“Members Short Subjects” at Nashoba Valley ARC, February 20, 2020

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s February meeting is Thursday, February 20th at 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell). That’s this coming Thursday.

This month’s meeting program is our annual “Members Short Subjects” night. If you have a short presentation, please let one of the Officers or Board Members know so we can plan the meeting accordingly (you can reply to this email or call me at the number below). Especially, please let us know if you need any particular equipment such as speakers. The regular presentation equipment should be there with a screen, VGA LCD projector, and computer. An HDMI to VGA adapter will be available if you want to use your own computer.

Remember, Members Short Subjects night relies on member participation. It’s your hobby; brag about it!

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG
978-772-2773 or bruce.blain@charter.net


Call for Speakers, 2020 Northeast HamXposition @ Marlborough



Don’t just attend the 2020 Northeast HamXposition @ Marlborough—BE A PART OF IT! The HamXposition Committee seeks fresh and exciting presentations for this year’s ARRL New England Division Convention, July 24-26, 2020 . We’re looking for talks of both a technical and non-technical nature. As a HamXposition speaker, you will have the opportunity to share your subject and knowledge with Amateur Radio operators from around New England, surrounding states, and Canada.

In addition to forums throughout the day Saturday, we will feature Saturday evening entertainment, workshops on Friday, and a half-day Sunday program.

If you represent a regional club or organization (e.g. YCCC, NEQRP, WRONE, MARS, etc.) we can help facilitate open forums or closed meetings by providing you a meeting space.

Groups who wish to set up information tables should get your requests in early. While the tables are offered without charge, we ask for some volunteer time in return to assist us with ticket sales and other logistics during the convention.

To register as a speaker or presenter, please go to https://hamxposition.org/2020-early-speaker-signup or, email or call us if you have additional questions. 

We look forward to meeting all of you at the convention.


Phil Temples, K9HI
Program Chair
HamXposition @ Marlborough


[See also: Major Announcement: Northeast HamXposition (formerly Boxboro!) is MOVING!]

Bristol County RA VE Test Session on February 24, 2020

*** If a test session falls on a major holiday it will be delayed by a week. ***

Reminder: Bristol County Repeater Association VE Test Session

When: Monday, 17  24 February 2020, 7:00pm to 9:00pm, (GMT-05:00) America/New York

Where: Stop and Shop Somerset, MA Community Room 2nd Floor

Description: Come in the entrance on the Fall River side, near the Dunkin Donuts in the store, stairs and elevator will be on the right, go left on second floor. 

WO1VES: “Introduction to Digital Radio with Hotspots” at Framingham ARA, March 5, 2020

Framingham ARA logoThe Framingham Amateur Radio Association will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, March 5, 2020. Guest Brian Gudzevich, WO1VES, will be presenting on “Introduction to digital radio with Hotspots.”

Gudzevich is a repeater operator and self-employed technology specialist. He’s an avid fan of the digital radio modes and operates three repeaters in Stoneham, MA, one Fusion, one D-Star, and one Analog.  WO1VES also operates the hub of an Internet linked repeater system called “The Wolf Pack Network” with repeaters stretching from Northeastern Massachusetts to as far north as Ossipee, New Hampshire. 

FARA meets the first Thursday of the month (except in July and August), 7:30 pm at the Framingham Police Station, 1 William Welch Way (corner of William Welch Way and Union Ave) in the first floor training room. Enter through the front door on Union Ave. and the room is to the left.  All area hams and those not yet licensed but interested in amateur radio are welcome to attend.


Ham Volunteers Sought for ToughRuck, April 19, 2020

The Tough Ruck event has been postponed.  See https://ema.arrl.org/covid19-response/#Tough_Ruck_2020_Road_Race

Bruce Pigott, KC1US, writes:

A request for communications support has been made by the ToughRuck group for their event in Concord, Massachusetts on Sunday, April 19. This route will start in Concord and go into Lexington by way of the Minuteman National Park Trail, also known as the Battle Road Trail. The 1,000 participants will be carrying full military packs and will complete multiple loops to do a total of 26 miles. Public safety radio systems are unable to cover the full route.

We are looking for operators to be at water and aid stations along the course. The event starts at 7:20AM and runs for nine hours. Two meter repeaters will be used. Yes, this is the day before the marathon. Final details are in preparation.

Additional information about this event and a route map can be found at https://www.toughruck.org

If you are able to assist, please send a message to kc1us@dslextreme.com

Thank You,

Bruce KC1US

Falmouth ARA Technician Weekend Class, March 7-8, 2020

Falmouth Amateur Radio AssociationThe Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) will be offering a Technician class amateur radio license course on March 7 and 8 at the Falmouth Fire Station, Main Street, 2nd Floor, EOC Room.  An FCC exam will be conducted on the afternoon of March 8.  The fee of $50 includes:

1) Nine hours of classroom instruction
2) Course Manual
3) Online test practice and tutoring
4) Refreshments
5) Access to instructors for questions & tutoring
6) License exam
7) 1-year membership with FARA
8) Admission to the next FARAfest
9) Handheld Transceiver (if the student passes) (pending availability)

This is a great value for anyone seeking to get their license, as the total cost of the individual items is well over $100.

Contact Charlie Bresnahan, K1CB at: kilo1cb@aol.com or Ralph Swenson, N1YHS at depsher911@comcast.net, for further information or to sign up.

Enthusiastic Third-Graders Learn about Amateur Radio at St. Columbkille Partnership School in Brighton

Phil Temples, K9HI, has combined his passion for ham radio and involvement in the Boston College “Read Aloud” program to bring a message about ham radio to Mrs. Cafarelli’s third grade class at the St. Columbkille Partnership School in Brighton.

A BC Read Aloud volunteer for the past sixteen years, Phil shared his unpublished children’s story manuscript entitled “Ashanti’s Ham Radio Saves the Day” with the class last month. It was well-received, despite the fact the manuscript lacked illustrations.  (Several of the kids volunteered to draw pictures for the book.)

This month, K9HI brought along a Baofeng dual-band handheld for show-and-tell. He was able to establish a QSO on the Waltham repeater with John, K1BSO, who was mobile in Woburn. John told the class about himself, and stood by while Phil passed the radio around. All sixteen children had an opportunity to say hello over ham radio. At the end, they shouted out an enthusiastic “Goodbye!” that could be heard throughout the floor. 

ARRL Board of Directors Re-Elects President Rick Roderick, K5UR

ARRL logoFrom ARRL Web:

02/10/2020 – Meeting January 17 – 18 in Windsor, Connecticut, the ARRL Board of Directors re-elected ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, to a third 2-year term. Roderick outpolled the only other nominee, Pacific Division Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, 8 – 7. New England Division Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, was elected First Vice President, succeeding Greg Widin, K0GW, who did not seek another term. Raisbeck was the sole nominee. A successor will be appointed to fill the Vice Director seat that Raisbeck has vacated. Bob Vallio, W6RGG, was re-elected as Second Vice President as the only nominee.

On a 9 – 6 vote, the Board voted not to re-elect Howard Michel, WB2ITX, as Chief Executive Officer. Michel was in the post for 15 months. Former ARRL Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer Barry Shelley, N1VXY, has come out of retirement to serve as interim ARRL CEO. He also was elected as Secretary. Shelley was ARRL’s CFO for 28 years and served as CEO during 2018 before his retirement, following the departure of former CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF. The ARRL Board has appointed a committee to spearhead the search for a new CEO. That panel will screen suitable CEO candidates, presenting three to the Board for consideration.  [Full story]

KB1REQ: “Amateur Radio Mobile Vehicle Installation” at New England Sci-Tech ARS, February 11, 2020

Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ

Are you curious how to install your amateur radio into your motor vehicle? Join Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society for its 2nd Tuesday Lecture Series at 7 PM. Radio guru Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ, will be showing us how to perform a mobile installation.

Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society
16 Tech Circle, Natick MA 01760
About Jeremy (abstracted from QRZ.com):
Jeremy is an electrical engineer who’s been into amateur radio since 2008 and two-way radio for longer. He studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston, and is currently employed by Motorola Solutions.
Jeremy is abundantly active in radio, including contesting, HF digital modes, and supporting and improving repeaters in particular those with P25 and DMR. Jeremy participates in public service events and SKYWARN.

WA3ITR: “Your Project in Space” at Wellesley ARS, February 18, 2020

The Wellesley Amateur Radio Society will meet on February 18, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Charlie Bures, WA3ITR, will present on his new program called “Your Project in Space” for teens.
“The goals are to get young people involved in an HAB (High Altitude Balloon) project, which has Amateur radio (an APRS tracker device) with STEM learning. They will learn about project planning, platform testing, launching, tracking, and recovery of the balloon and its payload, and flight data analysis. The platform will carry up to 3 GoPro cameras, a commercial GPS tracker, and the APRS tracker. A 20-foot tether connects the platform to the HAB balloon, which is filled with helium or hydrogen, and is about 8 feet in diameter at launch. The platform will weigh less than 4 pounds.”

We meet on the third Tuesday of each month (except July and August) at 7:30 PM in the Kingsbury Room of the Wellesley Police Station, 485 Washington St. (Rte 16), in Wellesley.  Please park on the street. Guests are welcome! 

See you there!

K1BG: “Entry Level Licensing–What’s Worked and What Hasn’t” at North Shore RA, February 18, 2020

NSRA logoThe North Shore Radio Association will hold its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, in the Peabody Municipal Light Plant auditorium, 201 Warren St Extension, in Peabody  (talk-in 145.470 repeater).  Bruce Blain, K1BG, will present on “Entry Level Licensing – What’s Worked and What Hasn’t:”

All of us entered the amateur radio hobby in a number of different ways. Whether it was the Class B license of the 30s and 40s, the Novice license of the 50s through the 90s, or the current Technician class license, Bruce looks at the history of entry level license requirements and conditions, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and what it means for attracting youth to the hobby.


Mystic Valley ARG Meets February 16, 2020

MVARG logoThe next meeting of the Mystic Valley Amateur Radio Group will be held on Sunday, February 16, 2020  @ 9 AM.

The meeting location will be the Milton Auxiliary Fire Dept. Station, 2nd floor, 509 Canton Avenue, Milton. The building is a little beyond the gazebo to the right of the Milton Fire Headquarters where we’ve held our Field Day Operations in past years.  Local map is attached below as a post script.

We will be monitoring the 145.43 Belmont repeater for talk-in.  Please feel free to email me with any questions.    kc1ma at arrl dot net


More Boston Marathon Ham Radio Operators Needed

Via wma.arrl.org:
The Boston Marathon Communications Committee is currently at 240 out of our goal of 350 volunteer registrations for this year’s Boston Marathon. Registration was scheduled to close on February 7th — the BAA has granted us an extension until February 17th. 
If you’re interested in volunteering, please register today. You can sign up at http://register.hamradioboston.org. Please share this note with your ham friends / organizations that may be interested.
Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions. You can also email contact@hamradioboston.org to contact the entire committee.
Thanks and 73,

Matt Brennan NM1B
Finish Segment Coordinator

New England Sci-Tech Amateur Extra Course Begins February 20, 2020

New England Sci-Tech is offering ongoing Amateur Extra study sessions for high school students, homeschool students, and adults who already have a General level license. This slower-paced course will get you ready to take the Amateur Extra license exam. You may jump into this course at any time, pay one course fee, and take nine weeks worth of classes. A different topic group is covered each week; all topics covered in nine-week intervals. Take the exam whenever you are ready.

The course runs most Thursday evenings, 6-9 PM from February 20, 2020 until April 30, 2020 as a combination “study group” and keynote presentations by experienced instructors. Study group meets 6:00-6:30, presentations run 6:30-8:15 approximately, and remainder of time is Q and A with instructors or more study group time. Regular homework reading and study is necessary to get the best results from this course.  [Full description]

PART of Westford Has a Completely Revised Website

PART of Westford President George Allison, K1IG, has created a completely revised club website at http://www.wb1gof.org and its “look-and-feel” is stellar.

According to George, “the design is flexible can be adapted to the club’s needs.” He invites feedback about the appearance, formatting, and content from the membership, and adds, “We’ll discuss it at the next club meeting.”

K1IG also thanked Scott, NE1RD, for a lot of help in setting up the site.

“Batteries for the Elecraft KX3 and Other Low-Power Radios” in March, 2020 QST

CE0Y/W1MJ, Easter Island

“Batteries for the Elecraft KX3 and Other Low-Power Radios,” authored by Belmont amateur Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, is featured in the March, 2020 issue of QST. The article talks about battery types, supply current vs. supply voltage, and battery and charger suppliers. 

Mayer is an electrical engineer with a BSEE from U. Mass. Amherst and an MSE in management from the Gordon Institute of Tufts University. He works on the design and manufacturing of medical imaging equipment at Analogic in Peabody. His ham radio activities include QRP holiday-style DXpeditions, operating a K3 radio from his condo home station, guest operating at the high-power stations of fellow Yankee Clipper Club members, and 2-meter FM on his daily commute. His radio operations can be followed at http://www.w1mj.com.

This is the free article of the month at http://arrl.org/this-month-in-qst.  ARRL members may vote for W1MJ’s article for the ARRL Cover Plaque Award at http://arrl.org/cover-plaque-poll.

New Rooftop Research Space Needed for W1XM

According to the MIT Radio Society’s website, the club is attempting to raise funds to renew its rooftop space atop the Green Building:

“We need your help! The center of many of our activities, located on the roof of the iconic Green Building (MIT’s tallest academic building), is at risk due to a major renovation. Beginning this spring, the Green Building is being renovated and our rooftop shack is to be removed. This space is currently home to our VHF/UHF and microwave contest and research station, W1XM, as well our 70 cm repeater, and a host of student projects. If we wish to keep our home there, we need to raise $300,000 before April 2020 for the renewal of our space.

“Sadly, the club does not have the financial reserves on hand to replace the W1XM shack. So we are asking for your help. We’re already part of the way towards our goal and have some great volunteers – with YOUR help we know we can reach our goal.”

School Club Roundup, February 10-14, 2020

Rohit Chaki, KC2UQC, operating W1AF

Date(s): February 10-14, 2020

Objective: To exchange QSO information with club stations that are part of an elementary, middle, high school or college. Non-school clubs and individuals are encouraged to participate. Sponsored by the ARRL, its Hudson Division Education Task Force and and the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC) to foster contacts with and among school radio clubs.

Award certificates will be issued for the following US and DX categories:

Schools: Elementary, Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School, High School and College/University
Non-school Clubs

See http://www.arrl.org/school-club-roundup for full details.