Southeastern MA ARA In-Person VE Session, August 1, 2020

Southeastern MA ARA logoMembers of the Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association (SEMARA) Volunteer Exam team will hold an in-person ARRL-sponsored Volunteer Exam session on August 1, 2020 at their club house at 54 Donald Street, Dartmouth, MA.

According to VE team leader Fred Bacon, N1TF,  “Masks are required and social Distancing is practiced. So far I have two signed up for the Technician exam. We do limit the number of candidates to six in the building at one time but have not reached the limit yet.”

For further information, visit, email exams [at] semara [dot] org or call 508-748-0047.


ARRL Members to Lead New 30-Minute Amateur Radio Webinar Series

From ARRL Web:

07/22/2020 – ARRL is launching a new webinar series to help introduce more members to the variety of activities and opportunities that radio amateurs enjoy. The ARRL Learning Network will offer live presentations by member-volunteers, for members. Like hamfest forums and radio club presentations, the webinars are intended to help participants get more active, involved, and engaged in amateur radio.

Presentations are 30 minutes each, making them easy to fit into a lunch break or as a short evening activity. A 15-minute question-and-answer period follows each presentation for those who can participate longer. The webinars will be hosted initially using GotoWebinar. Webinars will be recorded, and some presentations will be available for future viewing by members and ARRL-affiliated radio clubs as part of an ARRL Learning Network library. 

running list of upcoming live presentations is available. The web page is the place to register to attend each webinar and requires members to log onto the ARRL website.

Relay Stations and the Art of Traffic Handling 

Aaron Hulett, K8AMH, ARRL North Texas Section Traffic Manager

Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 10 AM PDT / 1 PM EDT (1700 UTC)

Fun with Digital Signal Modes FT4 and FT8

Anthony Luscre, K8ZT

Thursday, July 30, 2020, 12:30 PM PDT / 3:30 PM EDT (1930 UTC)

Introduction to Digital FM Modes

Korey Chandler, Sr., WA5RR 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 5 PM PDT / 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC on Wednesday, August 12)

Introduction to Computer Logging

Steven Lott Smith, KG5VK

Thursday, August 13, 2020, 12:30 PM PDT / 3:30 PM EDT (1930 UTC)

Capture the Magic of 6 Meters 

Jim Wilson, K5ND

Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 10 AM PDT / 1 PM EDT (1700 UTC)

The Sport of Finding Hidden Transmitters on Foot 

Robert Frey, WA6EZV, ARRL Amateur Radio Direction Finding Committee 

Thursday, August 20, 2020, 12:30 PM PDT / 3:30 PM EDT (1930 UTC) 

The webinars continue a string of new ARRL benefits introduced in 2020 that has included On the Air magazine, expanded member access to all ARRL digital magazines, and the new On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts.

“The ARRL Learning Network puts experienced member-volunteers at the forefront as a regular source of knowledge-sharing in amateur radio,” ARRL Lifelong Learning Manager Kris Bickell, K1BIC, said. “We hope members participating in the ARRL Learning Network — including presenters — will find it particularly rewarding to share experiences and learning that will motivate more of our community toward lifelong journeys as radio amateurs.”

Members who would like to be considered for future ARRL Learning Network webinars should have experience in delivering presentations, including familiarity with online webinar technology, live video, and screen sharing. Prospective presenters may complete a Call for Speakers form.

New England Sci-Tech General Course Online, July 21-24, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Amateur Radio GENERAL license exam. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and homeschool students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some preliminary preparation is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video.

Current offering:

Four day course: Tu-W-Th-F July 21-24, 3:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day.

The FCC General test will be scheduled for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license exam fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

One additional member of the same family may take this course for the price of one, if sharing one computer, video screen, and materials.

A few hours before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call 508-720-4179 for help.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

Four New England Sci-Tech Technician Courses Online Throughout August, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Amateur Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and homeschool students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some pre-test practice is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Current offerings:

2 day course: SAT-SUN Aug 1-2, 2:00-8:00 pm each day Eastern Time
4 day course: Mon-Tu-W-Th Aug 3-6, 3:00-6:00 pm each day Eastern Time
2 day course: SAT-SUN Aug 15-16, 2:00-8:00 pm each day Eastern Time
4 day course: Mon-Tu-W-Th Aug 17-20, 3:00-6:00 pm each day Eastern Time

You may schedule your FCC Technician test for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license test fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

An additional member of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

A day or so before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

New England Sci-Tech Amateur Extra Course Online Beginning July 22, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the AMATEUR EXTRA Radio license exam. Geared toward adults, as well as high school and homeschool students who already have a GENERAL license.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Recommended text: ARRL Extra Class License Manual, 12th edition, for exams through June 30, 2024, (purchase on ARRL website). Regular practice and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.

NOTE: You MUST have a thorough understanding of the Technician and General material before taking this course.  If you are already a licensed Tech or General but have been away from radio for a while, you may request to audit (at half price) one of our Tech and/or General courses to catch up.

Current offering:

ONLINE for 8 days, Wednesdays July 22 – Sept 9, from 6:00-9:00pm Eastern time.
(Content is NEW AE material for the July 2020-2024 exams)

The FCC Amateur Extra test must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

One additional member of the same family may take this course for the price of one, if sharing one computer, video screen, and materials.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

New Amateur Extra Class License Manual and Extra Q&A Now Available

ARRL logoFrom ARRL Web:

Go all the way to the top! ARRL has everything you need to pass the Amateur Extra Class license exam with confidence.

The ARRL Extra Class License Manual for Ham Radio is your ticket to every privilege granted to amateur radio operators — all frequencies, operating modes, and power levels. It has all the questions and answers, with detailed explanations, for examinations taken between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2024.

Use this book with ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio online to review the material. You can even take practice exams, so there are no surprises on exam day!

When you’ve successfully passed the exam, The ARRL Extra Class License Manual will serve as your reference as you explore your new privileges!

If you’re looking for a more direct route to studying for the exam, ARRL’s Extra Q&A contains all exam questions and the answers.

To upgrade to Amateur Extra, you must already hold a General class license (or have recently passed all of the exam elements required for a General license).

The ARRL Extra Class License Manual new 12th edition spiral bound (ARRL Item No. 1311, ISBN: 978-1-62595-131-1, $32.95 retail) and ARRL’s Extra Q&A new 5th edition (ARRL Item No. 1335, ISBN: 978-1-62595-133-5, $19.95 retail) are now shipping. Order from the ARRL Store, or find an ARRL publications dealer; For additional questions or ordering, call 860-594-0355 (toll-free in the US, 888-277-5289). Both The ARRL Extra Class License Manual and ARRL’s Extra Q&A are available as an e-book for the Amazon Kindle. 


Falmouth Amateur Radio Association Resumes In-Person VE testing

Falmouth Amateur Radio AssociationThe Falmouth Amateur Radio Association has announced that its Volunteer Examination team has resumed in-person test sessions.

According to the Falmouth ARA website: “Lee Thomas, NQ1L, FARA’s [VE team coordinator] has arranged for the use of a facility that allows for proper social distancing.   Examinations are now available on the second Saturday of the month by reservation only.  Contact Lee Thomas at NQ1L38 at to schedule an examination.”

New Amateur Extra License Class Question Pool Goes Into Effect July 1, 2020

The new 2020 – 2024 Amateur Extra­ class (Element 4) question pool takes effect on July 1, 2020. The new question pool incorporates significant changes compared to the 2016 – 2020 question pool (expiration date: June 30, 2020).

The number of questions in the pool is reduced from 712 to 622. This results in 239 modified questions, 49 new questions, and the removal of 139 outdated questions. Areas of new technology and subjects were added. The 2020 pool has 10 diagrams, which have been renumbered,

It’s important to note that question E3B08 was withdrawn from the new pool and may not be used on exams.
Questions in that section were not renumbered, leaving 11 questions.

-Thanks, Bob Kelley, K1KVV,

Call for Speakers: ARRL Learning Network

We are readying an initiative named the ARRL Learning Network — a series of webinars presented by member-volunteers, for members. Like hamfest forums and radio club presentations, these webinars are intended to help members get more active, involved, and engaged in amateur radio. Recorded presentations will also respond to regular requests from our affiliated radio clubs for quality programming, particularly clubs that lack ready access to presenters, or have a last-minute speaker cancellation. Our current plan is to begin scheduling speakers for webinars as early as mid- to late-July. We need your help…

Below is a Call for Speakers invitation (or download this PDF) which we’d like you to share with prospective presenters in your Section. We are asking your help to share this invitation with members you know who are dynamic, knowledgeable, and experienced speakers. Please consider speakers and presenters from throughout the clubs and hamfests in your Section. Add a short, personal invitation.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for all the ways you help extend the reach and effectiveness of ARRL programs and services. 73 Bob NQ1R

Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R – Product Development Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
Tel: (860) 594-0213 FAX: (860) 594-0303

ARRL logo

Billerica ARS VE Team to Resume In-Person Sessions, July 9, 2020

photo of multiple choice examThe Billerica Amateur Radio Society‘s ARRL-Affiliated Volunteer Exam (VE) team will resume in-person testing sessions beginning July 9, 2020 at the Chelmsford Bible Church, 128 Gorham Street, in Chelmsford. No walk-ins are allowed; applicants must call or email in advance. 

To register, contact Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF, at w1gff -at- arrl -dot- net or call 978-453-1100. 

Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF, writes on the Billerica ARS Facebook page on July 5, 2020:


“There will be NO VE Session in July…”


New England Sci-Tech Offers Three On-line Technician Class Courses in July, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Amateur Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and homeschool students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some pre-test practice is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

Current offerings:

  • 4 day course: Tu-W-Th-Fri July 7-10, 3-6 pm each day Eastern Time *
  • 2 day course: SAT-SUN July 11-12, noon-6 pm each day Eastern Time *
  • 4 day course: Tu-W-Th-Fri July 14-17, 3-6 pm each day Eastern Time *

* July courses are specially tailored for kids and families

The FCC Technician test will be scheduled for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license test fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

An additional member of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

A few hours before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call 508-720-4179 for help.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

New England Sci-Tech General Course, Natick, July 25-26, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor junior high and high school students, homeschool students, and adults who already have a Technician level license, this fast-paced, two-day course will get you ready to take the GENERAL license exam. Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum.  Some preliminary reading may be helpful to get the best results from this course. Material will be sent approximately a week before the course.

The GENERAL level course runs Saturday, 8:30 am to 5 pm and Sunday, 8:30 am to noon, followed by the FCC General exam at noon, at New England Sci-Tech, 16 Tech Circle, Natick.

Included with course fee: printed handouts, lecture study guide, license fee if tested at our location, a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Room and radio club meetings for 2 months, and free coffee, tea, or hot chocolate during the course. Up to two members of the same family may take this course for the price of one. Please let me know if there will be two of you attending.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

Whitman ARC to Begin Remote Training over Zoom

Whitman ARC logoFrom the Whitman ARC June 2020 newsletter:

“[Ross Hochstrasser, W1EKG] reported that we will now be able to do remote classes using ZOOM. The first item on the list is to help the folks in the Extra class via Zoom session with additional training and review to allow them to take the Amateur Extra exam before the new question pool takes effect July 1, 2020.

“There is a new training email address that was set up by Randy, KC1EFF. This will be used just for training inquiries and other info. The new email address is”

Eastern Massachusetts 2 Meter Traffic Net announces New Traffic Handler training program

The Eastern Massachusetts 2 Meter Traffic Net (EM2MN) an official net of the ARRL/National Traffic System (NTS) is actively seeking additional stations to become involved with traffic handling. For those of you not familiar with the EM2MN we meet on the 145.230 MHz pl 88.5 W1BOS Repeater every day at 2000 hrs local.  We pass formal written traffic into and out of the Eastern Massachusetts coverage area of the Repeater.

My name is Peter Doherty KC1HHO and I am the manager of this Net. Traffic Net is open to all licensed amateur radio stations and is a great opportunity to operate on a regular or daily basis.

A proactive approach to getting new licensees and established stations involved has recently been implemented.

The creation of training radiograms for new traffic relay stations that want to learn about the correct procedures and practices involved with traffic handling is now integrated into the normal passing of official traffic during every Net. This is something that has never really been done in the past and in its infancy has attracted a few new stations already.

The training radiograms are simply trivia questions that a new relay station would copy and eventually answer via radiogram to the station they received it from during the Net a day or 2 later. They are simple, fun and most are very short. Using this process you will be able to understand and use the important procedures, phrases and technics that are essential to proper handling of radiogram traffic. Reciting the written contents of a radiogram is a serious endeavor.  Radiograms are to be delivered to the recipients exactly as they are written and recited. The fine nuances of the proper way to copy and create and read radiograms over the air can often be intimidating and not something that at first appearance seems to be enjoyable. But if you learn to understand and appreciate the practices and methods involved you will realize that having this skill will make your amateur radio hobby experience more enjoyable and rewarding. Using trivia for these training radiograms the student traffic handler will be able to learn about and experience the actual methods without fear of making mistakes that could be detrimental. This training program is intended to attract operators that want to utilize their stations for public service and at the same time get an enjoyable experience from the hobby.

Traffic handling of course is not for everyone but the person who decides that is you. We are here for all amateur stations and are committed to teaching this important service of amateur radio to any operator that wants to get involved.  The first step you can take is tune in and listen for a few days, then check in and introduce yourself to the group.  If you want to get involved you’ll be advised as to what websites can give you reading material that further explains the program and soon after that you’ll be able to check in “requesting training”.  If you determine traffic handling isn’t for you, no matter, you are still welcome to check in and participate.

To become proficient and adequately knowledgeable about the NTS takes a few months of regular attendance and upon the recommendations of the Net manager the Section Traffic Manager will appoint you as an Official Relay Station.  The future could also hold Net Control Station duties.  Again, only you can decide.

With all the things you can do with ham radio; contesting, aprs, rtty, ft8, hf, cw, ragchewing, wires-x, dmr, I’m certain to have missed a lot of modes, NTS traffic handling has stiff competition for your allotted radio time.  With the new training program underway getting involved with NTS is easier and more understandable than ever before. Please join us. For more information contact Peter KC1HHO at

New England Sci-Tech Technician Course Online, June 16-19, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFour day course: Tu-W-Th-Fri June 16-19, 3-6 pm each day Eastern Time

For anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Amateur Radio TECHNICIAN license exam, the FIRST of three certification levels. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and homeschool students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some pre-test practice is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video or buying a book.

The FCC Technician test will be scheduled for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license test fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

An additional member of the same family may join this course at no extra charge, if sharing one computer and zoom screen.

A few hours before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call 508-720-4179 for help.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

New England Sci-Tech General Course Online, June 20-21, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoTwo day course: SAT-SUN June 20-21, 12:00-6:00 pm Eastern Time each day

For anyone interested in wireless communications and electronics, this ON-LINE course will get you ready to take the Amateur Radio GENERAL license exam. Geared toward adults, as well as junior high, high school, and homeschool students.

Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum. Some preliminary preparation is necessary to get the best results from this course.

This is a FULL course taught by a 40-yr veteran teacher, not a discussion group or video service. You will learn so much more than just watching a video.

The FCC General test will be scheduled for an upcoming weekday evening or weekend, as an online test, run by our VE team which has authorization to run online tests.

System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a built-in camera/mic, and a color printer.

Included with course fee: downloadable lecture study guide and charts, free access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions, and a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Rooms and radio club meetings for 3 months once the facility reopens.

Note that the standard $15 license exam fee is NOT included and must be registered separately; our VE team is authorized to give ONLINE exams, so you can schedule an exam within a week of the course. (Price is $15 across the country.)

One additional member of the same family may take this course for the price of one, if sharing one computer, video screen, and materials.

A few hours before the session you will receive an email with a Zoom link and ID. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call 508-720-4179 for help.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

New England Sci-Tech General Course Online, June 13-14, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoFor junior high and high school students, homeschool students, and adults who already have a Technician level license, this fast-paced, two-day course will get you ready to take the GENERAL license exam. Topics range from the science of radio electronics to the FCC rules governing the radio spectrum.  Some preliminary reading may be helpful to get the best results from this course. Material will be sent approximately a week before the course.

The GENERAL level course runs Saturday, 8:30 am to 5 pm and Sunday, 8:30 am to noon, followed by the FCC General exam at noon, at New England Sci-Tech, 16 Tech Circle, Natick.

Included with course fee: printed handouts, lecture study guide, license fee if tested at our location, a guest pass to the NEAR/STARS Radio Room and radio club meetings for 2 months, and free coffee, tea, or hot chocolate during the course. Up to 2 members of the same family may take this course for the price of one. Please let me know if there will be two of you attending.

For questions, e-mail bobphinney at or call 508-720-4179.

North Shore Radio Association to Resume In-Person VE Sessions at New Location

The North Shore Radio Association will resume in-person volunteer exam sessions beginning this month, according to NSRA VE Coordinator Rick Savage, KB1LYJ. 

“NSRA has a new location for our June 27 exam session–the American Legion lower level, 31 Hermon Street, in  Winthrop.” Rick adds that reservations will be required, and the number of individuals will be limited to 10 but “multiple times may be used.” 

This meeting location will be used for all NSRA exams through the end of the year. 

Social Distancing Exam Sessions Demonstrate Pent-Up Demand for Testing

ARRL VEC logo/bannerFrom ARRL Web:

A recent in-person “social-distancing” amateur radio exam session in Indiana and a “drive-in” session in California are representative of those that are relieving some of the pent-up demand for testing. As the COVID-19 pandemic lumbers on, in-person exam sessions have begun to resume across the US and elsewhere in the world.

“With in-person sessions starting up again around the country, we are hearing the same story from volunteer examiner (VE) teams everywhere,” said ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) Maria Somma, AB1FM. “Large numbers of candidates who have been waiting to test are contacting teams and are thankful for the opportunity to sit for an exam. So far, we’ve heard mostly positive results; candidates are very prepared as they’ve had extra time to study. VE teams and candidates are following CDC and state guidelines for social distancing.” [Full story]

Signing Up for Remote Volunteer Exams–One Ham’s Experiences

Ray Cord, K2TGX, writes on the Study Memorial Hospital ARC mailing list:

Fo those who are interested in remote license exams, Kevin, KM1KEV, has put this together. -Ray

—–Original Message—–
From: Kevin Murray <>
To: <>
Sent: Tue, May 26, 2020 11:28 am
Subject: Remote Exam


How to Sign Up for a Remote Exam   
   – Register at
   – Take a practice test and pass.
   – Click Find a Session
   – Look for an open Remote or Online Exam Session       
      – There are a number of Groups doing Online Exams. The sessions get filled quickly! When reading about an exam session, make sure it does not say “This session is full! “

   – Once a session is found, register. You will receive a PIN. Write the PIN down, it will be needed for the exam. There should be directions on how to proceed. Also, how to pay. Each group is doing the remote exam differently. Follow the VE instructions.
   – I took my General Exam with Rexburg Ham group – N7TMS Todd was the coordinator.         
      – I paid using Google Pay at the link provided.
      – I emailed an official copy of my Tech License to N7TMS   
      – I online signed a CSCE/Form 605 for the EXAM
      – I setup Zoom on my Laptop and Phone
      – One day prior to the Exam, I received the Zoom Meeting link
      – The day of the Exam, I joined the Zoom meeting at the appropriate time
      – I displayed my drivers license for identity verification
      – The VEs had me scan my room to make sure there were no materials to aid the test. No physical calculators allowed, only the Windows calculator.   
      – I propped the phone so that the 3 VEs could watch me.
      – I set the Laptop up so only Zoom and the windows calculator were running   
      – I shared control of my Laptop with the VEs so that they could sign me into the Exam using my PIN.
      – The VEs watch you via the phone and the shared desktop screen
      – I took the exam and passed
      – The VEs then released control of my Laptop

   – I took the Exam on a Saturday, the FCC updated the ULS database on Wednesday. Three business days later.
There are a number of groups that are doing Remote Exams that say invite only, including one out of Natick MA. I do not know how to get on the invite list. Maybe one of the club officers could inquire about getting on the invite list. The Natick group is: New England Amateur Radio – (ONLINE) by invitation only