE testing session on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM at the Mansfield Fish and Game Club, 510 East Street, Mansfield, MA 02048.

Directions: I-95 to 140 towards Mansfield. Turn left on 106. Just past the Municipal building, turn left at the Mansfield Fish & Game sign and follow driveway to the clubhouse.

Nashoba Valley ARC to Offer Technician Class in November, 2020

Edited: October 8, 2020:

Bruce, K1BG, will be conducting on-line technician classes beginning on Monday, November 2nd. Classes will run twice weekly for four weeks, on Monday and Wednesday nights. Each class will be two hours long and run on Zoom. The class will be limited to 15 students, and preference will be given to family and friends of NVARC members. Cost of the class will be $30 and will include textbook material. For more information, please contact Bruce, K1BG, at 508-341-5124. -NVARC Signal, October 2020

“Nashoba Valley ARC to Offer Technician Class in September, 2020”

Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes in the August issue of NVARC Signal:

Beginning sometime in September, the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club will offer Technician license classes the first time in over 20 years.

I will be coordinating a four-week class schedule, with two-hour sessions taking place twice weekly (eight sessions/16 hours total). A detailed schedule will be made available during the August club meeting webinar, and I’ll be looking for several volunteers to help with the classes.

Because we are avoiding group gatherings, classes will be held using the WebEx on-line webinar services generously offered by Jim, N8VIM, and Medtronic, his employer. Plans are to follow up the classes with a VE session to get the students licensed (and we will have to plan for dealing with social distancing at that session). Additionally, if there is enough interest, we will offer classes leading to a General class license sometime later in the fall. Stay tuned for more details.

If you have questions, feel like volunteering for either classroom instruction or the VE session, know of someone who wants to participate, etc., please contact me at, or call me at 508- 341-5124.

Two New England Sci-Tech General Courses Online In August-September, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the second level Amateur Radio license exam, GENERAL. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home school students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some preliminary preparation is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video.

Current offerings:

Two day course: SAT-SUN Aug 29-30, 2:00-8:00 pm Eastern Time each day.

Four day course: Mo-Tu-W-Th Aug 31 – Sept 3, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day.

The FCC General test will be scheduled for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license exam fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

One additional member of the same family may take this course for the price of one, if sharing one computer, video screen, and materials.

A few hours before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call 508-720-4179 for help.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

Amateur Radio Direction Finding Seminar on ARRL Learning Network

From the USA ARDF Championship mailing list:

ARRL members will have an opportunity to learn the basics of The Sport of Finding Hidden Transmitters On Foot. The presenter, Robert Frey, WA6EZV, will be conducting the webinar on Thursday, August 20, 2020, 12:30 PM PDT / 3:30 PM EDT (1930 UTC). There is no charge for attending the Zoom presentation. Register online at