K2VUD: “DMR for Beginners” at NE Sci-Tech, June 23, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoEoghan Bacon, K2VUD, will be leading a discussion on Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) for beginners on Tuesday June 23, 2020. The goal is to turn [New England Sci-Tech] into a DMR repeater and then be able to get STARS members access to a DMR talk group. In order to access DMR repeaters, you need a DMR radio and possibly a DMR hotspot. We will be discussing all of this in a few weeks… In the meantime, sign up for a DMR ID here: https://www.radioid.net/register.  -New England Sci-Tech Newsletter

New England Sci-Tech To Begin Phased Reopening

New England Sci Tech logoNew England Sci-Tech [in Natick] will begin a phased reopening in compliance with state and CDC guidelines. Beginning Tuesday, June 16, parts of the facility, including the radio rooms, will be open by appointment only. There will be limits on numbers of people in the facility at one time. Strict hand washing rules and use of masks will be in effect. Hand sanitizer dispensers will be prominently located. Certain in-house workshops will be offered, but many of the online workshops will continue.

STARS and other club meetings will continue on Zoom until further notice. Field Day will be held at the facility, but on-site participation will be by limited appointments only so that group sizes remain within guidelines. -NE Sci-Tech Bulletin

ARRL Contest Program Issues Field Day 2020 FAQ

From ARRL Web, 06/09/2020:


The ARRL Contest Program has released some Frequently Asked Questions related to the Field Day temporary rule waivers. On May 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC) adopted these provisions only for the June 27 – 28, 2020, event: (1) Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points, and (2) an aggregate club score will be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries that indicate a specific club. Contact the ARRL Contest Program with any questions related to Field Day 2020.

Q: Several of our club members are going to operate independently and wish to attribute their scores to the aggregate club score. What call sign should they use?

A: Participants should use their own call signs. Except for Class C (mobile) entries, all transmitters, receivers, and antennas must be located within a 1,000-foot-diameter circle may operate using a single call sign. This prohibits the use of a single call sign from more than one location. Under the 2020 waiver, those operating from home, including backyard operations, must use their own station call signs. Multiple home stations operating with a club call sign or modified club call sign, such as W1AW-1, W1AW-2, W1AW-3, etc, are not allowed.

Q: How does my club submit an aggregate club score?  Does the club need to add up each participating member’s scores and submit a club entry with the aggregate score under the club call sign?

A: Each participant will submit his or her own independent entry under his or her call sign. ARRL will calculate the aggregate score based upon the club name entered on the official Field Day entry form via the web applet (preferred method) or on the paper Field Day entry form. In order for results to be tabulated correctly, all club participants must enter the club’s official name exactly the same, avoiding abbreviations or acronyms. This is important!

Q: Our group is still planning to operate at the usual Field Day site, but some members do not feel comfortable gathering in a large group this year. Can we still submit an entry using the club call sign, as well as have members operating from home using their own call signs?

A: Yes. If your club is still hosting a group Field Day effort, it will submit an entry as usual, using the club call sign. Club members operating at home will submit separate entries with their own call signs and will enter the club name on the entry form for club aggregate scoring.

Q: Can a club member operate from home using the club call sign?

A: Yes, but the call sign may only be used in one location. The member must receive permission from the trustee of the club call sign.

Q: Our club normally enters Field Day in Class A. If we operate from our home stations, in which class should individual members enter in order to be included in the aggregate club score?

A: Each member will operate independently and will submit the entry using whatever class that applies to their operation. Typically, home stations running on commercial ac power are Class D, while home stations running on battery, solar, generator, or the like (i.e., not from ac mains) are Class E. When the results are published, each club member will be listed in the results under the class in which they operated. For 2020 only, aggregate club scores will be listed by the club name in a separate listing.

Q: Our club will have 10 members operating from home as Class D stations. Should they worry about working the same station on the same band and mode (duplicates)?

A: Because members are operating as separate entries using their own call signs, the contacts are not considered duplicates.

Q: Does the club need to be an ARRL-affiliated club to participate in Field Day?

A: No. All clubs and groups are welcome to participate in ARRL Field Day.

Q: How will bonus points be calculated for the aggregate club scores? Can individual club members still earn bonus points?

A: All individual scores, including bonus points, will be added together to determine the aggregate club score. Refer to the complete rules to determine eligibility for bonus points. — Thanks to Paul Bourque, N1SFE, ARRL Contest Program Manager


K1USN Radio Club Meets June 9, 2020

“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes on the K1USN mailing list:

We are pleased to announce that, Rick, N1DC, will be giving us a presentation [June 9, 2020 at 7:30 PM] about his recent (pre-Covid!) IOTA visit to Hutchinson Island, Florida. I’m sure that this will prove interesting especially for any of you considering some sort of portable operation later this month during ARRL Field Day on the weekend of June 27-28.  

[For Zoom conference details, email “Pi” Pugh, K1RV, at pi.k1rv -at- gmail -dot- com.]

YCCC SIG: FT4-FT8 Contesting Talk, June 10, 2020

Dennis Egan, W1UE, writes on the YCCC mailing list:

Please join us Wednesday evening [June 10, 2020] at 7:30 PM.  Our concentration this week will be on operating FT4/8 in digital contests.

Coverage will include WSJT-x, but it won’t include any of the other variations (JTAlert, MSHV, etc.) as I have no experience with them.  If someone wants to cover them, please let me know and I’ll allot time.

Setup, what boxes to click, and how to operate will all be covered.  See  you then!

New England Sci-Tech 20-Meter WSPR Beacon Project

Charlie Bures, WA3ITR, writes in the Wellesley ARS Spark Gap newsletter, June 2020:

New England Sci-Tech WSPR Board

Derek, AK1WI started a NEST group in January to work on a 20-meter WSPR beacon project he is leading. Foolish me signed up to write the construction manual.

The goal was for the group to eventually build it for around $25 per kit – – Stu, W1SHS; Bruce, N9JBT; Mark Seltser; Nicole Deshone; Mindy, KM1DY and others from New England Sci-Tech were part of it, but then it all kinda shutdown in March due to COVID-19. Derek is up to revision 1.6 on his custom PC board and software and supplied me with some parts to try building the older version 1.5 board. He put together a small kit, and last week and this, I soldered the parts, sockets, LED, etc.

Derek designed the board from scratch and wrote the software, which gets loaded into the Espressif ESP microcontroller.

Search for WA3ITR on 20m then click UPDATE. You’ll see where 3 watts in Natick reaches.Tuesday afternoon, I went to Derek’s house and he made the last mod and at 17:45 PM, we turned it loose with his dipole strung around his study area. It has been running ever since, using my callsign, WA3ITR.


New England Sci-Tech General Course Online, June 13-14, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor junior high and high school students, homeschool students, and adults who already have a Technician level license, this fast-paced, two-day course will get you ready to take the GENERAL license exam. Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum.  Some preliminary reading may be helpful to get the best results from this course. Material will be sent approximately a week before the course.

The GENERAL level course runs Saturday, 8:30 am to 5 pm and Sunday, 8:30 am to noon, followed by the FCC General exam at noon, at New England Sci-Tech, 16 Tech Circle, Natick.

Included with course fee: printed handouts, lecture study guide, license fee if tested at our location, a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Room and radio club meetings for 2 months, and free coffee, tea, or hot chocolate during the course. Up to 2 members of the same family may take this course for the price of one. Please let me know if there will be two of you attending.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at nescitech.org or call 508-720-4179.

Socially-Distanced Ham Radio Breakfast, June 6, 2020

Jim Whelan, KX1M, writes:

Where:           IHOP
Location:   4102 Shops Way, Northborough, MA 508-393-1222 
When:  Saturday, June 6, 2020 … The Breakfast starts at 7:00 AM

Talk-in: Many going to the breakfast as well as those at the breakfast may be listening on the following repeaters:              

W1BIM – Paxton, 2 m repeater (146.970, PL 114.8)
W1MRA – Marlborough, 2 m Repeater (147.2700, PL 146.2)
AE1C – Southborough, 2 m DMR Repeater (145.27, Timeslot 2,   TG # 3125 Mass State Wide, Color Code 7 )
AE1C – Southborough, 70 cm DMR Repeater (448.375, Timeslot  2, TG # 3125 Mass State Wide, Color Code 1 )
W1WNS – Westborough, 70 cm Repeater (448.775, DCS  D244, P25 NAC 353)  
WA1NVC – Framingham, 33 cm Repeater (927.01250, PL  131.8 )
WB1CTO – Framingham, 1.2 cm repeater (224.24, PL 103.5)

Spread the word to all the ham’s you know. Much fraternalism and friendships to be had! 

We will be ordering our breakfast by phone after 7:00 AM when they open. We then drive to a designated parking space for pickup and IHOP will bring the food out to the car!

Once we pick up our food, we can select another parking space where we can park near each other, then we can then hang out on an analog simplex channel of 146.550 (open carrier).

Hey, something new to try! I’m tired of being home a lot I’m sure you are as well! We can get an eyeball on our fellow hams!


North Shore Radio Association to Resume In-Person VE Sessions at New Location

The North Shore Radio Association will resume in-person volunteer exam sessions beginning this month, according to NSRA VE Coordinator Rick Savage, KB1LYJ. 

“NSRA has a new location for our June 27 exam session–the American Legion lower level, 31 Hermon Street, in  Winthrop.” Rick adds that reservations will be required, and the number of individuals will be limited to 10 but “multiple times may be used.” 

This meeting location will be used for all NSRA exams through the end of the year. 

N1DM: “Introduction to FT8 and FT4” at Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society Online, June 16, 2020

2nd Tuesdays Lectures Series (on the 3rd Tuesday of June 16th!)
Introduction to FT8 and FT4 by Dom Mallozzi, N1DM
“The talk is Introduction to FT4 and FT8. It covers some info on both modes and than shows numerous screen shot of the setup of a FT station and also shows example of actual QSO’s and explains what many of the buttons and pull downs in the software mean. It is intended to help newcomers to the mode to have a gentle introduction.
“As for me, I retired from Raytheon last year after 38 years as an electrical engineer specializing in measurement equipment. I have been a ham for 48 years starting my ham career as WN1RFT in RI. In addition to FT4 and FT8 over the years I have done various things such as RTTY, PSK31, Packet and OSCAR satellites. Currently I do some contesting and DXing on CW and am also very active on DMR. I still do quite a bit of homebrewing and also act as the Radio Engineer for the Natick Fire and Police Depts. I don’t collect many awards but proudly hold a 160M WAS that was done all at low power.”

Phishing Email Scams Hitting Amateurs in the Region

A series of phishing email scams targeting amateurs have been showing up across the region. These schemes involve persuading the intended victim to purchase gift cards on behalf of a known acquaintance. 

Assistant Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI, received one such message this afternoon purporting to be from a Western MA section staff member asking, “I was wondering if i can get a quick favor from you. Is there any grocery store around you?”

PART of Westford club president George Allison, K1IG, wrote to the PART membership:

“Emails are being sent from bogus ham email addresses to the PART website info address and to individual hams using callbook or QRZ.com addresses.  The emails look like they came from a ham since they have a call sign as the originating address.  The emails ask for info on local stores, probably to scam you into buying gift cards. I got one today and checked with the real ham (whose email address I had) and he verified that it wasn’t from him.”

If you receive one of these messages, be sure to send it to the junk mail folder.

Framingham Amateur Radio Association Awards Two Scholarships

Framingham ARA logoThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association scholarship committee announced the club has awarded the 2020 Bev Lees Memorial Scholarship to  the following two individuals: 

  • Victoria Anderson just finished her sophomore year at University of Massachusetts Amherst, majoring in Business
  • Rebecca Weisman just finished her freshman year at Westfield State University, majoring in Earth Science

Anderson and Weisman will receive  $500 scholarships.

The  Bev Lees Memorial Scholarship was created in 2015  to honor the memory of FARA member Bev Lees, N1LOO (SK) . Lees was a former club president, and was active on the nominating committee, Field Day, and organizing the club flea market.  Her passing was a great loss to FARA.

SEMARA Meets Online, June 4, 2020

Southeastern MA ARA logoMarcel Dumont, W1MLD, writes on the SEMARA mailing list:

Hi Everyone,

Well, it looks like we [the Southeastern MA ARA] are going to have another ZOOM meeting for the month of June. If anyone is interested in attending the meeting, please forward to me your email address. This is the only way I can make sure that your address is correct. We must have a minimum of ten members present to conduct a meeting. This type of meeting will assure that you will not get the Corona virus from the club. Please respond to the following address.

President@semara.org   or   chiefmld@comcast.net

Thanks for your cooperation.

Marcel,  W1MLD

Framingham Amateur Radio Association Online Meeting, June 4, 2020

Framingham ARA logoThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2020 via Zoom from 7:30 PM to 8:20 PM. 

The business portion of the meeting will include the treasurer and webmasters, report, the clerk secretary’s report, discussion on the Bev Lee’s scholarship awards, repeater report, and election of officers. 

Following the conclusion of the business meeting, Sumner Weisman, W1VIV, will present on Korean War radios.


Bristol County Repeater Association Meets Online, June 1, 2020

Margaret Gaffney, KA1BZE, writes on the BCRA mailing list:

This month we will meet on Skype. With Skype we will be able to run the meeting for longer than 40 minutes. As usual the meeting will be held tomorrow June 1 at 7:00 PM.

Use the following link: [email mmgaffney -at- comcast -dot- net for meeting information.]

Note: one of the items to be discussed is field day from home.

Social Distancing Exam Sessions Demonstrate Pent-Up Demand for Testing

ARRL VEC logo/bannerFrom ARRL Web:

A recent in-person “social-distancing” amateur radio exam session in Indiana and a “drive-in” session in California are representative of those that are relieving some of the pent-up demand for testing. As the COVID-19 pandemic lumbers on, in-person exam sessions have begun to resume across the US and elsewhere in the world.

“With in-person sessions starting up again around the country, we are hearing the same story from volunteer examiner (VE) teams everywhere,” said ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) Maria Somma, AB1FM. “Large numbers of candidates who have been waiting to test are contacting teams and are thankful for the opportunity to sit for an exam. So far, we’ve heard mostly positive results; candidates are very prepared as they’ve had extra time to study. VE teams and candidates are following CDC and state guidelines for social distancing.” [Full story]