CANCELLED: PART of Westford March 17, 2020 Meeting; Breakfasts Still A “Go”

PART of Westford logoTo All PART of Westford Members,

In light of guidance from the State of Massachusetts regarding older adults having a higher risk related to COVID-19, and avoidance of mass gatherings, the March PART meeting is canceled.  This is the only PART activity being canceled at this time; until further notice, the monthly Saturday breakfast (next scheduled for April 4) is still on, and the weekly Owl Diner breakfasts will be held as desired by the attendees.

Items of interest for PART members regarding COVID-19 will be posted on the website.

PART is still conducting other activities, and even if there is an epidemic going around, this great hobby of ours provides plenty of ways to interact.  Some suggestions include:

1. Monitor the WB1GOF repeater.  It’s possible that some of our members will be in quarantine, and they may need help with groceries or other tasks.  They may just want to hear a friendly voice.  Be sure your HT batteries are charged. If you need help and you can’t reach someone on the phone, get on the air and let someone know.

2. At the ragchew after the Sunday night net, offer suggestions or help in dealing with local issues.  Since there’s no club meeting in March, we can hold a “virtual meeting” after the net.

3. I’ve heard rumors that foxes may soon be on the loose.  This is ideal fox hunting weather (reasonably warm, and no ticks), and the foxes are eager to be running wild after being cooped up all winter.  A walk in the woods is great exercise, and there’s virtually no chance of picking up the Coronavirus.  If you’re not a fox hunter, the club’s hunters would be happy to give you a demonstration — join the NE Massachusetts Fox Hunter users group at: and read the PART Fox Hunting guide at:

4. The CQ-World Wide WPX (SSB) contest is the weekend of March 28-29.  Check out the rules at: and join in the fun.

Coping with the epidemic is going to be a challenge for the community and the nation, but challenges like this are what ham radio is for. Let’s do this together.

George  K1IG
PART President

CANCELLED: Cape Ann ARA Tuesday Evening Open Houses

CAARA logoGardner H. Winchester II, KA1BTK, writes on the Cape Ann ARA mailing list:

In light of Governor Baker’s Declared State of Emergency to Support the Commonwealth’s Response to the Coronavirus <>,  I am going to cancel the Tuesday Night Open House at CAARA until further notice.  You can use the facility at your own discretion but please follow safety guidelines and keep gatherings to a minimum, 6 or less. Elderly and those with reduced immune systems should refrain from visiting at all times, until the all clear is given.  Please keep in touch and connected via our repeaters, the Gloucester 2-meter machine at 145.130 MHz with a PL tone of 107.2 Hz, and our 70-cm System Fusion Digital machine at 443.700 MHz with  a PL tone of 107.2 Hz.  This digital machine is also connected to several other repeaters through out New England.

CANCELLED: Volunteers Sought, YuKanRun Fool’s Dual 5K & Half Marathon, April 5, 2020

Christopher Winczewski, K1TAT, writes on the Cape Ann ARA mailing list:


It’s that time of the year again.

Public service 2020 is starting with the Sunday, April 5, YuKanRun Fool’s Dual 5K  9 AM Race Start 10:00 AM Half Marathon, O’Maley Middle School, 32 Cherry Street, Gloucester, MA.

CAARA has a great public service team. Come out and have some fun with us. Why?

You are using amateur radio to provide a needed public service to ensure the safety and smooth running of a public event in local communities.

If you are unable to be there for the whole race, any amount of time you can give would be helpful. If you don’t have a radio, we have loaner radios available with a mag mount that will work in your car just by just plugging it into the cigarette lighter socket. We have loaner hand held radios as well!

Sunday April 5th 9:00 AM YuKanRun Fool’s Dual 5K Race Start 10:00 AM Half Marathon O’Maley Middle School 32 Cherry Street Gloucester, MA.​

Please let me know if you can staff a communications check-point for the event so I can plan staffing positions for the event.

Please let us know what type of equipment you plan to use ( mobile; HT; ¼-wave mag mount; rubber duck; etc.) so we have a better idea of where to locate you along the event course per the potential of your equipment.

The course will be open and supported By CAARA. for Four hours .Runner safety is everyone’s top priority. Local EMT crews and ambulances will be available for three hours to help.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Chris K1TAT

Fool’s Day Communications Team  
Gloucester, Mass  
Last Updated: 3/11//2020 9:13 am  
Event date: April 5, 2020  
On Location: 8:30 – 9:00 am  
Starts: 5K Run = 9 am Half Marathon Run = 10 am  
Freq: W1GLO Repeaters 145.130 – PL:107.2 Back up: 443.700 + PL:107.2 FM


Nashoba Valley ARC Members Judge Radio-Related Entries at Bromfield School Science Fair

From the NVARC March, 2020 Signal:

Once again, Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club members volunteered to judge radio-related entries in the Bromfield School’s (Harvard, MA) annual Science Fair. There were fifty-two entries, five of which were in the areas of NVARC expertise. The students were quite knowledgeable in their subjects, some more than others, but all of them were impressive. The projects NVARC judged were:

1. “Warping WiFi: The Attenuation of WiFi Signals by Different Materials”
2. “Free Space Optical Communications using Lasers”
3. “Making GPS Use Safer”
4. “Simple Aurora Monitor”
5. “The Construction and Research of MagLev Trains”

Of these, NVARC judged numbers 1, 2, & 4 as superior works, and awarded the students with a Certificate of Merit, an RTL-SDR HF/VHF radio dongle, and a private tour of Haystack Observatory. 

CANCELLED: Cape Ann ARA Meets March 14, 2020

CAARA President Hank McCarl, W4RIG, writes on March 11, 2020:


With Bill sick and not able to cook the special dinner, the requests from the Governor of the Commonwealth, and advice from several CAARA Board members I believe we should cancel both the Board and Members Meetings on this coming Saturday March 14.  Let me know if you have any objections – keep in touch via the repeater.

CAARA logo
The next Members Meeting of the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association will be held at 12 noon at the clubhouse at 6 Stanwood Street, Gloucester, MA. See map and directions to the site.

The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association is an ARRL-affiliated club whose mission includes: providing health and safety communication services for emergencies and disasters on Cape Ann and in other areas when requested, educate and train new amateur radio operators and to maintain a well-tuned disaster team, conduct FCC testing for new licenses and those wishing to upgrade, provide educational services and demonstrations to local area schools and community organizations such as the Boy Scouts, conduct public demonstrations and educational events, assist public utilities in finding radio frequency interferences that could potentially harm or hinder emergency communication activities, and create a positive, supportive environment for our members that promotes camaraderie and fellowship.

CANCELLED: Dan’s Tech Night, March 12, 2020

Dan Pedtke, KW2T, writes:

Next Meeting IS CANCELLED. No March 12, 2020 meeting, due to coronavirus.

Sorry, our building hosts have suggested that we cancel our meeting for this month due to this unusual situation with this spreading virus. As I originally suggested, you should stay home out of fear of COVID-19.

TechNight is held every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 7-10 PM, at the Grady Research Building in Ayer, MA. It is open to anyone with an interest in radio or electronics, from age 6 to 100. Though it is directed mainly at the Ham Radio enthusiast, it also covers general electronics and computers. Amongst the marvels of radio technology like antennas, impedance matching, and software radio, we will discuss things like the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ARM Cortex and the like, and even a little about LINUX and PC applications that work with radios. Meetings also include a period where anyone can ask questions about anything, or repair and test stuff people bring in. On occasion, the meeting will involve building a kit of some sort, that the participants have agreed to buy as a group. See the Topics page for more details.

CANCELLED: Algonquin ARC March 12, 2020 Meeting

I have decided to cancel the March AARC meeting after consulting with the officers.

Much of our club membership falls into the CDC-identified vulnerable population which has been advised by federal and state agencies to minimize contact to reduce risk of exposure to novel-coronavirus.  Gov. Baker declared a state of emergency this afternoon, and many companies and educational institutions are restricting domestic travel, large meetings, and offsite meetings. 

There is no reason to make a decision regarding the April meeting at this point.  If the situation continues, we have time to investigate streaming or other remote meeting options for April.

I also encourage members to check into the weekly club net, Sundays at 1900 on 446.675, PL 88.5.


Mike, w1ku
AARC acting president


AARC logoThe Algonquin Amateur Radio Club will meet on Thursday, March 12, 2020. Jim Idelson, K1IR, will present on tower safety.

AARC meetings are held at 7:30 PM in the library of the 1st Lt. Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School in Marlborough, 25 Union Avenue. Use Door #1 at rear of building.

Harvard Wireless Club Meets March 10, 2020

Hey Everyone,

I know that in light of the college asking everyone to leave campus by Sunday, a lot of plans are in flux.  During these uncertain times our emergency preparedness skills are as important as they ever have been.  Given that we expect an attendance of less than 25 people today, our meeting and elections this evening will still take place as planned.  I encourage all underclassmen to consider running for a position.  Radios have arrived and will be distributed.


Allen Liu, KC1HBB  

Harvard Wireless Club official shieldAllen Liu, KC1HBB, writes on the HWC mailing list:

The wireless club will be meeting at our shack on Linden Street [in Cambridge] at 7 PM on Tuesday, March 10th.  We will be having elections for next year’s board and handing out radios to licensed members who have not yet received theirs.  There will be food (likely pizza).  […]

First Region Net Time Change

If anyone is looking for the afternoon sessions of the First Region Net, it is now meeting daily at 1445 and 1615 local time, effective March 9.  It continues to meet on 3948 Khz.  The time change allows for the interface with the Eastern Area Net which now meets on 7222 Khz at 1515 Monday, Wednesday and Friday and at 1530 all other days.  This change will remain in effect until the return to Eastern Standard Time in November.  (per K1EIC, FRN Manager).


CANCELLED: SKYWARN Training at Minuteman RA Meeting, Leominster, March 18, 2020

“We cancelled the next meeting on March 18th. Our first venue cancelled, we got a second venue and was all set but it was SKYWARN training and NWS cancelled…We had arranged an online meeting as a backup, but NWS won’t allow spotter IDs to be issued. We are adding an online option for future meetings, but have not tested that yet.” –David, N1DCH

MMRA logo
Please join us on Wednesday, March 18th @ 7pm, for SKYWARN weather spotter training. The training is being presented by Robert Macedo, KD1CY. All attendees will be issued a SKYWARN spotter ID and will be eligible to report severe weather to the National Weather Service.

This presentation will train you how to assist local officials and the NWS with early detection of hazardous weather. This is a public event but registration is required. If you plan on attending, please be sure to register before Friday March 13th to reserve your spot. Registration will be open to the public after the 13th.

More info about SKYWARN can be found at

Location: Leominster Office of Emergency Management, 37 Carter Street, Leominster, MA 01453  View Map

Register for this SKYWARN training here: 

Also, please join us for the weekly MMRA TIOS Net every Tuesday at 8pm on the linked repeater network.

Jason, W1HFP
MMRA Secretary

Eastern MA Hospital Net, March 7, 2020

John O’Neill K1JRO, writes:

Net Control for the March 7, 2020 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be W1SSH, South Shore Hospital. The net will commence at the usual time of 10: AM using the following repeaters in the order listed:

1. Plymouth 146.685 tone 131.8    
2. Bridgewater 148.18 tone 67.0 
3. Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
4. Simplex 147.42

The Net will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and net closing.  

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is:  Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility or EOC of any city or town that is served by one of the participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in joining the group please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group seeking licensed Amateur Radio Operators to join their group. For information on joining us please contact Amy Parker in Volunteer Services at

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters is available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.


Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3 (Sturdy Memorial Hospital)
Belmont 145.430 tone 146.2
Boston 145.230 tone encode 88.5 tone decode 100.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0  
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9  
Mansfield EMA 446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Marshfield 145.390 tone 67.0      
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 131.8
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8        
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5    
Weymouth 147.345 tone 110.9 (South Shore Hospital)
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dcs 244 
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing from you all on the Net.


John O’Neill K1JRO
President, South Shore Health Amateur Radio Group
ARES – DEC Healthcare Liaison 

Dayton Hamvention Officials Keeping an Eye on Coronavirus Situation

From ARRL Web:

03/03/2020 — With Dayton Hamvention® 2020 a little more than 10 weeks away, Hamvention officials say they are closely following the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Show organizers will post updates as the May 15 – 17 event nears, but they’re optimistic that coronavirus will not be an issue.

“At this time, the Hamvention Executive Committee has been in contact with the Greene County Public Health Department, and we do not anticipate any impact because of this issue,” a March 3 Hamvention statement said. The Greene County Public Health Department reports that no cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ohio.

“Greene County Public Health is working closely with the Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and are prepared to respond, should there be a community spread of COVID-19,” the Hamvention statement noted. “The current risk to the general public is very low. Travel advisories are in effect, and can change anytime, so please see the CDC Travel Advisory webpage before traveling.” [full story]

Nantucket ARA Meets March 7, 2020

The Nantucket Amateur Radio Association (W1TUK) will hold its next meeting on March 7, 2020 at 12 noon at the Nantucket Police & Fire Department in the second floor conference room,  4 Fairgrounds Road , Nantucket, MA 02554.

NARA is an ARRL affiliated club. It meets quarterly on the first Saturday of each month in: December, March, June, and September.

KC1FSZ: “Homebrewing Renaissance in Amateur Radio” at New England Sci-Tech, March 10, 2020

From the Sci-Tech ARS Newsletter, March 3, 2020:

The STARS Radio Lecture Series is 7pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 
3/10/20: Bruce MacKinnon KC1FSZ: Homebrewing renaissance in the Amateur Radio Service
Bruce MacKinnon (KC1FSZ) will share his passion for homebrew SSB, demonstrate a rig or two, and encourage others to “pick up a soldering iron and start building!”
Ham radio is fun, but nothing beats the excitement of receiving a ‘5-9’ on a rig you built yourself.
Homebrewing connects the bygone era when all hams “rolled their own” to the cutting-edge of the Maker and open-source movements. The availability of inexpensive parts, lively sharing of plans and knowledge through blogs/podcasts/YouTube channels, a robust market for cheap and/or surplus test gear, and interesting cross-overs with other electronics-related hobbies have all sparked a homebrewing renaissance in the Amateur Radio Service.
Bruce (KC1FSZ) grew up in Sherborn, MA and was an electronics experimenter from an early age. After failing the Novice CW exam (twice) at age 10, Bruce turned his attention to receiver construction, short-wave listening, and software development. He re-attempted the FCC exam in 2016 (no code!) and now holds an Extra Class license.
Bruce lives in Wellesley with his wife and two children. He is on the board of the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society and spends most of his free time building radios and wooden boats.
Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society
16 Tech Circle, Natick MA 01760
508-720-4179 —

Southeastern MA ARA Meets on March 5, 2020

Southeastern MA ARA logoThe Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association (SEMARA) will hold its monthly business meeting on March 5, 2020 at 7 PM at the clubhouse at 54 Donald Street, Dartmouth, MA.

About SEMARA: Founded in 1932, SEMARA is an ARRL affiliated club. It owns a clubhouse which sits on three acres of land. The clubhouse contains three separate operating positions, each with HF/VHF/UHF gear and desktop computers/monitors, all networked together with high-speed business-class internet. There is also a meeting hall, kitchen area and two restrooms. The club owns and operates three analog repeaters, plus an APRS digipeater and iGate.

W1EKG on “Vintage Aircraft Radios” at the Whitman ARC, March 4, 2020

Whitman ARC logoThe Whitman Amateur Radio Club will meet on March 4, 2020 at 7:00 PM. WARC member Ross Hochtrasser, W1EKG, will present on vintage aircraft radios.

WARC holds a winter flea market,  conducts licensing classes, and participates in a number of high-profile public service events. Meetings are held at the Whitman Knights of Columbus Hall on route 18 just south of the Abington line. 


Boston Marathon “Urgent Appeal” for More Volunteers

This year we have worked hard to build up our volunteer numbers so that the mission may be accomplished.  Unfortunately we’ve been met with lower than hoped for volunteer applications.  So here’s our urgent appeal for help.

Please spread the word, personally, that comms volunteers are needed at the Marathon.  In particular, we are seeking Amateur Radio communications for Course Medical tents, Hydration stations, Transportation medical Sweep and Express buses, and operators in the Course Net Control Operations Center.

Please tell your local Amateur Radio clubs and your licensed friends about the need.

To volunteer, send the following information immediately to

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Amateur Radio Call Sign
  • Do you have a current Red Cross or other CPR certification
  • What is your jacket size (Male/Female)
  • What is your assignment area preference (Start, Course, Finish)

THANK YOU for stepping up as a volunteer.  You are a vital part of a highly-trained, able team of Amateur Radio communications specialists who are making a huge, and very positive impact on this complex and expansive event.  We cannot possibly thank you enough and simply cannot do the job without everyone’s enthusiasm, energy, and super volunteer spirit!

See you at the training!

Yours sincerely,
Boston Marathon Communications Committee