RF Exposure Rules Presentation Video Recording

screen grab from RF Exposure PresentationMany amateurs have requested a recording of the RF Exposure Rules presentation featuring Eastern MA Technical Coordinator Dan Brown, W1DAN on May 4, 2021.  ARRL Laboratory Supervisor Ed Hare, W1RFI also participated in the call, fielding questions from the audience.

The presentation can be viewed at: <https://youtu.be/7dSieKF3rm0>. 

[See also: Additional RF Exposure Rules Presentation, May 4, 2021]

W1VLF: “Radio Frequency Interference” on ARRL Learning Network, April 20, 2021

ARRL Learning Network logoARRL Learning Network with Paul Cianciolo, W1VLF, will show how you can deal with Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Paul is ARRL’s resident expert on eliminating RFI and he will share what he knows about finding and fixing this common problem.

The biggest sources of interference are solar power systems, utility lines and grow lights for indoor gardening. Paul will cover those and a lot more, including LED lights, digital computing devices, and even battery chargers. Technology has enhanced our daily lives, but this comes at a price for hams. Learn how to find and fix RFI in today’s world in this webinar on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 1 pm EDT.

Register Online

The ARRL RFI Book. The book is written by highly trained experts who have compiled the best advice available on every type of Radio Frequency Interference. Whether it’s cars, television, computers, audio equipment or telephones, you’ll find a solution for eliminating problematic interference. All this information in one handy book! Order your copy now while supplies last.

New England Sci-Tech Amateur Extra Online Course, April 25-June 13, 2021

New England Sci Tech logoThis ONLINE ham radio license course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio AMATEUR EXTRA license exam, the THIRD of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Recommended text: ARRL Extra Class License Manual, 12th edition, for exams through June 30, 2024, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General level material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at reduced price) one of our Tech and General courses to catch up.

Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!


Relaxed Course: 3-hour classes, 8 Sundays April 25 – June 13, 6:00-9:00pm Eastern time.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and ONLINE radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person. You may also have a free pass to one of our Morse Code courses.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.


YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC AMATEUR EXTRA exam within a few days of finishing the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

N1DM Featured on Pittsfield Community TV, WTBR-FM, March 25, 2021

From nediv.arrl.org:

Natick amateur Dom Mallozzi, N1DM, was the featured guest on Ham On!, simulcast on Pittsfield (MA) Community Television and WTBR-FM 89.7 on March 25, 2021. Dom spoke about amateur satellites. The early morning program is produced and moderated by Western MA Assistant Section Traffic Manager Peter Mattice, KD2JKV.  A recording of the show can be heard at <https://anchor.fm/peter0190/episodes/working-amatuer-sats-etgl31>.

N1DM is active on HF CW , FT8, FT4, satellites, DMR, emergency communications  and contesting. He serves as secretary for the Providence (RI) Radio Association, W1OP.

KD1CY: “Amateur Radio VoIP” at RATPAC Online, March 31, 2021

RATPAC logoRATPAC’s scheduled Wednesday’s March 31, 2021 Zoom presentation will be at:  

9:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CT / 7:00 PM MDT / 6:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM AKDT / 3:00 PM HST

 Topic: Amateur Radio VoIP

 Speaker/Presenter:  Rob Macedo, KD1CY

Hey folks: These Zoom sessions are left open after the presentation. 

After the Zoom presentation has been closed, sign back into Zoom to visit.

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded. 
  • Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho. 
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: College
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,2128884758#,,,,*5305467# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,2128884758#,,,,*5305467# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 5305467

2021 National Weather Service Boston Virtual SKYWARN Training Sessions Announced

SKYWARN logoDue to COVID-19 concerns, SKYWARN Training classes will again be held virtually in 2021. SKYWARN Training sessions will occur on three weeknights and two weekends in April and May. The weeknight sessions will be taught by NWS forecasters and the weekend sessions taught by Amateur Radio operators.

[Full story]

KD1CY: “SKYWARN” at RATPAC, February 25, 2021

RATPAC logoRATPAC’s scheduled Thursday February 25 Zoom presentation will be at:  

10:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM MST / 6:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM AKST / 4:00 PM HST


 Speaker/Presenter: Rob Macedo KD1CY

Hey folks: These Zoom sessions are left open after the presentation. 

After the Zoom presentation has been closed, sign back into Zoom to visit.

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded. 
  • Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho. 
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: Skywarn
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,2128884758#,,,,*4004698# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,2128884758#,,,,*4004698# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 4004698

New England Sci-Tech Technician Online Courses Throughout February, 2021


This ONLINE ham radio class will get you ready to take the Ham Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional text: ARRL Technician Class License Manual, 4th edition, for exams through June 30, 2022, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!


  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN FEB 6-7, 9:00am-3:00pm, Eastern Time
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN FEB 13-14, 3:00-9:00pm, PACIFIC Time, special for our friends on the west coast
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN FEB 13-14, 6:00pm-midnight, EASTERN Time, same as the above course for west coast
  • 4 day course: T-W-T-F FEB 16-19, 3:00-9:00pm, PACIFIC Time, special for our friends on the west coast
  • 4 day course: T-W-T-F FEB 16-19, 6:00pm-midnight, EASTERN Time, same as the above course for west coast
  • 4 day course: M-T-W-T FEB 22-25, 3:00-6:00pm, Eastern Time

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and ONLINE radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.


YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC Technician exam within a few days of finishing the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately from the course fee. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.


New England Sci-Tech General Online Courses, February 15-18 & February 27-28, 2021

New England Sci Tech logoAmateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio GENERAL license exam, the SECOND of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional but recommended text: ARRL General Class License Manual, 9th edition, for exams through June 30, 2023, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech or General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and/or General courses to catch up.

Current offerings:

  • Four day course: Mo-Tu-W-Th FEB 15-18, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day.
  • Two day course: SAT-SUN FEB 27-28, 11:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time each day.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC General exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately from the course fee. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

Amateur Extra License Class Offered by Whitman ARC Beginning January 28, 2021

Whitman ARC logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club will hold a weekly Amateur Extra license classes for about ten weeks sessions on Thursdays beginning on January 28, 2021. Additional classes may be available and will be offered on Tuesdays. A VE session will follow the class.  Material will be based on the ARRL Amateur Extra Class License Manual.

Interested parties are asked to contact the course instructor, Ross Hochstrasser, W1EKG, via email at warc.training@gmail.com and cc to bavarianradio@comcast.net, by phone at 781-447-9104 or visit http://www.wa1npo.org/training/training.htm for additional information.

“Pandemic Ham Club Radio Activities–An Opportunity to Grow” at RATPAC, January 27, 2021

RATPAC logoPlease plan to attend Wednesday’s January 27 Zoom presentation. 

10:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM MST / 6:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM AKST / 4:00 PM HST

 Topic: Pandemic Ham Club Radio Activities, an opportunity to grow 

Speaker/Presenter:  Anthony Luscre, K8ZT

 This is a Zoom presentation that ALL HAM CLUBS and organizations should attend. 

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded. 
  • Please change your display name to Your First Name, Call Sign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho. 
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: CLUBS
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,2128884758#,,,,*446165# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,2128884758#,,,,*446165# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 446165

KD1CY: “Interesting Stories about Ham Radio & Weather Spotting” on ARRL Learning Network, February 11, 2021

Rob Macedo, KD1CY photoEastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator and ARES SKYWARN Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, will present on “Interesting Stories about Ham Radio & Weather Spotting” on the ARRL Learning Network on Tuesday, February 11, 2021 at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC on Friday, February 12). To register, visit <https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1360666941733861134>.

“One of the most critical ways amateur radio supports agencies such as the National Weather Service (NWS), National Hurricane Center (NHC), and emergency management is through weather spotting via the NWS SKYWARN program. This presentation reviews some interesting stories about how amateurs involved in SKYWARN have saved lives and property and why this is an important amateur radio activity.”

Nashoba Valley ARC Conducts Successful License Class

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes in the NVARC Signals January, 2021 newsletter:

It’s been over 20 years since [the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club] last conducted license classes. Recently, I held technician level classes with the help of Skip, K1NKR. We had eight sessions over a four-week period. Of the seven students who started, four finished. These are: Rachel Schmoyer, KC1OHY, of Harvard, MA; Matt Denaro, KC1OHA, of Nashua; Gio Girasoli, KC1OIR, of Bolton, CT; Asher Mirock, KD9RDR, of Bloomington, IL.

Both Asher and Gio are 12 years old and are previous graduates of my CW Academy beginners Morse code class. Both of them are excited about operating on HF frequencies. We welcome all of them to the fantastic world of amateur radio.

I ran these classes to learn how to conduct a class. It was truly a learning experience! I plan on having more classes in 2021, both using Zoom and in person training (once the COVID restrictions are lifted).

If you know of anyone interested in a class, please let me know. Additionally, if you are interested in volunteering (it’s easy to do!), please let me know.

-de Bruce, K1BG

New England Sci-Tech Technician Class Online Courses Throughout January, 2021

New England Sci Tech logoAmateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional text: ARRL Technician Class License Manual, 4th edition, for exams through June 30, 2022, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

Current offerings:

  • 4 day course: M-T-W-T Jan 11-14, 3:00-6:00pm, Eastern Time
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN Jan 16-17, 3:00-9:00pm, Eastern Time
  • 4 day course: Tu-W-Th-F Jan 19-22, 6:00-9:00pm PACIFIC Time, special for our friends on the west coast
  • 4 day course: Tu-W-Th-F Jan 19-22, 9:00pm-Midnight, Eastern Time
  • 4 day course: M-T-W-T Jan 25-28, 3:00-6:00pm, Eastern Time

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC Technician exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately from the course fee. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.


New England Sci-Tech General Class Online Course, January 18-21, 2021

New England Sci Tech logoAmateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio GENERAL license exam, the SECOND of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional but recommended text: ARRL General Class License Manual, 9th edition, for exams through June 30, 2023, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech or General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and/or General courses to catch up.

Current offerings:

Four day course: Mo-Tu-W-Th JAN 18-21, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC General exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately from the course fee. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

New England Sci-Tech Amateur Extra Online Course, January 24-March 21, 2021

New England Sci Tech logoAmateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio AMATEUR EXTRA license exam, the THIRD of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Recommended text: ARRL Extra Class License Manual, 12th edition, for exams through June 30, 2024, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician level material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech courses to catch up.

Current offerings:
ONLINE for 8 days, Sundays Jan 24 – Mar 21, from 6:00-9:00pm Eastern time. (skips the holiday weekend)
(Content is NEW AE material for the July 2020-2024 exams)

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC AMATEUR EXTRA exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

New England Sci-Tech Technician Class Online Courses: December 7-10, 12-13, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoBEGINNER LEVEL:

Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness, to provide communications support for community events, to report on severe weather and natural disasters, as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!

This ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional text: ARRL Technician Class License Manual, 4th edition, for exams through June 30, 2022, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

Current offerings:

  • 4 day course: M-T-W-T Dec 7-10, 3:00-6:00pm each day, Eastern Time
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN Dec 12-13, 3:00-9:00pm each day, Eastern Time

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC Technician exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

New England Sci-Tech General Class Online Courses: December 14-17, 19-20, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoThis ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Ham Radio GENERAL license exam, the SECOND of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and home-school students. Yes, we give online ham radio exams, too! (See below)

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Optional but recommended text: ARRL General Class License Manual, 9th edition, for exams through June 30, 2023, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech or General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and/or General courses to catch up.

Current offerings: 

  • Four day course: Mo-Tu-W-Th Dec 14-17, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day
  • Two day course: SAT-SUN Dec 19-20, 10:00am – 4:00pm Eastern Time each day

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a web browser, a web camera/mic, and a printer.

Included with course: You will get downloadable lecture study guides and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months, online or in-person.

Family Free: Additional members of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

Zoom Link: A few days before the session you will receive an email with instructions to the course details, documents, and Zoom link. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail info@nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

License Exams:

YES, our exam team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule your FCC General exam within a few days of the course. Note that we must collect the standard $15 exam fee for the ARRL VEC separately. (Fee is $15 across the country.)

We administer ham radio exams both online and in-person, having proctored nearly 2,000 exams over the past decade. We’ve taught amateur radio classes for over 15 years with tremendous success. Hundreds of people have taken our classes with 99% having passed the exam to become licensed operators. We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: TechnicianGeneralAmateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.

Nashoba Valley ARC Offering On-line Technician Classes Beginning November 18, 2020

From the Nashoba Valley ARC “Signal,” November 2020:

Bruce Blain, K1BG, will be conducting on-line technician classes beginning on Wednesday, November 18th. Classes will run twice weekly for four weeks on Monday and Wednesday nights. Each class will be two hours long and run on Zoom. Six students are currently signed up for the class.

If you are interested, please contact Bruce ASAP. The cost for the class is $30, which includes textbook material.  For more information, please contact Bruce, K1BG, at 508-341-5124.

EMARG Volunteer Exam Session in Mansfield on November 12, 2020

The [Eastern MA Amateur Radio Group] will hold its next VE testing session on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM at the Mansfield Fish and Game Club, 510 East Street, Mansfield, MA 02048.

Directions: I-95 to 140 towards Mansfield. Turn left on 106. Just past the Municipal building, turn left at the Mansfield Fish & Game sign and follow driveway to the clubhouse.