Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net – Monday 4/6/20 at 830 PM ET – COVID-19 Communications Status Update Main Topic for Tonight’s Net

Hello to all…

The April ARES net will be Monday April 6, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system.

For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:


We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net. For tonight’s ARES Net, we will be providing information on COVID-19, what we are doing to monitor this health emergency from a communications needs perspective and what you can do as ARES volunteers or general Amateur Radio Operators during this health emergency to prepare for any communications issues during this time. A link to a document that we have created for ARES member and general Amateur Radio Operator awareness is available at the following link:
Eastern Massachusetts ARES COVID 19 Update – 4/6/20

Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at <https://ema.arrl.org/ares>. Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box

North American SSB Sprint, April 4, 2020

Randy Thompson, K5ZD, writes on the YCCC reflector:

The SSB sprint is tonight (April 4 2020).  It is four hours (8-12 PM local) on 20, 40, and 80 M. The easiest way to participate is just to search and pounce to find someone calling CQ.  You’ll copy his number, name and state.

Then you give:

  • His call
  • QSO number
  • Your name
  • Your state
  • *Your call

At the end of the QSO, you may have someone call you.  The exchange is the same but you give your call as the second item rather than the last.

  • His call
  • *Your call
  • QSO number
  • Your state
  • Your call

QSY and find someone else calling CQ. Tips and tricks are here.  https://ssbsprint.com/tips-tricks/

International Marconi Day 2020 Cancelled

Marconi photoFrom ARRL Web:

The annual International Marconi Day (IMD) ham radio operating event that was set to take place on April 25 has been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. The 24-hour amateur radio event celebrates the birth of Marconi on April 25, 1874. Sponsored by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, which operates as GB4IMD, International Marconi Day features participating stations operating at sites having a personal connection to Marconi, including places where he set up transmitting and receiving stations.

Given the fact that the National Seashore is closed to the public, a “Marconi Event” on April  25 had been planned from the home of Barry, KB1TLE, along with several other home stations.   -thanks, Falmouth ARA


Yankee Clipper Contest Club Post-WPX SSB Virtual Get-together, March 31, 2020

Jim Idelson, K1IR, writes on the YCCC mailing list:

Great online meetings are no accident. With some planning, our meeting tonight [March 31, 2020] can be a lot of fun for all. Here’s what it takes to make our on-line meeting a success.

Plan to join and participate! More participants means more content and more value to the club.

Get setup for Zoom in advance. I will be in the Zoom room 30 minutes ahead to help people get going. When the meeting is underway at 7, we want to focus on WPX, not Zoom.

Bring interesting content – something for the group to see or hear. Start with a short story to tell. Add a picture of your shack. Show how you have your logger screen setup. The antenna project that generated some extra points. An audio clip of a great experience in the contest. Tell me in advance, and we’ll make sure you can share it ok.

Videoconferencing is more than just a phone call. Done well, an online meeting can be even better than an in-person meeting.

Pilgrim AWA Monday Night 2-Meter Net, March 30, 2020

On 3/30/20 we will be hosting our Monday Night 2 Meter Net on our 147.135 MHz KA1GG club repeater at 7:00 pm. We will have more details to follow. Everyone is welcome to join us. We are always glad to hear you in there. For Updates – Club Events – Activities, listen for announcements on our 147.135 MHz KA1GG club repeater. Check in with us here on our Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association Facebook page. And stop by to visit our ARRL club page.

Take care, be safe, stay healthy everyone from all of us here at the Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association.

20th USA Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships, Boston, MA, Cancelled

March 28–The ARRL ARDF Committee has determined that the 20th USA ARDF Championships scheduled for June 9-14, 2020 near Boston, MA must be cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation. With events surrounding COVID-19 developing rapidly, along with the obvious need for urgent steps to contain its spread, the need to cancel the championships has become apparent. The 20th USA Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships will be rescheduled for a future date.
USA ARDF Championships are open to everyone – there is no previous ARDF experience required, nor are competitors required to have an amateur radio license. There are usually several days of practice events followed by four days of competitions. The best radio athletes in the USA compete for spots on Team USA while others get their first taste of the sport. Stay tuned to messages from this group for all the latest announcements and information, or visit http://arrl.org/ardf.


Falmouth ARA 2M “Meeting Net” to Utilize NetLogger

Falmouth Amateur Radio AssociationLarry Gray, W1IZZ, writes on the Falmouth ARA mailing list:
I thought the upcoming “over the air meeting” would be a good time to try out NetLogger.   Some of you may already use NetLogger, as a number of regular radio nets use NetLogger to help manage the net.
The use of NetLogger is NOT required.  No worries if you would rather not load it, or try it.   
For those members willing to try NetLogger during the meeting net, I attached the information needed to use NetLogger during the net.   As you will see, NetLogger is easy to use.
I will have the net open on NetLogger using the net name “FARA 2M Meeting”, as shown in the attachment.  Just “join” this net as shown in the attachment.
Again, using NetLogger is not required for the upcoming FARA 2M meeting net [on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:30 PM].  It is just an opportunity to try something new.  NetLogger is very useful for managing nets with a large number of check-ins.

Fox Box Hidden in Carlisle, March 21, 2020

John Salmi, KB1MGI, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on March 21, 2020 at 1:04 PM:

I placed the 2-meter 146.565 Fox Box in Carlisle Mass. To activate press DTMF tone 2 for 2 seconds for 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 15 minutes, repeat as needed.

If you want just a hint to narrow down the area of town Email me at KB1MGI55@Gmail.com.

If you want the parking location to save you time also email me.

Zola Net Meets March 19, 2020

Matt Chao, N1IBB, writes on the Middlesex ARC mailing list:

Hi, Folks.  Hope none of you are getting cabin fever from being cooped up in your ham shacks.  Anyway, it’s that time of the week again – the Zola Net!  Check in tomorrow night  at 7:00pm on 147.36, with a PL of 67.0.  The purpose of the Net is to enable new and experienced hams the opportunity to participate in a controlled net environment.  Talk with you all tomorrow night.

Fox Box Deployed in Westford, March 14, 2020

John Salmi, KB1MGI, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on March 14, 2020 at 10:08 AM:

I just placed out a 2 meter Fox Box in Westford on 146.565 Press DTMF tone two for 2 seconds for 15 minutes of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off. To reset again press DTMF tone 2 again.

I’ll leave it out for a week or until the batteries die.

If you want to know the location to save time, Email me: KB1MGI55@Gmail,com.

Maine Bicentennial Special Event Operation Pays Homage to the Original Nine Counties–and Boston, Massachusetts

The Maine Bicentennial Special Event,  March 16-22, 2020, recognizes Maine’s original nine counties from when the state was chartered in 1820.  There will also be three other special event stations operating from Jameson Tavern in Freeport, Portland, and Boston in recognition of their contributions to Maine’s Statehood.
Boston is the “longest continuously serving capital” in the United States, and served as capital for the District of Maine until 1820.

The Maine Bicentennial Special Event committee was formed from members of the Wireless Society of Southern Maine, along with members from the PenBay ARC.

According to the Committee, “We suspect most participants will be operating from their QTH.  We are asking those interested in participating in this event to discern where their QTH would have been in 1820 relative to that town, and county in 1820, and to participate in this event in that original county. The webpage will have a map as an aid for that amateur operator;  e.g., if you are now in Knox County, in 1820 you were likely in Lincoln or Hancock counties and would participate as a station in that county.” The Committee has created an online spreadsheet listing as many towns as possible related to the nine original counties.  

Operations will take place on HF, 6, and 2 meters
(no repeaters).  Modes are CW, phone, and digital. This allows all Maine Amateur Radio operators to participate in some form.  

“There will be Certificates available once we receive logs from the various stations that contacted the special event operators.  We’ll also need logs from participating operators to corroborate what is sent in. It is recommended that your log is sent in ADIF format. We’ll need the logs ASAP after the event.  More details on that will be available on the special event website.”
Please send an email to:  ws1sm@yahoo.com  if you are interested in operating, or if you have any questions. Be sure to title your message as: Maine 200 Special Event.

The Maine Bicentennial Special Event Stations are:

Cumberland: W1C
Hancock: W1H
Kennebec: W1K
Lincoln: W1L
Oxford: W1O
Penobscot: W1P
Somerset: W1S
Washington: W1W
York: W1Y

Jameson Tavern (Freeport): K1J
Town of Portland: K1P
City of Boston: K1B
According to the Executive Board member Tim Watson, KB1HNZ, there is still a need for individuals to operate the Boston special events station, K1B. “We have at least one ham who may be able to make it down [to Boston] for a portable operation, but it would be great to have a few more operators. The more, the better! Please help spread the word.”

Down Under Special Event Will Use Former Radio Australia Antennas

From ARRL Web:

Over the March 14 – 15 weekend, members of the Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club (SADARC) in Australia will be on the air as VI3RA (Radio Australia), connecting their transceivers to the curtain array and rhombic antennas at the former Radio Australia site in Shepparton. Radio Australia ceased transmitting from the site in 2017. VI3RA will operate on 40, 30, 20, 17, and 15 meters. [Full story]

School Club Roundup, February 10-14, 2020

Rohit Chaki, KC2UQC, operating W1AF

Date(s): February 10-14, 2020

Objective: To exchange QSO information with club stations that are part of an elementary, middle, high school or college. Non-school clubs and individuals are encouraged to participate. Sponsored by the ARRL, its Hudson Division Education Task Force and and the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC) to foster contacts with and among school radio clubs.

Award certificates will be issued for the following US and DX categories:

Schools: Elementary, Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School, High School and College/University
Non-school Clubs

See http://www.arrl.org/school-club-roundup for full details.

K1USN Radio Club QRV for “Freeze Your Butt Off”

“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes on the K1USN mailing list:
Tomorrow we plan to operate outside at K1USN during the FYBO (Freeze Your Butt Off) [Winter QRP Sprint, 1400Z-2400Z, February 1, 2020]. I plan to bring my KX3 and will connect to one of the regular K1USN antennas. Can someone bring a large thermometer so that we can display the current outside temp?
All are  welcome to participate and to bring along your QRP portable radio/antenna to have some fun. As always, the coffee will be hot inside K1USN!
BTW, we usually keep things really simple and just do paper logging!
FYBO Winter QRP Sprint
  Status: Active
  Mode: CW, SSB, Digital
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op (Home/Field)
Multi-Single (Home/Field)
Multi-Multi (Home/Field)
  Max power: 5 watts
  Exchange: RS(T) + (state/province/country)+ name + power out + temperature(F)
  Work stations: Once per band segment per mode
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
100 points per QSO with NQ7RP per mode per band
  Multipliers: state/province/country once per band
Field: x4
Alternative Power: x2
QRPp (<1W): x2
Temperature: 65F=x1, 50-64F=x2, 40-49F=x3, 30-39F=x4, 20-29F=x5,<20F=x6
  Score Calculation: Total score = (total QSO points x spc mults x temp mult x alt pwr mult x field mult x QRPp mult) + NQ7RP QSO points
  E-mail logs to: fybo[at]azscorpions[dot]org
  Upload log at: http://www.qrpcontest.com/
  Mail logs to: Mike Baker, K7DD
8845 W. Diana Ave.
Peoria, AZ 85345
  Find rules at: http://arizonascqrpions.apps-1and1.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FYBO_General-Near-Forever-Rules.pdf

Logs due: Mar 5

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for some fun on the air at K1USN! We expect to begin setup around 8:30 AM.

Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday, February 1, 2020 at 1000 AM EST

John O’Neill-K1JRO, ARES-DEC Healthcare Liaison, writes:

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the February 1, 2020 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be K1JRO, John O’Neill. The net will commence at the usual time of 10:00 AM using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5
2. Marshfield Repeater 145.390 tone 67.0
3. W. Bridgewater 146.775 DCS 244
4. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5 (For comments and NET closing)

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check-in procedure which is: Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to any health care facility or EOC of any city or town that is served by one of the participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at Net Control duties. If you are interested in joining the group please let us know. We can be reached by sending an email to ssharg@outlook.com. The goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many individuals and groups as possible.

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Group seeking licensed Amateur Radio Operators to join their group. For information on joining us please contact Amy Parker in Volunteer Services at AParker@southshorehealth.org

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters is available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month. More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3 (Sturdy Memorial Hospital)
Belmont 145.430 tone 146.2
Boston 145.230 tone encode 88.5 tone decode 100.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9
Mansfield EMA 446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Marshfield 145.390 tone 67.0
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 131.8
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5
Weymouth 147.345 tone 110.9 (South Shore Hospital)
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dcs 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing from you all on the Net.


John O’Neill K1JRO
President, South Shore Health Amateur Radio Group
ARES – DEC Healthcare Liaison

PART Winter Field Day Wrap-up

PART of Westford logoBrian McCaffrey, W1BP, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

Thank you to everyone that helped make our Winter Field Day a success. Alan’s sign-in log indicates 12 attendees.

On Friday, George and Alan helped get Bob’s 80m OCF antenna and tent up. On Saturday, Niece, Alan and George helped get the station running. Bob, W1FDR spent at least 4 hours at the mic getting phone QSOs over the two days. Andy and John worked CW in the evening. Alan and John did an awesome job serving as WSC attendants to fulfill our obligation to have a WSC member on-site at all times.

The log shows 158 QSOs. With 4,500 bonus points for outdoor, away from home, and generator power, our total claimed score is 7,508. Looking at the 2019 1O results, that would have been a top-10% result in the 1O category. We’ll see how we do when the actual scores are published for 2020.

We collected lessons learned at the event which we will share at the February membership meeting. If you have any comments or suggestions, please share them with me and I’ll brief them at the meeting.

We’re on to WFD 2021!



Cape Cod ARES Ice Show Exercise on 1/25/20 Successful – Several Off Cape Stations Also Participated

Frank-O’laughlin-WQ1O, Cape Cod ARES District Emergency Coordinator writes:

Cape Cod and Islands ARES conducted its annual winter field exercise on Saturday Jan 25th. We had 3 field teams, several EOCs, Falmouth Hospital, and many other stations We used 2m VHF, 6m, UHF, and 40/75m HF. It was a good outing with several new members participating.

Rob Macedo-KD1CY, Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator, writes:

This was a great exercise executed by Cape Cod ARES yesterday, Saturday 1/25/20. A number of off Cape stations also participated. Some reports on the exercise have also been received and a sampling is listed below:

K1WCC-Henry Brown – Cape Cod ARES Assistant DEC Exercise Report

Marlborough EMA and ARES Drill Report from KV1J-Eric Williams

KD1CY-Rob Macedo ARES SEC Home Station Report

WQ1O-Frank also posted a Facebook post of the Cape Cod ARES exercise in action with pictures and that can be seen here:

Cape Cod ARES 1/25/2020 Exercise Facebook Post

Many thanks to those in Cape Cod and Eastern Massachusetts ARES who made this exercise a success!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com
Like us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/wx1box
Follow us on Twitter – http://twitter.com/wx1box